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Old 07-16-2010, 02:25 AM   #21

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Common sense based on history and language leads to think they're Caucasoids on a previous Australoid population. To what extent they mixed, I can't say. I guess there must be dark-skin Caucasoid-looking Dravidians as well as Australoid-looking Dravidian speakers too.
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Old 07-16-2010, 02:27 AM   #22

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the blogspot girl looks asian imo
Well the eyes can be tricky there due to the sharp make up, in any case the main point is Dravidians can be Caucasians, and being Caucasian does not mean being white.
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Old 07-16-2010, 02:34 AM   #23

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I thought you were half white half East Asian?
not exactly lol. But you guys are certainly not the racist type that's for sure.
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Old 07-16-2010, 04:32 AM   #24

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wrong link oops

---------- Post added 2010-07-15 at 17:51 ----------

Well you're not supposed o just look at a person and say they are this or that. Most australids would be black or asian and native americans would be white. If we went purely on looks. I think everyon'e astraloid which imo is black cuz I wanna be.
Why would Native Americans be white? I don't understand you... Are you naturally too naive or are you trolling?
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Old 07-16-2010, 05:36 AM   #25

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This would me a matter of different points from anyone but for me these people where I live would be considered something different but girlfromnowhere actually still has some very good points made.

"Let's Get Ready to Mumble!"
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Old 07-16-2010, 07:14 AM   #26

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There are some Dravidians who have Veddoid ancestry, but there are also some Dravidians who have Caucasoid ancestry
But the problem is that the very vast majority of Dravidians seem to have both ancestry, probably on very equal terms. Also we know only very little about who both the Veddoids and the original south indians Caucasoids were. So there is a lot of ambiguity here.

tell me what's so Veddoid about these Dravidians? How do you not identify such looks as Caucasian?
well you can actually break these people in your pictures, further down into three groups:

1) these are perfect Indian Caucasians without any physical signs of having admixture:


2) predominantly they are very Caucasian looking, but few signs of racial admixture are starting to pop up:


3) And finally These here are Racially Mixed peoples who have strong non-Caucasian features showin up:


Dravidians can be Caucasians, and being Caucasian does not mean being white.

If many people can comfortably view somebody like eva longoria or benjamin bratt(half Quechua) as being Caucasians, then Dravidians can also be called Caucasians too. But if there are others who can't bring themselves in accepting these two people as being Caucasians, then I would have to say don't even bother calling south indians a Caucasian people. Personally I would rather that Dravidians not be be viewed as Caucasians because that would help in neglecting parts of our other ancestry.
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Old 07-16-2010, 07:31 AM   #27

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Isn't Aishwarya Rai Dravidian?
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Old 07-17-2010, 02:52 AM   #28

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Isn't Aishwarya Rai Dravidian?
Yes, Aishwarya Rai is of the Tulu ethnic group thats mainly found in the southwest part of India. And the Tulu language is a small Dravidian language, that probably has something close to 2 million speakers in india.

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Old 07-17-2010, 05:53 AM   #29

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umm there's no greatness or perfection in being white. Eva longoria is part black there's no way in hell she's white. If she is white mariah carey is white she's far more white than she is.
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Old 07-17-2010, 06:15 AM   #30

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wrong link oops

---------- Post added 2010-07-15 at 17:51 ----------

Well you're not supposed o just look at a person and say they are this or that. Most australids would be black or asian and native americans would be white. If we went purely on looks. I think everyon'e astraloid which imo is black cuz I wanna be.
Are you stupid or what, australoids dont look black, as in negroid, they have skullshapes closer to caucasoids, just compare.




The australoid look closer to the caucasoid.

About dravidians, most of them have caucasoid skullshapes and features, or at least very similair to caucasoid.

Compare these two.

They look almost like twinbrothers.

But genetically dravidians and other south indians are about 60-70% caucasoid, and the rest is proto asian(australoid), so they are mixed, north/west indians are around 80-90% caucasoid.
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Old 07-17-2010, 06:38 AM   #31

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Are you stupid or what, australoids dont look black, as in negroid, they have skullshapes closer to caucasoids, just compare.




The australoid look closer to the caucasoid.

About dravidians, most of them have caucasoid skullshapes and features, or at least very similair to caucasoid.

Compare these two.

They look almost like twinbrothers.

But genetically dravidians and other south indians are about 60-70% caucasoid, and the rest is proto asian(australoid), so they are mixed, north/west indians are around 80-90% caucasoid.
many aborigines look black.

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Old 07-18-2010, 02:23 AM   #32

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But genetically dravidians and other south indians are about 60-70% caucasoid, and the rest is proto asian(australoid), so they are mixed, north/west indians are around 80-90% caucasoid.
Well Western Eurasian admixture in both central asians and south asians may have been bit overestimated in many previous studies. I would say for now, it is somewhat safer to say that south indians are about 50 to 60% caucasoid and northwest indians are around 70 to 80% caucasoid(at least going by David Reich's studies).
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Old 07-19-2010, 07:42 PM   #33

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Dont look black at al, expect for the nose and skin, do you even know how a black/SSA african looks like?
That boy looks more like a darkskinned proto caucasoid, but with a flat nose.
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Old 07-19-2010, 07:45 PM   #34

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Absolutely not.
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Old 07-19-2010, 07:46 PM   #35

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Well Western Eurasian admixture in both central asians and south asians may have been bit overestimated in many previous studies. I would say for now, it is somewhat safer to say that south indians are about 50 to 60% caucasoid and northwest indians are around 70 to 80% caucasoid(at least going by David Reich's studies).
On 23andme most indians(both south and north) score between 60-95% european, so they are atleast predominantly caucasoid.
Dont know about decodeme, but central/west euroasian caucasoid component is like 70-90% in north/west india, and like 50-70 in south india.
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Old 07-19-2010, 08:47 PM   #36

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Your collection of so called "Dravidians" is in no way homogenous as far as racial type is concerned. I will go on to classify them and investigate the point in question.
This individual is in no way fully Europid/Caucasoid, but rather Indo-Melanid, and more on the Weddid side than Gracilindid.
http://www.celebritiesprofile.info/i...ugu_157_16.jpg She is predominantly Grazilindid with very slight Weddid. And definitely more of a "Northern type" than "Southern".
http://www.come2india.org/images/telugu-wedding.jpg This female is a very good example of a GracileIndid of rather standard type best suited for tropical-urban Indian climate and conditions, alongside being balanced, energy efficient and progressive. Sexual dimorphism tends to be high in such GracileIndid types. I see the link tells us that she is a Telegu, but seldom to average Telegus have such long faces. Generally it's only the Brahmins and the Reddys who tend to have long faces. In fact the Telegu Brahmins are known to carry a very pure GracilIndid strain. This woman is also more of a "Northern type" than Southern.
http://www.bharatwaves.com/pictures/..._Dance_141.jpg Classical dancers tend to be Brahmins, and considering she seems to be Telegu once again, she might well be a Telegu Brahmin who, as I already have mentioned, tend to carry Gracilindid in a very pure form.
http://www.koodal.com/cinema/gallery...0723229123.jpg He is Surya, a Tamil actor. He hails from the Gounder caste, who are a socially dominant agricultural caste, but also used to hold Warrior professions, albeit not being acknowledged as authentic Kshatriyas by the Brahmins of the same area. He is racially predominantly Caucasoid, but technically rather in between, so I would classify him as Indo Melanid (~pred.GrazilIndid).

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xFP6s39OUY...0/Aarthi_2.jpg This woman, as per skin tone exhibits GracilIndiform, but judging by her facial features is rather Melanid. So still, rather Indo Melanid (~GracilIndiform)
http://tamilo.com/Cinema/Tollywood/Bharath_actor.jpg He is Bharat, a Tamil from Tiruchirapali, Tamil Nadu. Caste - unknown. He is most representative of this set, but even he is still more of a "progressive", more specialized Melanid than average Southern Indians tend to be.
How do you not identify such looks as Caucasian? Because Southern Indians for the most part, are not purely Caucasoid genetically or phenotypically. Its actually even very hard to find a purely GrazilIndid South Indian. Infact Southern Brahmins themselves are often not purely Europid, but tend to have a distinguishably "Northern" look which makes them stand out for the most part, but are predominantly Nordindid-(robust) IndoBrachid with Grazilindid/Weddid influence. But the Brahmins, wherever they may be tend to have individuals who represent the "pure" form of the Europid influence of the respective area. For example, it will be easier to find a fully GrazilIndid Tamil Brahmin but not a fully Grazilindid generic Tamil, even though Grazilindid is the main Europid influence for Tamils and not Brahmins.Brahmins in those regions i.e the Bengali and Tamil Brahmins.

Robin Goodfellow (now banned user), originally a Vellalar (socially dominant agriculturalists from Tamil Nadu) before Christianity, himself was rather a GrazilIndimorphic Melanid type but was genetically less Europid than he appeared.

So most South Indians, are rather in between i.e Indo-Melanid, with Tamil Nadu being more Weddiform, Andhra and South Karnataka being equally Grazilindid and Weddid with IndoBrachid forming an element of the population, Northern Karnataka being IndoBrachimorphic (~with the whole Malabar coast having this influence) and finally Kerala that is Grazilindimorphic due to the dominance of the Nair, Tiyans and Pulayans castes, with the rest of the population mainly consisting of Semitic immigrants like the Nasranis and the Mapplas.

Even the Europid/Caucasoid component of Dravidian speakers is regarded as a non-classic Caucasoid by many.

But I agree with Reality Check's estimate for the most part as far as their Autosomal scores are concerned. I would say it is 70-75% for North Indians and 50-60% for South East Indians. (~West Eurasian scores)
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Old 07-19-2010, 09:12 PM   #37

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Isn't Aishwarya Rai Dravidian?
If your inquiry is with regards to her racial type, then she is definitely not common for average Dravidian speakers, even though she may be considered nothing out of the ordinary for the ethnic group she hails from, the Bunts. The Tuluvas are descendants of authentic Nayak Kshatriyas and claim descent from Tuluva Narasa Nayaka.

The Bunts as per the Ethnographic survey have an average cephalic index of 78; average stature of 165.7 and average Nasal index of 72.2 (Note: Average European noses as per the Ethnographic Survey = 60 to 65).

Karnataka is a very IndoBrachid region of India and the Bants as far as I've observed exemplify the type par excellence, similar to the Kodavas of Coorg who also tend to go of in a Tauriform-CroMagniform fashion.

E. Thurston describes them as one of the comeliest of the asiatic races.

A comment on the physical appearance of the Bunts.
They still retain their manly independence of character, their strong and well developed physique, and they still carry their heads with the same haughty toss as their forefathers did in the stirring fighting days when. As an old proverb had it, "The slain rested in the yard of the slayer". And when every warrior constantly carried his sword and shield. Both men and women of the Bant community are among the comeliest of Asiatic races,the men having high foreheads and well-turned aquiline noses. The Bunts tend to produce very beautiful women and she is just one of the lucky averages among her caste who made it big, I suppose. Her facial structure is not all that spectacular for the Bants, she is more reduced and gracilized. The only thing striking about her is her green eyes and light skin for the most part.
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Old 07-20-2010, 12:32 AM   #38

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I thought too that at least some Aborigines looked black but I was probably wrong.
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