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Old 04-03-2010, 07:25 AM   #21

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Wlc back Ezana
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Old 04-03-2010, 08:58 AM   #22

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^Come'on Yom, in 2007 Horus passed the torch to Henu, ring a bell? Welcome back.
Cool, but what was your nick again?
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Old 04-03-2010, 11:30 PM   #23

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^Check pm.
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Old 05-18-2011, 02:35 AM   #24

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As a Somali I consider myself Somali. I am, of course also African since that is the continent I am from. I also consider myself Black, particularly in europer where [the local] people do not differentiate between the different shades of black or what not.

"Black" is not really a race per se; it is only for those who don't care enough to differentiate between people of dark skin colour. In exactly the same way, a certain group of people/look, at least here in the u.k are seen as Asian; though chinese are chategorised as Asian; whereas in the U.S Asian refers to something else (chinise?).

So it is all realative. Somalis are Somalis. Most Somalis consider themselves Somalis.
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Old 06-18-2011, 04:46 AM   #25

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When I am with the Arabs , I am one of them and when I am with the Africans I am one of them , but everybody at the end of the day knows I am somali .{I hope that helps}
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Old 09-02-2011, 08:00 PM   #26

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Do horners have racial catagories for themselves?
I see myself as a black. I also see myself as a Somali.
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Old 09-04-2011, 08:56 PM   #27

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as a somali {and on behalf of somalis} I see myself as an african and black, but at the same time, we do consider ourself different from the bantu africans, {central southern and western africa} it doesnt necessarily mean in a negative way, it just means we are different in many ways, some people might be surprised but let alone our direct neighbours the Arabs or religion wise, but we as somalis have life style far more similar to that of south east Asia then our fellow sub saharan brothers, as in traditional clothings, language food as well as behaviour, if you look at somalis in europe {where I live} we are more likely to settle in asian Area's then in african..that tell you something, not that we are racist but that we feel more at home in an asian neighbour hood then an african

about the skin, we somalis have black somalis that are as black as western africa if not more black, but they are a significant minority .. maybe one of the reasons we dont like to be grouped with western africans is because we are people that have had contact with the world before colonial times and therefor feel superior in terms of history or culture wise,

unlike the rest of sub saharan countries we {the horn }have never been formally colonized enslaved or have had western languages or way of life forced upon us, Ethiopia never got colonized and somalis fought the longest anti colonial war in africa and succesfully pushed the british and the italians out of somali lands several times, unfotunately there were 3 european powers in somalilands, ...we take pride in our history and way of life...... even though western africa is superior today in terms of economy, ..it makes us proud to see a fellow african country doing good.............to answer the question ....I view the people from the horn as africans, from horn of africa
West Africans are not Bantu...dear god
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:41 PM   #28

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It's a touchy subject and it mainly depends on the individual. There's no doubt that Horn Africans are classified, racially, as "black", but not all go by this term. It's mainly a Western term, so it's not native to our region and even more so to Ethiopians because of the fact that we were not colonized and didn't have that mentality forced on us. Actually the only time I ever hear Ethiopians mention skin tone is when describing someone, like saying someone is light-skin or dark-skin.

You have to understand that Horners, like all Africans, are ethnocentric. They will always view their ethnicity as being superior and everyone else as being inferior. There are Horners who dislike other Horners just as much as other Africans, Europeans, Asians, etc. so it's not always a personal attack on just one group of people. It's also not personal attack if Horners view themselves by their nationality or ethnic group rather then "black". They want to different themselves in that sense because their proud to be their nationality/ethnic group and the term "black" includes so many different kinds of groups who share no similarities in culture, history, etc. to Horners and vise versa.

So, in answering your question, Horners view themselves, largely, by their ethnic group and/or nationality. Those living abroad understand that were are racially classified as "black" and that's okay to same and not to others, for the reasons I mentioned above.
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:49 PM   #29

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West Africans are not Bantu...dear god
There are a few West African Bantu tribes though right?

---------- Post added 2011-09-04 at 09:52 ----------

It's a touchy subject and it mainly depends on the individual. There's no doubt that Horn Africans are classified, racially, as "black", but not all go by this term. It's mainly a Western term, so it's not native to our region and even more so to Ethiopians because of the fact that we were not colonized and didn't have that mentality forced on us. Actually the only time I ever hear Ethiopians mention skin tone is when describing someone, like saying someone is light-skin or dark-skin.

You have to understand that Horners, like all Africans, are ethnocentric. They will always view their ethnicity as being superior and everyone else as being inferior. There are Horners who dislike other Horners just as much as other Africans, Europeans, Asians, etc. so it's not always a personal attack on just one group of people. It's also not personal attack if Horners view themselves by their nationality or ethnic group rather then "black". They want to different themselves in that sense because their proud to be their nationality/ethnic group and the term "black" includes so many different kinds of groups who share no similarities in culture, history, etc. to Horners and vise versa.

So, in answering your question, Horners view themselves, largely, by their ethnic group and/or nationality. Those living abroad understand that were are racially classified as "black" and that's okay to same and not to others, for the reasons I mentioned above.
i have to say, i have come across alot of racist Ethiopians compared to the other Horners. I have never got the most of their racism however and I and many others believe it is because I am a little light and my features are kind thin. So Habeshis definately focus on features maybe just as much as they do nationalities.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:00 PM   #30

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It's a touchy subject and it mainly depends on the individual. There's no doubt that Horn Africans are classified, racially, as "black", but not all go by this term. It's mainly a Western term, so it's not native to our region and even more so to Ethiopians because of the fact that we were not colonized and didn't have that mentality forced on us. Actually the only time I ever hear Ethiopians mention skin tone is when describing someone, like saying someone is light-skin or dark-skin.

You have to understand that Horners, like all Africans, are ethnocentric. They will always view their ethnicity as being superior and everyone else as being inferior. There are Horners who dislike other Horners just as much as other Africans, Europeans, Asians, etc. so it's not always a personal attack on just one group of people. It's also not personal attack if Horners view themselves by their nationality or ethnic group rather then "black". They want to different themselves in that sense because their proud to be their nationality/ethnic group and the term "black" includes so many different kinds of groups who share no similarities in culture, history, etc. to Horners and vise versa.

So, in answering your question, Horners view themselves, largely, by their ethnic group and/or nationality. Those living abroad understand that were are racially classified as "black" and that's okay to same and not to others, for the reasons I mentioned above.
Generally Africans understand this. I think its outsiders,IE Non Africans that don't know this. Funny story while I was living in Dominica we lived up the street from an Ethiopian/Dominican Family and we were a Dominican/Nigerian Family. My mom and the Ethio mom would chat up all day about Africa, and all the silly questions they got asked, and they would bring food over to each other. Honestly this has been my general view of Africans, We have our distinctions, but there are certain cultural norms that we share, that always help us relate to one another on a cultural level.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:24 PM   #31

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Generally Africans understand this. I think its outsiders,IE Non Africans that don't know this.
I do not agree. It's pretty universal actually. It's just that some places in the World retained better these cultural traits, especially those who are safe from some Globalized/Americanized views on ethnicity.

this has been my general view of Africans. We have our distinctions, but there are certain cultural norms that we share, that always help us relate to one another on a cultural level.
I am not convinced. What do you mean by "African"? where the "African cultural norms" are used and what is it about? I am sure there are some common cultural traits shared by some goups like between Bantus for instance (not a good example since they are quite similar ) , between hunter-gatherer societies, between forest people, between merchants (like Hausas and Dioulas in west Africa), etc... but that's all.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:49 PM   #32

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It's a touchy subject and it mainly depends on the individual. There's no doubt that Horn Africans are classified, racially, as "black", but not all go by this term. It's mainly a Western term, so it's not native to our region and even more so to Ethiopians because of the fact that we were not colonized and didn't have that mentality forced on us. Actually the only time I ever hear Ethiopians mention skin tone is when describing someone, like saying someone is light-skin or dark-skin.

You have to understand that Horners, like all Africans, are ethnocentric. They will always view their ethnicity as being superior and everyone else as being inferior. There are Horners who dislike other Horners just as much as other Africans, Europeans, Asians, etc. so it's not always a personal attack on just one group of people. It's also not personal attack if Horners view themselves by their nationality or ethnic group rather then "black". They want to different themselves in that sense because their proud to be their nationality/ethnic group and the term "black" includes so many different kinds of groups who share no similarities in culture, history, etc. to Horners and vise versa.

So, in answering your question, Horners view themselves, largely, by their ethnic group and/or nationality. Those living abroad understand that were are racially classified as "black" and that's okay to same and not to others, for the reasons I mentioned above.
ding ding ding
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:50 PM   #33

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I had a math professor from Somalia, who was the biggest racist to whites and Arabs. Dude would give lectures on there inferiority.

---------- Post added 2010-03-18 at 22:06 ----------

Many Somalis hate Arabs, you didn't know that?
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:51 PM   #34

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What I meant was, do Horners have desciptors for phenoytpes/skin color etc. like for example an African American calling someone a 'redbone' or high yella, etc.
nvm, I think Voradors post answered it.
I read somewhere that in many African societies, natives categorized fellow Africans into six categories... "light skin", "light brown", "red-brown or medium-brown", "dark brown", "dark skin", and "red" (in reference to North Africans and Arabs in some cases). This is true among the Tuareg and Songhai for example.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:52 PM   #35

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Many Horners prefer to associate with Middle Easterners than with their black brothers. They see them as inferior.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:55 PM   #36

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I read somewhere that in many African societies, natives categorized fellow Africans into six categories... "light skin", "light brown", "red-brown or medium-brown", "dark brown", "dark skin", and "red" (in reference to North Africans and Arabs in some cases). This is true among the Tuareg and Songhai for example.
Isn't that common knowledge especially for West Africans and Aframs? I know its really common here.

ihate those classifications though because it still seperates us in superior order

---------- Post added 2011-09-04 at 10:56 ----------

Many Somalis hate Arabs, you didn't know that?
uhh i didn't know that ?????? most Somalis, Habeshis, and Sudanese prefer to identify as Arabs than African.
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Old 09-04-2011, 11:03 PM   #37

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Isn't that common knowledge especially for West Africans and Aframs? I know its really common here.

ihate those classifications though because it still seperates us in superior order

---------- Post added 2011-09-04 at 10:56 ----------

uhh i didn't know that ?????? most Somalis, Habeshis, and Sudanese prefer to identify as Arabs than African.
what? Look at Habesha 20's post,please. Horners are ethnocentric, but they wouldn't identify as Arabs!
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Old 09-04-2011, 11:04 PM   #38

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Old 09-04-2011, 11:07 PM   #39

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Isn't that common knowledge especially for West Africans and Aframs? I know its really common here.

ihate those classifications though because it still seperates us in superior order

---------- Post added 2011-09-04 at 10:56 ----------

uhh i didn't know that ?????? most Somalis, Habeshis, and Sudanese prefer to identify as Arabs than African.
That's funny, most somalis I met were not so fond of ME/NA people in general. But apparently felt good enough to join the Arab League http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ar...rojection).svg

Edit:I'm not sure about Sudan.
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Old 09-04-2011, 11:12 PM   #40

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That's funny, most somalis I met were not so fond of ME/NA people in general. But apparently felt good enough to join the Arab League http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ar...rojection).svg

Edit:I'm not sure about Sudan.
lol wowww you've met some strange somalis. even though I should stop, ive always met very nice Somalis and they didn't seem to have problems with anyone .

Tigrays also can be racist towards Africans and not Arabs, but I never met a racist one. And I gotta say they are beautiful people so their pride or confidence might just get mistaken for racism.

same for sudanis
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