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Old 01-29-2012, 04:05 PM   #21

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I'm on Mountain Annie's side on this. You can diss her stories all you want but you've gone to far with your accusations. Pi2 , you certainly don't need any drugs to f--k up your brain. The war on drugs isn't causing ALL the violence in the drug business. With the kind of money involved, there's a lot of competition for it.
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Old 01-29-2012, 04:08 PM   #22

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CNN had a piece that aired yesterday. The war on drugs is causing such crime problems that the Peace Corps is pulling out of Honduras!. Another sign of the failed drug war which has spread the violence from the cartels to the streets:

U.S. Peace Corps pulls out of Honduras - CNN

I know the Peace Corps isn't directly DR related, but all of this information about the failed war on drugs ties together because the DR is one country that has involved in a multi national business empire moving drugs from the South to the North. The violence shown in the documentary is appalling. People need to think differently about this problem.
Much of the violence in Honduras is not related to the illegal drug trade. Chavistas...etc are still fighting a proxy war against the current government and their supporters , with many innocents in the firing line. There are numerous articles I can cite agreeing with this. Yes, there is also lots of drug vilence.
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Old 01-29-2012, 04:14 PM   #23

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Much of the violence in Honduras is not related to the illegal drug trade. Chavistas...etc are still fighting a proxy war against the current government and their supporters , with many innocents in the firing line.
Good to know. I only caught the tail end of the piece on CNN and the on line article shares a similar message that the high murder rate is primarily drug war related. MA pointed out the Peace Corps no longer serves in El Salvador and Guatamala? Is that not primarily drug related?
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Old 01-29-2012, 05:32 PM   #24

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Although the DR's most "severe" penalty for a serious crime,including murder,is only 30 years,the "Unofficial Penalty",remains,"DEATH PENALTY",by the "Policia National"!
That is very cheap,no trial,no long term incarceration,just a few bullets.
Works for me,AND it assures no "Repeat Offenders"!
"MA",I Like HUGS"!
And here's one for you!
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Old 01-29-2012, 05:36 PM   #25

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I'm on Mountain Annie's side on this. You can diss her stories all you want but you've gone to far with your accusations. Pi2 , you certainly don't need any drugs to f--k up your brain. The war on drugs isn't causing ALL the violence in the drug business. With the kind of money involved, there's a lot of competition for it.
If I was still a moderator he would have been gone long ago. His contributions are at best worthless and at worst malicious.
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Old 01-29-2012, 05:43 PM   #26

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Mountain Annie and I will most likely never have a "Meeting-of-the Minds" regarding political/social "agendas",
but as far as I am concerned,she is a wonderful person,a kind person,a generous person,an informed person,a hardworking person,a fair person,(Am I Leaving ANY of Her "Persons" OUT?) and her integrity as a real journalist is beyond question!
So please don't "Pi$$ Me Off" with unfounded accusations about her skill as a journalist,or her humanity.
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Old 01-29-2012, 06:54 PM   #27

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I retract any personal references:

But many journalists I have met that jet into poverty spots round the World also support and provide copy for international media that persuades Indian farmers, for example, to buy, products ( seeds, herbicides etc. ) that promise rewards ; but in reality the result is the loss of land and more poverty, possibly suicides.

Yes, sweet grapes drop to journalists from the vineyards of the rich capitalist owners with their luxury yachts; vineyards using near slave labor.

Journalists, in general, I have found, support the system with their training in mind control, write for the capitalist media pick many sweet grapes unconcious most times of the consequences of their actions or subsequent impact.

Governments in turn support the organisations of poverty.
I don't think anyone sets out to malign poor people but certainly that's what we do through organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Bob Geldof

Read more: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/au...#ixzz1krpYufij

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Old 01-29-2012, 08:08 PM   #28

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this post is perhaps influenced by my prison visits to a multiple murderer
You have definitely peaked my curiosity, why would anyone in their right mind make visits to a multiple murderer....
Unless you were trying to talk him into a solar powered hot seat.....

B in Santiago
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Old 01-29-2012, 09:14 PM   #29

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Mountain Annie and I will most likely never have a "Meeting-of-the Minds" regarding political/social "agendas",
but as far as I am concerned,she is a wonderful person,a kind person,a generous person,an informed person,a hardworking person,a fair person,(Am I Leaving ANY of Her "Persons" OUT?) and her integrity as a real journalist is beyond question!
So please don't "Pi$$ Me Off" with unfounded accusations about her skill as a journalist,or her humanity.
ah, CC

i could HUG you!
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Old 01-29-2012, 09:24 PM   #30

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I retract any personal references:

But many journalists I have met that jet into poverty spots round the World also support and provide copy for international media that persuades Indian farmers, for example, to buy, products ( seeds, herbicides etc. ) that promise rewards ; but in reality the result is the loss of land and more poverty, possibly suicides.

Yes, sweet grapes drop to journalists from the vineyards of the rich capitalist owners with their luxury yachts; vineyards using near slave labor.

Journalists, in general, I have found, support the system with their training in mind control, write for the capitalist media pick many sweet grapes unconcious most times of the consequences of their actions or subsequent impact.

Governments in turn support the organisations of poverty.
I don't think anyone sets out to malign poor people but certainly that's what we do through organizations such as the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Bob Geldof

Read more: Bob Geldof Quotes - BrainyQuote

I accept your retraction

And certainly my personal views are closer to Geldorf's than many people on this Board.

You are right in your observations. No one of the mainstream press contacted me even though I have FILED from Haiti as an accredited journalist.

A few of them contacted me via the blog that I have been writing for four years-- mostly wanting information on where they should go.

Ditto on the WB and IMF but they are really TRYING now.. to do good projects and have VERIFIED results in the field. You have only to read Steiglitz and Easterly to know that these are often VERY good men and women with great intentions. And there are no problems that are seen outside -- say from the picket lines=- which have not been seen AND WRITTEN ABOUT by people from high up in these institutions

For you information

here is a project which -- although it is Christian-- and I am normally quite frightened of anything with that label

appears to have it right

The Apparent Project Blog
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Old 01-29-2012, 09:36 PM   #31

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"Solar Powered Hotseat",Now THAT IS Funny"!
"Way",I like your style,not just in this thread,but also in many others!
Thanks for letting some "air" out of our resident "Windbags"!
Why do some people have an "Agenda" to bring down the "Rich",rather than elevate the "Poor"??????
I guess it gives them some purpose in their unhappy lives.
I am a "MOD",and I would love to "Ban" him,but as George Bush # ! used to say,"It wouldn't be prudent"!
He just reappears in a new "denomination"!
"MA", I love "HUGS",and here's a BIG ONE for you!
Keep up your good work,but remember what "Sir Winston Churchill said,more or less,
"A man who is not a liberal in his youth has no heart,and a man who is not a conservative in his age,has no brain"!
So I still have hope for you!
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Old 01-29-2012, 09:49 PM   #32

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Mountain Annie and I will most likely never have a "Meeting-of-the Minds" regarding political/social "agendas",
but as far as I am concerned,she is a wonderful person,a kind person,a generous person,an informed person,a hardworking person,a fair person,(Am I Leaving ANY of Her "Persons" OUT?) and her integrity as a real journalist is beyond question!
So please don't "Pi$$ Me Off" with unfounded accusations about her skill as a journalist,or her humanity.
I do so wish my mother were still alive so that I could send her this clip!

You did leave out the Persona as a Sexual Goddess.


Should you or any one else care to tip your independent journalist

my Amazon wish list is here

I am just making my minimum payments !

thanks so much
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Old 01-29-2012, 10:36 PM   #33

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Don't worry "Annie",she already "KNOWS"!
I'll start saving up for your guitar!
You must plan to live forever if you want to read all those books!
And now I know your "Real name"!
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Old 01-29-2012, 10:49 PM   #34

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Annie, you have 25 books there, I still haven't read the last issue of my Superman comic book collection....and it's 20 years old.

B in Santiago
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Old 01-30-2012, 12:13 AM   #35

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I really don't see why everyone is coming down so hard on Pi2, I mean, it's not like MA has not Slandered others in the past. Remember this post from a thread clossed by DR1's very own Robert, once this link was post, everyone that commented there after thought that she had went a lil overboard;hence the reason why Robert clossed the thread.

Changing Perspectives: Narcotrafficante Paraiso

Is it just me, or does anyone else feels the double standard on who gets a pass for slandering others on this board? Regardless, I can't see or find any reference to any links substantiating MA's claims. To me, this is a total fabrication on her part.
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Old 01-30-2012, 02:28 AM   #36

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Posted like a true "Dominicano"!
You used the "You Are A Lier" mantra this time.
Do you have the "It's Worse In The USA" "mantra" in reserve?
Stick you head in the sand,or ANY other place you choose,the DR,IS,or is fast becoming,THE Narco State of the carribean!
"Springtime For Hitler In Germany",was a movie,and then a Broadway play, "Comedies" about the Third Reicth,NOT a reference to "Herr Furrer"!
Get A Grip!
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Old 01-30-2012, 02:51 AM   #37

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I really don't see why everyone is coming down so hard on Pi2, I mean, it's not like MA has not Slandered others in the past. Remember this post from a thread clossed by DR1's very own Robert, once this link was post, everyone that commented there after thought that she had went a lil overboard;hence the reason why Robert clossed the thread.

Changing Perspectives: Narcotrafficante Paraiso

Is it just me, or does anyone else feels the double standard on who gets a pass for slandering others on this board? Regardless, I can't see or find any reference to any links substantiating MA's claims. To me, this is a total fabrication on her part.
Well Taino// there are no links because there is no press because this is a very dangerous subject for journalists to write about

perhaps this update might help.Changing Perspectives

the bust that is going on now in the DR is HUGE

if you simply read the local papers you will see

more and


and more
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Old 01-30-2012, 03:33 AM   #38

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Haiti used to be the place for transshipment then the UN came in and with their assistance the DEA started arresting Haitians in Haiti for trafficking cocaine - in around 2006.
Many famous characters were taken in some spectacular episodes - for example Chachou out of Gonaives, owner of a local hotel, supermarket, radio station and builder of a housing estate and all round good egg apart from the cocaine smuggling - but that is a different debate.
Black hawk helicopter gunships whisked several barons off for justice in the US. Heck, even the building that the electoral commission inhabits was confiscated from a drug smuggler - it used to house Petionville's Gold's Gym. There are other large buildings that have been taken in the same way, there is a notable one on Rout de Freres. There are a bunch of smugglers in Port de Paix who still do nicely out of the trade because as of a year ago they simply had no opposition up there. I know of other folks who talk of bails turning up down on the south coast - Cote de Fer, to be precise - where Sweet Mickey (President Martelly) has his beach property. So it still goes on.

But as everyone who hangs around El Rancho Casino late at night is aware, the trade almost died in Haiti and moved to the D.R.

This is not slander - (I think Taino8008 meant libel... lol)

Yes the cocaine problem has been transferred from Haiti to the D.R. but only because the barons are not stupid and the D.R. has become the path of least resistance due to military and governmental complicity.

It is now a Dominican problem as we are seeing from the number of arrests.

Anyway, well done MA. I know prospering is tricky, but live long all the same....
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Old 01-30-2012, 04:01 AM   #39

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Posted like a true "Dominicano"!
You used the "You Are A Lier" mantra this time.
Do you have the "It's Worse In The USA" "mantra" in reserve?
Stick you head in the sand,or ANY other place you choose,the DR,IS,or is fast becoming,THE Narco State of the carribean!
"Springtime For Hitler In Germany",was a movie,and then a Broadway play, "Comedies" about the Third Reicth,NOT a reference to "Herr Furrer"!
Get A Grip!
Thanks, that’s mighty white of you, I truly appreciate you thinking I answered like a “true Dominican” because after all that is what I am. You however, answered as always like the cuddly CC of yore. Always pointing fingers and never reading. Ironic from my point of view, because after all, this is what you always accuse us of doing.
I merely gave MA references, as she asked of pi2.

If you are going to slander me.. you are going to have to CITE references.
I have NEVER written a story without TRUE facts.
It seems to me, that you’re more interested in lies and innuendos than getting at the truth. Funny thing is, I always thought this board pride itself on informing the public in general, with factual information. Not lies, innuendos, allegations and fabrications.
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Old 01-30-2012, 04:04 AM   #40

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Not lies, innuendos, allegations and fabrications.
I challenge you to give me an example of each... if you can.
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