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#1 |
The insecurity in the western culture will never be able to be overcome by the westerners themself, as history proved, your own inferiority and weakness must be mended by another race, the east asians. India is a showcase of what will happen when the world is left to the western power alone: A cesspool of degeneracy and slavery, corruption, stupidity. East asia must stand up and be strong, that is the best service we can offer to the world.
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#4 |
You have not made an argument worth analyzing. There is no argument at all.
Any moron can say "Look at A, this is what everything would be like if Z group continues to rule..." That's not a thesis, it is a statement by a retard, a drunk, or some religious fanatic. This site is not for your racial cheerleading bullshit. If you are really proud and secure in your beliefs you would not need to cheerlead in the first place, you would be about the business of building a strong nation or community. |
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#6 |
What do you mean? There are several sites like this on the net...type AZN Pride in google, you will find a is pretty pathetic. ---------- Post added 2010-09-16 at 12:03 ---------- The insecurity in the western culture will never be able to be overcome by the westerners themself, as history proved, your own inferiority and weakness must be mended by another race, the east asians. India is a showcase of what will happen when the world is left to the western power alone: A cesspool of degeneracy and slavery, corruption, stupidity. East asia must stand up and be strong, that is the best service we can offer to the world. |
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#8 |
I am chinese in China since my birth, have never been to the USA. Your best hope of achieving your delusion is promoting the ASEAN + 3 dialogue and hope it merges into an Asian "EU" but don't hold your breath, unlike Europe, Asian cultural diversity is much higher, nationalism much deeper, and China is far too big. It is like the early EU inviting a nation as big as Russia in, obviously Russia would have dominated it. China is too big, and there is no way in hell that the Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indonesians are going to kowtow to China in some supranational body...forget it. Which is why all of those nations are right not asking the U.S. for more support AGAINST China militarily in the South and East China Seas. ![]() Sorry to burst your bubble but you live in some fantasy land. You obviously have no concept of the true reality of the region you 'say you are from". |
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#10 |
India is a showcase of what will happen when the world is left to the western power alone: A cesspool of degeneracy and slavery, corruption, stupidity. I am sure a person relatively well read in political sciences is familiar with the Caste reservation business that is prevalent in the education and economic system of India. It is based on the fact that the Brahmins, in the ancient times, were the most well read/well versed in the sacred and scientific texts. Historically, the basic training of a Brahmin consisted of being trained in the skill of chanting the Vedas. We all know that is no education in today's standard. Yet, the corrupt Pariah nationalists justify their motives by infuriatingly asserting that the caste system is a merely Brahmanical phenomenon, and attempt to explain the intellectual differences between Brahmins and Pariahs to the historical suppression of lower castes by Brahmins (and Brahmins alone, apparently). With this claim as the weapon in their hands, they justify the shortcomings of the lower castes by demanding allocation of reservations for the lower castes in academic institutions and workplaces. All this, despite having already implemented land reform movements that has stripped the Brahmins of whatever little wealth they possessed. They, the Pariah nationalists, have no real facts to back up their erroneous claims. The fact of the matter is that throughout history, the average Brahmin was neither a ruler nor a business person. Yet, it is they who are denied reservation, or atleast a meritocratic system to live in! The vast majority of them lived below poverty line, and largely involved themselves in the pursuit of constant meditation, mastering the sacred texts, while at the same time, living in dire poverty. Now, the Vedas and other texts are accessible to all and even the lowest of low Pariah is able to read upon the intricacies of the Vedas. Yet they use that very small historical fact to lessen the load of their backs. Therefore, by having confirmed 50% reserved seats of all total seats in all colleges and government jobs, that means a sure entry for Universities and Companies for the Dalits regardless of whether they scored low or how poorly equipped they are and that means Brahmins not being able to get University seats and Jobs even if they are more educated and excel(led) in their exams and studies. The Indian government, largely run by non-upper castes, is attempting to push the Pariahs up the social scale/echelon by providing them extra priviledges such as free primary, secondary and into some cases tertiary education and reserved university seats and employment opportunities for the aforementioned, largely non-productive, less intelligent lot and negatively discriminate against the upper castes (specifically Brahmins) by setting up a quota in Educational and Public Institutions. This brain-drain is further instigated by the fact that institutions and firms are obliged to employ/accept as many non-upper caste individuals as possible into their fold, and they require only a minimum mark so as to be able to obtain seats or vocational training whereas the upper castes have to get the best mark possible so as to obtain the seat or job. Caste Reservation is regressive and essentially a hindrance to India's progression. India's economic progression is owing to the success of the private sector. The random corners of prosperity of India is owing to the blood and toil of the private sector. The private sector is dominated by progressive thinking entrepreneurs, who, ironically, tend to hail from the higher castes. On the other hand, the public sector, run by the government, is the most disorganized structure a political system can have. The Dalits themselves have failed to come up in society and in life as a whole despite this spoon feeding. The so called Dalit nationalists aren't really working towards the progression and upliftment of the community and our country. They claim to represent and embody the struggle of their people, but in reality use their own brethren as a mere scapegoat to accumulate power. Successive Dalit leaders have done absolutely nothing worthwhile for the community after getting elected with their own ethnic compatriots’ support. It’s been 63 years since these people came into power, but nothing has changed for them. India’s economic progression and private sector boom has been the sole handiwork of the upper castes, this is a fact for everyone to see. For example, the IT industry that is now flourishing in South India was initially brought to the India by the south Indian Brahmins. Indians stupid? Well I am sure that is subject to debate. But that's a different debate in itself, so never mind that for now, my dear 炒面. What India needs to aim for is a better balance between the less, and more physically and mentally endowed sections of the various peoples and ethnic groups of India. India should also aim to gradually eliminate or at least lessen the hereditarily unfit and the mentally deficient populations. India will never be a superpower in the generic sense solely due to this. The reason why China is racing ahead of India in terms of overall development and infrastructure is solely due to the fact that the ruthless Chinese government disregards the basic human and emotional needs of it's citizens. It is noted that the Chinese government forces villagers to move en mass elsewhere if their homes come in the way of an infrastructural project, f.e building bridges or roads. Houses are bulldozed regardless of the opinion of the people who live in them. This is the dark side of your fast paced development. On the other hand, the Indian constitution has so many laws with regards to the aforementioned matters, it takes years to finish an infrastructural project in India due to the consequent complications that follow such a proposal. In a way, Indian government looks into certain matters a little too much, whereas the Chinese government couldn't give a damn less about the people's welfare. India, like China is heavily populated and probably has a higher population per square km than China. India's cultural, ethnic and political demographics are far more complicated than that of China's. A diverse nation is a weak nation, but for now Indians have to do whatever they can to make the best of the situation. I envy the homogeneousness of Chinese society, but mind you, I envy them only with regards to that ![]() |
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#11 |
That is pure nonsense. India's current state of affairs is as such not due to British colonialism but due to corruption and caste reservation. Indeed they contributed towards the damage but they weren't (and aren't) the sole cause of India's poverty. Caste reservation is essentially the crippling vice of India, including it's string of Dalit nationalists who have done nothing for the Pariahs other than playing around with caste politics and instigating caste related violence and ethnic unrest, all in the name of garnering votes. Yes, colonialism did not contribute to current Indias problem single handedly, the ancient system of many castes as you cited as the main cause is in fact very alive in modern western society. The caste system is a part of spirit of the caucasian people. Colonial capitalism is a modernized version of indian caste system, only there is enough money to insolate social and racial conflicts in the privilieged capitalist west. They conquer by infiltration, force, that is the start of degeneration down to the caste system. Humanism without equal competitors will remain a piece of wancking art.
I am sure a person relatively well read in political sciences is familiar with the Caste reservation business that is prevalent in the education and economic system of India. It is based on the fact that the Brahmins, in the ancient times, were the most well read/well versed in the sacred and scientific texts. Historically, the basic training of a Brahmin consisted of being trained in the skill of chanting the Vedas. We all know that is no education in today's standard. Yet, the corrupt Pariah nationalists justify their motives by infuriatingly asserting that the caste system is a merely Brahmanical phenomenon, and attempt to explain the intellectual differences between Brahmins and Pariahs to the historical suppression of lower castes by Brahmins (and Brahmins alone, apparently). With this claim as the weapon in their hands, they justify the shortcomings of the lower castes by demanding allocation of reservations for the lower castes in academic institutions and workplaces. All this, despite having already implemented land reform movements that has stripped the Brahmins of whatever little wealth they possessed. They, the Pariah nationalists, have no real facts to back up their erroneous claims. The fact of the matter is that throughout history, the average Brahmin was neither a ruler nor a business person. Yet, it is they who are denied reservation, or atleast a meritocratic system to live in! The vast majority of them lived below poverty line, and largely involved themselves in the pursuit of constant meditation, mastering the sacred texts, while at the same time, living in dire poverty. Now, the Vedas and other texts are accessible to all and even the lowest of low Pariah is able to read upon the intricacies of the Vedas. Yet they use that very small historical fact to lessen the load of their backs. Therefore, by having confirmed 50% reserved seats of all total seats in all colleges and government jobs, that means a sure entry for Universities and Companies for the Dalits regardless of whether they scored low or how poorly equipped they are and that means Brahmins not being able to get University seats and Jobs even if they are more educated and excel(led) in their exams and studies. The Indian government, largely run by non-upper castes, is attempting to push the Pariahs up the social scale/echelon by providing them extra priviledges such as free primary, secondary and into some cases tertiary education and reserved university seats and employment opportunities for the aforementioned, largely non-productive, less intelligent lot and negatively discriminate against the upper castes (specifically Brahmins) by setting up a quota in Educational and Public Institutions. Since India is try to solve the caste issue it will be good for you, China and Japan would like to help and we are not fake gods like colonialists. A multiracial country is hard to sustain itself without foreign resources, however under modern threat of neoolonialism from the west the issue in India will always be compounded and complicated exponentially. The west is good at infiltration, propaganda, blackbox manipulation. You should know who to blame not just sticking the finger at the enemies right before you. Not only in India, China also has a thousands of years of ethnic wars since Spring&Autumn period, aftermath of which is still to be an effective gain for western colonialist exploitation, the issues of Tibet, Japan and Korea between China are also being complicated by the western agendas. True tibetans know, if China was not to be trusted, the west is not better, so the solution is always stick with their own culture and choose to bring the ethnic issue out of political debates, concentrating on sharing ethnic culture and spiritual teaching. Dalai Lama does it well. India should also do the same for their own people, so far I see Indian government relies on the west too much that is WHY your domestic ethnic issues are ever complicating. India need to choose its own historically suitable standpoint, aiming truly to solve the issue out of mutual trust. The more you trust the US, the more division you will have within your own country. India could be a model of mutually compensating western and eastern social models, if the issue of India could be solved through both sides effort, it will be the greatest humanist achievement in history. Forget about the US, they are just bunch of parasitic capitalists. This brain-drain is further instigated by the fact that institutions and firms are obliged to employ/accept as many non-upper caste individuals as possible into their fold, and they require only a minimum mark so as to be able to obtain seats or vocational training whereas the upper castes have to get the best mark possible so as to obtain the seat or job. Caste Reservation is regressive and essentially a hindrance to India's progression. India's economic progression is owing to the success of the private sector. The random corners of prosperity of India is owing to the blood and toil of the private sector. The private sector is dominated by progressive thinking entrepreneurs, who, ironically, tend to hail from the higher castes. On the other hand, the public sector, run by the government, is the most disorganized structure a political system can have. The Dalits themselves have failed to come up in society and in life as a whole despite this spoon feeding. The so called Dalit nationalists aren't really working towards the progression and upliftment of the community and our country. They claim to represent and embody the struggle of their people, but in reality use their own brethren as a mere scapegoat to accumulate power. Successive Dalit leaders have done absolutely nothing worthwhile for the community after getting elected with their own ethnic compatriots’ support. It’s been 63 years since these people came into power, but nothing has changed for them. India’s economic progression and private sector boom has been the sole handiwork of the upper castes, this is a fact for everyone to see. For example, the IT industry that is now flourishing in South India was initially brought to the India by the south Indian Brahmins. Why the high caste people are tended to success in business? because they had historical privilege in education and material resources. If the castes keep blaming each other the issue will never be solved! India still lacks the ideal of mutual trust, if the castes can only get along with each others well when split then let them be split. Capitalist indians are much like those neocolonial capitalist in the west which keep enlarging their cattle den as free market and resources to exploit. The west never cared about those dalits, ironically, as a racialist east asian I do. I do not want the next a few billion people to live in another India, something must be mended today. If it is necessary to racially exterminated corrupted people, whites, blacks, oversea asian, let it be so. What India needs to aim for is a better balance between the less, and more physically and mentally endowed sections of the various peoples and ethnic groups of India. India should also aim to gradually eliminate or at least lessen the hereditarily unfit and the mentally deficient populations. India will never be a superpower in the generic sense solely due to this. No, India will never be even a power let alone a superpower. Solve your nations issues first. It is disgusting to look at, with the Indonesia and Southamerica racing right behind you. East asians should be alarmed by the current situation of the so call Third World nations, who makes the Third Worlds? The colonialist disease carrying parasites. That is why I say the world need a powerful East Asia, and learn from our tradition of brotherhood, equality, civility, humility and compassion. The west denies our qualities while they practise colonial evils on colonied lands. The reason why China is racing ahead of India in terms of overall development and infrastructure is solely due to the fact that the ruthless Chinese government disregards the basic human and emotional needs of it's citizens. It is noted that the Chinese government forces villagers to move en mass elsewhere if their homes come in the way of an infrastructural project, f.e building bridges or roads. Houses are bulldozed regardless of the opinion of the people who live in them. This is the dark side of your fast paced development. No, you get it wrong, majority chinese support our government and they know how to compromise themself for the greater good. The inhumanity is on the Indias part not ours. Some crudely forced moves in chinese cities are not government approved but a few regional scoundrels who control local business, they will be quickly disposed of as usual. On the other hand, the Indian constitution has so many laws with regards to the aforementioned matters, it takes years to finish an infrastructural project in India due to the consequent complications that follow such a proposal. In a way, Indian government looks into certain matters a little too much, whereas the Chinese government couldn't give a damn less about the people's welfare. India, like China is heavily populated and probably has a higher population per square km than China. Indias wellfare is on par with Subsaharan Africa, no kidding, also the candid human relationship, corruption, wars are the worst. Why? Because someone do not want to end it. It is necessary to break down the privileged businesses in order to offer a fair environment for competition. The west is behind the India muddling social improvement, it is the western colonialists who disguised as humanists support the corrupted privileged class in India, offering them honors like richest men, or a seat beside their feasts. You need to get over those colonial apeturd to help your own people. This is how colonialism works, they will buy your corrupted class, offering protection, encouraging religious/ethnic tension, poisoning your culture with fake liberty, humanism. Especially Humanism is a big piel of bullshiit in capitalists mouth, where it become a tool to instigate class conflicts, divide national unity, and postpone the inevitable reckoning on corruption. China is poor, but our health, longivity, and social unity are among the highest, because we fought for it. But the whole situation in the world is sad and you still lack some insights I expect from you. In reality people from the colonized lands disappoint me with their arrogance and hypocrisy, anyway you are still the better of them so far. Chinese government is doing its best for its people. It is time for India to humbly learn from its eastern neighbors, stop copying western propagandas. India's cultural, ethnic and political demographics are far more complicated than that of China's. A diverse nation is a weak nation, but for now Indians have to do whatever they can to make the best of the situation. I envy the homogeneousness of Chinese society, but mind you, I envy them only with regards to that ![]() |
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#13 |
I'd much rather have Chinese World Order than Indian World Order. ![]() |
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#14 |
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