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Old 07-25-2007, 10:28 PM   #1

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Default Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Well, I bought it the day it came out and I finished it yesterday(im a super nerd). Any way, I thought it was realy good, except for some pacing issues. But, after finishing it, I realy got this feeling like it was missing something, but I can't put my finger on it. It just doesn't feel complete in some way, or maybe, it feels too complete, im not sure. Maybe I should read it again? (Im a nerd)

What did you guys think of the book?
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Old 07-25-2007, 10:31 PM   #2

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dont spoil the ending for me! im only about halfway through
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Old 07-25-2007, 10:52 PM   #3

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Reading on a computer is too hard. I'll wait for one of my fashion-victim friend to be ready to lend it to me, it doesn't worth 28,90€. I'll wait for the small size version IF I decide to buy it.
But feel free to spoil, I hate suspense (I always read first the last ten pages of a book)
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Old 07-25-2007, 10:57 PM   #4

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Reading on a computer is too hard. I'll wait for one of my fashion-victim friend to be ready to lend it to me, it doesn't worth 28,90€. I'll wait for the small size version IF I decide to buy it.
But feel free to spoil, I hate suspense (I always read first the last ten pages of a book)
Lol, then whats the point?!
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Old 07-26-2007, 03:26 AM   #5

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The point of the whole post: Not much, except to say that the book is too expensive. and that if you want you can either wait for it to be published in small and cheap size, or just read the pirate version from the pirate bay.

The point of reading first the last ten pages of a book: if the book need the suspense to be a good book, then it's a bad book which does not deserve to be bought because it won't be read twice. And I just can't resist .
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Old 07-26-2007, 03:50 AM   #6

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The point of the whole post: Not much, except to say that the book is too expensive. and that if you want you can either wait for it to be published in small and cheap size, or just read the pirate version from the pirate bay.

The point of reading first the last ten pages of a book: if the book need the suspense to be a good book, then it's a bad book which does not deserve to be bought because it won't be read twice. And I just can't resist .
Well, if a book is ONLY suspence, then I would agree with you. But I dont think a HP book is ONLY suspense. All books have an ending which you wont know untill you read it, so I dont neccasarily understand your logic, or agree with you. Plus you ruin the Book for the one good read you might get out of it...

But to each is his own.
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Old 07-26-2007, 03:57 AM   #7

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Not only ruin the book, but ruin years and a six volume series! What a waste!
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Old 07-26-2007, 04:04 AM   #8

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*Whips someone with towel and swaggers off all manly like*

still bustin' chops
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Old 07-26-2007, 04:25 AM   #9

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*Whips someone with towel and swaggers off all manly like*

still bustin' chops
Would you walk away all manly like if I enjoyed it?

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Old 07-26-2007, 04:48 AM   #10

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Would you walk away all manly like if I enjoyed it?

Well, i'd probably think "huh, that's weird" then get out my sheet of paper with "Boxes to tick before I die" and check the box that reads "get a dude to fall in love with me". Then I'd turn my nose up and walk away... shortly afterwards ticking the box that reads "break a dude's heart".

Take no shame in being aroused by my whipping expertise, you'll not be the first nor the last.
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Old 07-26-2007, 05:45 AM   #11

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Plus you ruin the Book for the one good read you might get out of it...

But to each is his own.
I am a fast reader. I read the first book of the lord of the rings in around 3 hours. BUT it was not a good read: at the time I didn't knew the end, and I hadn't this habit of reading first the end . Pushed by the suspense, I jump over all the paragraphs which seemed useless for the main story, and I read around 1/4 of the whole book.

The second time I read it, I took all the time I needed, and I really enjoyed my read.

For Hary Potter, I'll just wait for somebody to summarize it. Or for the film. I'm in "Captain Blood" at the moment.
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Old 07-26-2007, 06:57 AM   #12

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I am a fast reader. I read the first book of the lord of the rings in around 3 hours. BUT it was not a good read: at the time I didn't knew the end, and I hadn't this habit of reading first the end . Pushed by the suspense, I jump over all the paragraphs which seemed useless for the main story, and I read around 1/4 of the whole book.
Well in that case I am a fast reader too... i just don't bother with any of those "word" thingies that are all over the pages
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Old 07-26-2007, 07:06 AM   #13

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The point of the whole post: Not much, except to say that the book is too expensive. and that if you want you can either wait for it to be published in small and cheap size, or just read the pirate version from the pirate bay.

asda were selling it for £5 here, and sainsburys for £8.89 (less staff discount)
i heard its pricey in russia

i dont see what the big deal is
i tried reading one, and found it dull
saw the first film, liked the graphics but not much more

yes its good that shes getting kids reading
but from what i can see, shes not that original
roald dahl, now he was literary genious
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Old 07-26-2007, 10:01 AM   #14

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Eh. First half was slow, slow, slow. Picked up in the 2nd half, strong finish. Rowling is still in desperate need of a good editor.
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Old 07-26-2007, 10:21 AM   #15

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I suppose I'd get burned at the stake for suggesting that there is some mental derangement in the Harry Potter fanbase?

Got the same reaction when I said that at home to the wife and kids. I may get to sleep indoors again in a week or so when it blows over.
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Old 07-26-2007, 10:59 AM   #16

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have no desire or inclination to read these books but will probably land up reading them to my kids when they are 7 or 8 - actually make the wee monkeys read it themselves. I do however know a lot of people who enjoy this and I like to be in the know - can someone quickly summarise it for the rest of it so we can pretend we are interested.
what are the hallows ? relics of some sort ?
Who dies - harry's girlfriend ?
and does he walk off into the sunset at the end....
you can head your thread SPOILER if you like but for some of us life is too short - currently reading "Eternal" Craig Russell - more my flava.
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Old 07-26-2007, 12:11 PM   #17

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*shrugs* beats the last few. I know someone who bought it at midnight and finished it by early that morning. I was torn between being impressed and questioning their sanity.
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Old 07-26-2007, 01:34 PM   #18

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I was gutted by the ending. The actual VERY LAST CHAPTER is total bollocks... the rest of the book was good, not the best..... A lot of things were a bit of an anti climax....

I found it hard to read though, it was just so full of dispair and death, there wasn't any let up from it.... My favourite book remains to be Prisoner of Azkaban, then Goblet of Fire/Order of the Pheonix......

And you guys think that you are nerds for reading it? WHO WAS THERE AT MIDNIGHT ON FRIDAY TO GET IT AS SOON AS IT CAME OUT???? ME!!!!! HAHAHA! That right I went to the book launch!
Your Goddess mantle has slipped a bit here - careful!

Not read it yet but I think you have to read such things in context;

they are nothing like Lord of the Rings
They are not as good as Lord of the Rings
They are not as good as Asian Babes .com

ta daa
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Old 07-26-2007, 02:01 PM   #19

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What's Harry Potter?
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Old 07-26-2007, 02:03 PM   #20

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they are nothing like Lord of the Rings
Tolkien - another man in severe need of an editor.

skaffenAmtiskaw: Wikipedia has a plot summary. The key spoiler points are (highlight amazing sortof inviso-text to read): None of the three main characters die. There is a denouement where we learn that Harry and Ginny have three children, all enrolled in Hogwarts. Dumbledore is indeed dead at Snape's hand, but at Dumbledore's request - he was already dying and the "murder" served to reinforce Snape's position with Voldemort. Voldemort dies, as does Snape, Mad-Eye Moody, Remus Lupin, Tonks (after marrying Remus and having his baby), Hedwig, Dobby, Bellatrix, Crabbe, Malfoy Sr., Fred and maybe a couple others I don't recall.
The Hallows are three powerful magical items, a wand, a stone of resurrection and a cloak of invisibility, the same one Harry has had for some time. They're kind of a red herring.
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