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Old 03-17-2010, 02:49 AM   #1

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Default Some questions about Asians and Racism
Are Asians or people with Asian influence( in this case half European),just as racist as whites? Since whites are normally labelled as being institutionally racist.

NHS doctor accused in race case is young Tory

One of the NHS doctors accused by a black medical student of racism in a £300,000 court claim is a prominent young Conservative.

Richard Pinder, who is a leading member of the Conservative Medical Society which influences Tory policy on health issues, allegedly made racist remarks about black people to Virginia Jibowu while the pair were at King's College medical school.

In legal papers, Ms Jibowu, who is of Nigerian origin, says: "Mr Pinder asked me if black men were less intelligent than other people [and] if black people were more prone to becoming fat.

"He also said that he had stopped contacting a mutual friend because he had become 'too black'."

Dr Pinder - a junior doctor at St Thomas' Hospital - today said: "I am deeply shocked by these allegations. I strenuously deny acting in an offensive or racist way towards Ms Jibowu."

Another doctor, Emily Bowen, has been accused by Ms Jibowu of suggesting a killer disease be introduced into Africa to wipe out all the blacks.

Ms Jibowu enrolled on the college's six-year extended medical degree course for students from disadvantaged backgrounds in September 2002.

She says that students on her course had to wear a special badge, which led to their being bullied by counterparts on the regular five-year degree programme. King's College and the former students all strenuously deny Ms Jibowu's allegations. Her case is due to be heard later this year.

Ms Jibowu, of South Lambeth, is suing the college at Central London county court for harassment, race discrimination and victimisation. She says that while the students she has accused of racism graduated, the college refused to investigate many of her complaints, deliberately failed her and tried to stop her re-sitting the course. In legal papers submitted to the court, she says: "The college disregarded my complaints and graduated all students complained about.

"All of the alleged racists are now practising as doctors in the NHS."

Ms Jibowu is demanding more than £300,000 for loss of earnings, aggravated damages and injury to health and feelings.
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standa...-young-tory.do Racists ostracised me at medical school, says student - now they are NHS doctors


A BLACK medical student who claims she was bullied by racists on her course is suing her college for more than £300,000.

Virginia Jibowu, 25, from South Lambeth, says that she was ostracised by white students in an "institutionally racist" environment at London's King's College medical school.

She says that while the students she has accused of racism graduated, the college refused to investigate many of her complaints, deliberately failed her and tried to stop her re-sitting the course.

Ms Jibowu, who is of Nigerian origin, says that fellow students refused to shop, eat or share a shower-room with her in their accommodation.

She alleges that one woman student suggested introducing a killer disease into Africa to wipe out all blacks.

Ms Jibowu is suing the college, which is part of the University of London, at Central London County Court for harassment, race discrimination and victimisation.

In legal papers submitted to the court, she said: "All of the alleged racists are now practising as doctors in the NHS. This can only ingrain the problem of institutional racism within the medical practice."
Virginia Jibowu, pictured with Dr Richard Pinder
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Old 03-17-2010, 07:35 PM   #2

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I think the word racism is thrown around far too often these days. Was it institutionally racist of KCL when they allowed her onto her course in the first place? Infact some would argue that it was because she was admitted on to the Extended Medical Degree Program (EMDP) because she was an ethnic minority from a poor area. Students on the EMDP get on to the course with lower grades than in the normal stream, they spend a year more studying and more money is spent per student on the EMDP than on the normal course.
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Old 03-17-2010, 08:04 PM   #3

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Some Asians are extremely racist. The Chinese are notoriously racist these days. In the UN, they frequently vote against Israel. In a country where books and media are heavily censored, a state-owned publisher is publishing the Chinese version of the most egregious fraud "the Protocols of Zion"


The Chinese Anti-African Hate Riots


But, back to the article: I hope that the Nigerian lady wins her lawsuit
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Old 03-17-2010, 08:22 PM   #4

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KCL and other London medical schools, overall, have the highest proportion of non-native Britons in the country. The last thing KCL's administration can be accused of is institutional racism when they allow so many other bright students of Indian, Pakistani and East Asian origin into their ranks.

As with every other university's cohort, you'll get the mandatory oddball student who refuses to fit in, or is "socially handicapped" by prior experiences.

The fact that she's alleging some sort of conspiracy against KCL and the other students, together with the fact that everyone has "strenuously denied" her allegations, leads me to believe she's simply an insecure individual.

Publicizing what should have remained an internal affair will not bode well for her, as she's practically ruined her chances of a transfer to other medical institutions.

As for Dr. Pinder, I believe there's a fair chance he's being made out as a scapegoat of sorts by this medical student because he happens to be a "prominent Tory".
The context of his words needs to be considered. Unfortunately, as we've only heard this woman's perspective, it's impossible to determine whether Pinder meant his comments as a joke or in a jingoistic manner.

Folks from outside London need to understand that, as the BNP's thoroughly anti-multicultural mantra indicates, the city is the most diverse and tolerant place in England.

As someone who has traveled across England and is "in the system", I consider her argument to be very hard to believe.
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Old 03-17-2010, 08:29 PM   #5

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Some Asians are extremely racist. The Chinese are notoriously racist these days. In the UN, they frequently vote against Israel. In a country where books and media are heavily censored, a state-owned publisher is publishing the Chinese version of the most egregious fraud "the Protocols of Zion"


The Chinese Anti-African Hate Riots


But, back to the article: I hope that the Nigerian lady wins her lawsuit
Voting against Israel doesn't make a country necessarily racist. The Soivet Union consistently voted against Israel at the same time they granted lots and lots of aid to African communist countries. What aid did Israel ever give to Africa? They only picked up the Beta Israel to use them as cheap labor, and I've read several pieces of news that say they're discriminated inside Israel.
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Old 03-17-2010, 08:35 PM   #6

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The Chinese are notoriously racist these days. In the UN, they frequently vote against Israel.
You'd be hard-pressed to consider Israelis a "race", considering their relatively large genetic diversity and recent influx of immigrants from beyond the Levant.

A culturo-religious group, most probably. A racial group? Definitely not.
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Old 03-18-2010, 12:24 AM   #7

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Voting against Israel doesn't make a country necessarily racist. The Soivet Union consistently voted against Israel at the same time they granted lots and lots of aid to African communist countries. What aid did Israel ever give to Africa? They only picked up the Beta Israel to use them as cheap labor, and I've read several pieces of news that say they're discriminated inside Israel.
The Israelis were the first ones in Haiti to set up tents hospitals. The DR with other nations also provided aid. I bring this up because I get the impression that you think Dominican Repunlic is always discriminating against Haiti. But you should speak to some and see who the feel more brotherly too. Another person from the same region but spanish speaking. Or a Ghanaian in the EU. The Ethiopian Jews are still Jews, even if the caucasoid Israelis discriminate against them.
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Old 03-18-2010, 02:52 AM   #8

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Some Asians are extremely racist. The Chinese are notoriously racist these days. In the UN, they frequently vote against Israel. In a country where books and media are heavily censored, a state-owned publisher is publishing the Chinese version of the most egregious fraud "the Protocols of Zion"


The Chinese Anti-African Hate Riots


But, back to the article: I hope that the Nigerian lady wins her lawsuit
I know myself that some Asians can be like this and what was suprising that they are even Anti-African but when viewing this it reminded me on how the Chinese are still traditional in their way of thinking like calling Africans "black devils".
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Old 03-18-2010, 11:06 PM   #9

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Are Asians or people with Asian influence( in this case half European),just as racist as whites? Since whites are normally labelled as being institutionally racist.
Why do you ask 'are Asians just as racist as whites'? This to me suggests that you view white people as the number one racists? Look, you get racism from any peoples, believe it or not, even from Africans. If anything its the African racism against Asians and Europeans that is a hardly spoken about subject.

Anyways just responding to one of the newspaper articles.
Virginia Jibowu, 25, from South Lambeth, says that she was ostracised by white students in an "institutionally racist" environment at London's King's College medical school.
So she was ostracised white students and not Asian students?

She says that while the students she has accused of racism graduated,
That’s what normally happens when you pass your degree, you end up graduating.

the college refused to investigate many of her complaints, deliberately failed her
From what I’ve seen from at least the university I went to, if you failed a module by 1 mark or so they might push your grade up from a fail to a third (eg. From 38%/39% to 40%). But failing people who would have passed just sounds like a bad lie to be honest. Why would they deliberately fail a student in which they’ve invested a significant amount of time and money on? There is normally quality control as well, at my uni exams were marked twice by different people so nothing 'iffy' goes on.

and tried to stop her re-sitting the course.
Well universities have regulations, and in most courses if you fail in the spring then you have to resit your failed modules in August/September time but you are capped at 40% (a 3rd). I’m not sure about Medical school but I would think that there weren’t opportunities for resitting examinations unless you had genuine mitigating circumstances. The regulations at my uni were that if you failed the year you would have to withdraw from the university, there were no chances of repeating the year. I know I certainly wouldn’t want a doctor who had to repeat the year.

Ms Jibowu, who is of Nigerian origin,
Well Nigerians are notorious for their money scams.

says that fellow students refused to shop, eat or share a shower-room with her in their accommodation.
Just because students refused to shop, eat or share a shower room with her in their accommodation doesn’t even mean they were being racist against her. They just might not have liked her, this is like saying that if I don’t get along with someone who happens to come from where I don't come from, then I must be a racist.

She alleges that one woman student suggested introducing a killer disease into Africa to wipe out all blacks.
Wasn’t there a thread about controlling Africas birth rate with the introduction of AIDs. Some people seem to think that AIDs were ‘accidentally’ spread into sub-Saharan populations and the gay population of New York by contaminated hepatitis B vaccinations back in the 1970s. http://www.originofaids.com/

Virginia Jibowu, pictured with Dr Richard Pinder
Yes this photo looks like it captures the epitome of racism.

KCL and other London medical schools, overall, have the highest proportion of non-native Britons in the country. The last thing KCL's administration can be accused of is institutional racism when they allow so many other bright students of Indian, Pakistani and East Asian origin into their ranks.
Exactly the notion that a London based Medical School could be institutionally racist is absurd. If I were a betting man then I would put my money on KCL having more Asian students than European students.
Publicizing what should have remained an internal affair will not bode well for her, as she's practically ruined her chances of a transfer to other medical institutions.
Exactly she went public with her story, I bet she made alot of money selling her story to the press.
Folks from outside London need to understand that, as the BNP's thoroughly anti-multicultural mantra indicates, the city is the most diverse and tolerant place in England.
Lets be honest London is probably one of the most diverse places on the planet.
As someone who has traveled across England and is "in the system", I consider her argument to be very hard to believe.
Voting against Israel doesn't make a country necessarily racist. The Soivet Union consistently voted against Israel at the same time they granted lots and lots of aid to African communist countries. What aid did Israel ever give to Africa? They only picked up the Beta Israel to use them as cheap labor, and I've read several pieces of news that say they're discriminated inside Israel.
I wonder according to Holden Caulfield if those Jews that refuse to serve for the Israeli Defence Force within the Palestinian territories appropriated post-1967 are anti-Semites as well?
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Old 03-18-2010, 11:22 PM   #10

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Lets be honest London is probably one of the most diverse places on the planet.
Looking at the official statistics I think I'd agree, but when I went to London I didn't see that much diversity among the natives (i.e. non-tourists) over there. Just a few Black Carribean people and some Russians (I'mvery proud because I could rightly distinguish a Russian girl from a British girl while there).

Maybe I just stayed too much in the places visited by tourists. Maybe I should've gone to the suburbs to really see it. Anyway, I think Paris was more diverse, at least on the subway.
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Old 03-23-2010, 09:03 PM   #11

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Maybe I just stayed too much in the places visited by tourists. Maybe I should've gone to the suburbs to really see it. Anyway, I think Paris was more diverse, at least on the subway.
I live in the suburbs, according to wikipedia the demographics of the Borough based on a 2005 estimate was:

Ethnicity | Percentage

White British = 57.7%
White Irish = 2.9%
Other White = 10.6%
White & Black Caribbean = 0.6%
White & Black African = 0.6%
White & Asian = 1.1%
Other Mixed = 1.1%
Indian = 8.8%
Pakistani = 1.6%
Bangladeshi = 0.6%
Other Asian = 2.1%
Black Caribbean = 1.3%
Black African = 5.1%
Other Black = 0.4%
Chinese = 2.3%
Other = 3.2%

Its quite diverse, also note how white english people make up the overwhelming majority of the population and no other group is anywhere near overtaking them.

Old 03-26-2010, 01:36 AM   #12

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My city is far more diverse than London.


53.1 white + native american. 46.9 not white or native american. If you subtract the native americans, Toronto is probably 51% white. And of that 51%, at least half are immigrants themselves, with thick accents from places like Russia, Italy, Israel, Scotland, Eastern Europe, etc. So Toronto is maybe 25% native born white Canadians, 25% foreign born white, 25% native born minorities, and 25% foreign born minorities (from 100's of countries).

Only 19% British Isles origin in Toronto. 120 years ago it was 95%.
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Old 03-31-2010, 05:24 PM   #13

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Are Asians or people with Asian influence( in this case half European),just as racist as whites? Since whites are normally labelled as being institutionally racist.
Speaking from personal experience I can report that Asian kids are institutionally taught that blacks are institutionally lazy.
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Old 03-31-2010, 07:41 PM   #14

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I remember a Chinese employee telling me to double check the work of an African employee, the African was a refugee from the Congo, because Blacks are not intelligent or methodical.
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Old 04-20-2010, 08:16 AM   #15

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I think some Asians in Asia mostly, are bold about their racism against black people. Look at these commercials.
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Old 04-20-2010, 01:16 PM   #16

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East Asians don't like blacks,it's fact.But we don't hate blacks,that's another thing
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Old 04-21-2010, 01:20 AM   #17

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East Asians don't like blacks,it's fact.But we don't hate blacks,that's another thing
I suppose it's not completely suprising at all but I'm sure that they don't hate them.
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Old 04-21-2010, 01:32 AM   #18

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since I think I am the only Asian who has lived in East Asia (both Shanghai, China (1999) and Tokyo Japan (2001-2002) I can probably speak about the issue, especially being black.

I wrote this post a while ago, it started as an e-mail to a friend who asked me about going to Japan (he is also black and lived in Japan and Korea, for a year each after hearing of my experience, married to a Korean woman now, living in the U.S. again) Lets cut out the mass general stereotypes...'Asians hate blacks" (uhm, you are talking about over 2 billion people) and Asians are more "racist" (without defining racism or what you consider a racist action).

I can only speak for myself and what I have observed. I also was married to a Japanese woman (only racist in her family was her maternal grandmother who is 90 years old) and I have Mainland Chinese friends and Taiwanese friends (people I've known for years, that I practice speaking Mandarin with. In the U.S. I attend Autumn Festivals with them, Chinese New Year Celebration, Nato parties with Japanese, blah blah...usually I'm one of 2 or 3 blacks present, sometimes the only one. Point at hand, I've spent a lot of time around East Asians. I've also been to Cambodia, Vietnamese, Taiwan, South Korea, and Thailand. Most of these trips were taken while living in Japan, because it is very cheap to fly to Asian from Japan, but I went to Vietnam and Cambodia last fall for vacation (Ho Chin Mihn City (Saigon) and then on to Akgor Wat)...was in China in 2008 (Beijing) before the Olympics. I was in Tokyo last year too, saw my ex-wife, looked up some folks. Anyway...

I lived in Tokyo, Japan for one year in 2001-2002. I studied abroad in China in 1999. Since 2002, I have traveled to Mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia (Bali). I wanted to give my view of racism toward blacks in East Asia, specifically...(don't have enough experience to really discuss Southeast Asia, but I felt they were more laid back).

First, due to the "one drop rule" many people we consider "black" in the United States, are not "black" in other nations. For example, a African American female friend I had who did development work in Vietnam, was assumed to be an Arab, because the people did not know what else to think. Some people even thought she maybe some type of Cambodian (Khmer). There stereotype (usually correct) is that Cambodians are darker,some of them are darker than my friend, but they don't usually have kinky hair, but whatever...these are country peasants trying to figure out a very foreign person. :-)

Speaking of women, generally, in my experience, women don't intimidate people, especially other men, not in a way that make men feel afraid of their presence. For example, 2 black women walking down the street in China likely will draw some stares of curiosity (depending on the country), however two black men might inspire some fear in people.

Of the places I've been in East Asia, I would say from best to worst it would be Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Mainland China (well maybe Korea and China are the same) depending on a person's tolerance for different types of ignorance.

I can say confidently the most racist and/or xenophobic Asians I have encountered are Koreans. When I was there on vacation (while living in Japan) they usually thought my ex-wife was Korean (she was Japanese) and they (particularly men) would assume I was a U.S. service man and would make nasty comments and faces, especially at night some drunk Koreans try to pick fights, it was crazy. I lived in Tokyo for one year and never experienced the level of ignorance I had in Korea in 4 days. I’m not saying all Koreans are racist, in fact I went there to visit two friends I knew from my undergrad days, but they have a very high percentage of idiots in such a small country.

Compared to Korea, and to my surprise, Vietnam and Cambodia has little to know obvious racism, but I was only in those places for a few days each and I was "living it up" so people figured I was a rich American. I met a Nigerian soccer player in 'Nam, who said that Vietnamese people were racist if you are African, but they like Americans. I can believe that. All I can speak to is my experience. I was treated very well, better than any place in Asia, but for Japan.

To be fair, if Koreans were not this nationalistic/xenophobic, based on their population size and history they would probably not exist today as a separate people as they would have been taken over and absorbed by China or Japan by now. People who are constantly under threat historically are often cool to outsiders (many Jews, Russians, hell black Americans...they say some of the most racist stuff I've ever heard and feel they get a pass due to "their history", etc). I do like Korean food, and it is weird, I live in the Washington D.C. area and there are many Koreans around here and we shop at Korean grocery stores a lot. But, the Koreans here are more Americanized or just more tolerant, even the ones who were born in Korea, they are usually no problem.

The big differences I think in Asia and America is that people are not politically correct, and say things (I speak some Japanese and intermediate Mandarin) that most Americans would find overtly racist, but East Asians don’t seem to think anything of it. Due to culture and lack of contact with people from multiracial societies, to grossly stereotype out loud based on group affiliation seems completely normal and acceptable to a certain extent. Most of my Chinese friends think racism is when you do something bad to someone because of their ethnicity/race (which Asians usually use interchangeably) they don't think saying things is "racism". Then again in East Asia, to tell a woman you know "you are getting so fat" is not considered nearly as bad as here; it is common. However, if you make a "off" joke about someone's future children that is negative, that is highly offensive.

I would say that the Japanese seemed the least likely blurt racist things; whereas, Mainland Chinese seemed to be the most likely. Some of it is cultural, some of it is contact. Mainland Chinese were much more curious about me and many of them that I had met had never spoke to a foreigner at all (because they are still rare in many parts of China and most can’t speak Mandarin, most Chinese don't speak English). In Japan some very young kids or very old people might stare, but the average person just ignores me, then again, there are also many foreigners in Tokyo (black, white, Middle Eastern, foreign Asians, etc). Japanese have dealt with Americans (black and white) for over 60 years, so for most of them it is not a big deal, although some might not like American soldiers in their country, but that is an Okinawan and right wing issue, in Tokyo, most people are indifferent.

I've been to a few places Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands) for short visits, I think a big thing is that in Asia there are no hate groups, in fact, besides Koreans, I can not say that I felt hated or scared for my safety anywhere. I can’t say the same for some areas of the United States where I can be quite sure I would be assaulted for being black, especially with a white woman or Hispanic, in some urban areas of New York or L.A. I walked all over Tokyo, from the poorest areas (like Shin-Okubo) to wealthy areas. Some people would stare, but no one would approach me in a hostile way or make nasty faces. Japanese really don't believe in showing negative emotions in public, unless someone made them very very angry (usually having lost face). Chinese are similar but less so. Koreans seemed to be, on average, the most emotional, often in a negative way. They are just reserved, even more than Germans and Swiss, which is saying a hell of a lot.

That leads me to the biggest difference, something I never thought about in America, there is a serious dividing line between discrimination based on fear of the unknown and hatred. In America (and Europe) there are many people who hate non-whites or black people specifically and want them dead or deported. I do not think I ever met any Asians in Asia who just hated blacks and wanted them dead. Even in Korea, many of those men hated Americans, the military specifically, some of them might have had anti-black prejudice, but I do not believe they just hated all black people because they exist. Compare this to racist Italian Americans that used to try to pick fights with me when I was in Junior High in Chicago or skinheads in Russia or even some I saw in Switzerland that hang out around the train stations. There is no equivalent in East Asia that I’m aware of. Maybe because there are not enough foreigners to be threatening.

In most of these countries they are fairly ethnically homogeneous with few foreigners on the street, or non-East Asians (which is quite different from the reality of most Western nations). For example in the Shanghai or Beijing subway there might be a Yao, Mongols, Koreans, etc all born in China, but they don't stand out, so no one knows they are not Han Chinese. Some minorities in China do stand out, like many Tibetans (not all) and Uyghurs, but you won't find many of them outside their autonomous areas (basically big reservations). Beijing does have a Uighur community but it is small, nothing like Chinatown in San Francisco. Japan is 98% Japanese, you can sit on the trains all day in Tokyo and see maybe 2 or 3 visible foreigners in a city of about 20 million.

The people in China and Japan who showed the most racialist attitudes tend to be those who had the most contact with white people, particularly white Americans and Brits, in my experience, or maybe they lived in America. That is not shocking to me at all. I also believe that Asians who come here to the U.S., become acculturated, primarily in white mainstream culture and absorb all the racialization and stereotypes about blacks. This is especially true of the older generation. They learn there is a divide, a polarization,, there were whites and "niggers" back then. It is better to move toward white as much as possible and not get too close to blacks. This has the way it has been with most immigrants who come here. Despite what we say, there are and have been two races in America. I think also it is an issue of contact. Many Asians who come here are professionals and often move to areas that have few blacks. The poorer ones end up in the ghettos, maybe shop owners, laundry people, etc. They come into contact with ghetto blacks (and Hispanics) on a regular basis and that leads them to form strong negative stereotypes and often they have no cultural or historic understanding to judge these things by. Asians also have no issue with broad general stereotypes so once they buy into one they, unlike most whites, tend to believe in them, even in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary...this is true even when they deal with each other. I believe it has to do with a strong "groupist" sub-stratum in their cultures, which makes stereotypes far more powerful than in the U.S. Add this to lack of contact, there you go.

I have met more than a few Asian Americans who hate black people, they tend not to be first generation immigrants, but those born in America. They also tend to be middle to upper-class. Once again, I don’t find this shocking at all, they have had more contact with whites and often negative contact with blacks and knew few counter-examples to balance it. Still most Asian Americans are cool, my first Asian girlfriend, was a Chinese American whose parents were from Shanghai. Her mother was a bit racist though, her father seemed indifferent. The girl was high maintenance, status obsessed, and anti-intellectual (though very smart), then again this is common with Shanghai women, as any Chinese NOT FROM Shanghai will tell you. She had a few racist Chinese friends who always tried to test me though, one was from Hong Kong. Most people were cool though.

Anyway getting back to Asia, I met the most black people in Japan. Many of them were American and Canadian English teachers, I met a guy who worked IT (the guy from L.A. and spoke good Japanese) then there are the military guys, but you don't see them often, but on the weekend when they come into Tokyo to go clubbing. There are a lot of Nigerians in Tokyo, some of them are drug dealers, some of them own stores, some of them are body guards or bouncers at clubs (work for the mafia). Almost all of them have some sort of side racket or scheme to get rich, almost all of them are married to Japanese women, which is why they are able to stay in the country The Africans usually speak fluent Japanese (but most may not be literate).

In Korean I saw black military guy, but like I said, I was on vacation - can't give you a real idea.

In China, I saw a few blacks in Shanghai and Beijing. They were mostly students from various African countries. These people can usually speak (and write) fluent Mandarin. I met one guy who did not only speak fluent Mandarin but also Shanghainese (pretty impressive as many Chinese transplants from other regions can't learn the local dialect well). I met a few black Westerns (one from Germany and another American) but that was it in my entire 6 months. Most Western foreigners back then (1999) were white business men from Europe, Australia, Canada and a handful of Americans. You might see one black person a day in Tokyo, depending on where you are, in Beijing it might be a black every 4 or 5 days, if that.

When I lived in China, I studied Mandarin at Shanghai International University (Shanghai Waiguo Yu Daxue). In Japan I taught English and worked temp IT jobs (like at defunct Nova group and at IBM Yamato). I made good money in Tokyo, and actually saved money for travel, but there are serious limits on what foreigners (of any race) are allowed to do (but especially non-European foreigners). This is true everywhere in Asia. Asians like foreigners to visit, generally, but not move in their neighborhood. Not even in Japan. People get very weird acting, paranoid, etc.

I lived in a Japanese neighborhood for awhile, got a nice apartment, thanks to my ex-wife's speaking skills and my babbling in broken Japanese and showing that I worked for IBM (convinced him I was not a potential "problem"). Still the neighborhood association often checked my recycle stuff (only mine) every week, because I was a foreigner, although others were violating the law. Most people were friendly and said good morning to me if I spoke to them, but one old man who would stare at me every morning. Kids were especially friendly.

Still there is no real "integration" in Japan. If you can't pass for Japanese, and they know you are not Japanese (even if you are another Asians) you will always be a foreigner. BY law any foreigner who becomes a citizen must have a Japanese name (which is why many Koreans born there won't become citizens, well one reason why). No integration means "foreigners" only belong in some areas of society, generally NOT AT a traditional Japanese company for example, although working at a night club, a cook, for an American company, teaching...these are all acceptable jobs.
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Old 04-21-2010, 02:45 AM   #19

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For those who doubt my experience (haters) here you go. I don't put these up to brag, I put them up to let other blacks on this board know not to let any ignorant internet chronic masturbating pseudo-intellectual pimple faced Elephant Man looking loser tell you what you can and cannot do (really that's not just for blacks but anyone trying to come up and do something life). If you want something, go get it, don't do it half assed, and don't quit.


Me in Beijing in the Forbidden City in 2008


Me in Saigon in 2009, with ex-wife


Me on the Mekong Delta (in Vietnam) in 2009 with ex-wife


me chillin with Japanese friends in Shanghai, China in 1999.


Me with an African American sista somewhere in Tokyo in 2002

So I speak from experience when I say what I said above. If you have more detailed (intelligent questions) I will happily answer.

---------- Post added 2010-04-20 at 14:59 ----------

I think some Asians in Asia mostly, are bold about their racism against black people. Look at these commercials.

Windie, all due respect to you, but I have to disagree.

The first commercial is not racist, not really, there are blacks who live like that. Hell the president of South African dressed like that and danced at his last wedding. If they had a picture of Scots in kilts with bang pipes would be racist. It seems more like you are ashamed of tribal Africans. Don't feel bad, many blacks in the West are, they wish they can dissociate themselves with any black tribalism, as they feel it is backward and they feel whites think they are all like this, that is our hangup.

The second commercials meaning is kind of obvious. The black man is the toothpaste and the Asians are the plague that he removes. If anything it is racist against Asians. lol They are saying the black man is the good thing. It is racialized, but I think you are being over-sensitive. But that's me.

There is a black guy right now in Japan who is quite famous for cell phone videos.

He has a lot of videos and posters are all over, he speaks fluent Japanese.

In the commercial his mother and sister are Japanese, his father is a dog (meaning his mother had sex with a dog or something like that and his sister is also part dog I asked a Japanese person to explain this to me but they could not, they just said it is so ridiculous it is funny...) is this racist too? I dont' think so.
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Old 04-21-2010, 03:04 AM   #20

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since I think I am the only Asian who has lived in East Asia (both Shanghai, China (1999) and Tokyo Japan (2001-2002) I can probably speak about the issue, especially being black.
It needs edition.
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