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Old 12-29-2011, 03:03 AM   #1

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Default Bachmann chair defects to Paul camp
Thank God for small miracles. Keep up those prayers.

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Old 12-29-2011, 03:13 AM   #2

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I was just getting ready to post this news too MR, thanks bro!

Hopefully others will follow his lead and Rons margin of victory will emphasize just how much he's been under-rated and discounted by the media.
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:20 AM   #3

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Bachmann claimed Paul's campaign offered a large sum of money to which they replied he's not being paid.

Since my election, I’ve learned that doing the right thing isn’t always easy. It’s easy to see why so many legislators “sell out” once elected. The pressure to do so is immense.

But what America needs now is a President who will not just “go along to get along.” Instead, we must send someone who puts doing what is right above all else to the White House. That candidate is Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is the only candidate to predict the current mess we find ourselves in economically, and he's the only candidate to offer a true plan to cut spending and balance our budget.

He's also consistently spoken out against government spending, assaults on individual liberties, and unnecessary trillion-dollar military adventurism for over 30 years. Polls show he is the Republican candidate that can take on and defeat President Obama in November 2012.

Like all true conservatives, I wholeheartedly agree with Ron Paul that government is too big, and both parties share in the blame. We agree that it is immoral to print money and pass on mounds of debt to the next generation. We agree that life begins at conception and must be protected. We both believe that the Second Amendment must be defended unwaveringly, and that there are too many wars being fought with no end in sight and no obvious path to a defined victory.

Of course, as a state legislator, I recognize that Dr. Paul's strong views on the 10th Amendment will enable me to fight for what I believe in right in my own backyard instead of having to constantly wait on one-size-fits-all "solutions" from Washington, D.C.

With the entire Republican establishment intent on smearing Ron Paul and his dedicated supporters, I understand this decision could impact the way people see me and my entire political career. But this is the right decision, and one in which I proudly stand behind.

To the truly wonderful people I met on the Bachmann campaign, I look forward to working with them in the future as we further the fights for the Right to Life, traditional marriage, and the restoration of our Second Amendment rights here in Iowa. I personally wish her all the best as she continues to battle in Congress.

As for conservatives who are rightly concerned with defeating establishment Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and – even more importantly – Barack Obama in 2012, Ron Paul has established himself as the clear choice.

If you are as frustrated as I am with what's been done by the ruling class, I urge you to join me in supporting Dr. Paul. We can send the national big government political establishment a message they will never forget by voting for Ron Paul for President in the January 3 Iowa Caucuses.
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:22 AM   #4

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I'm not even thinking about Ron becoming president...yet.
One battle a a time. Winning Iowa will be a major deal!
Winning the GOP nomination will be nothing less that phenomenal!
If Ron gets that far, he gets to choose a running mate...that's when things get real, and when he really gets to mess the republicans shit up.
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:53 AM   #5

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I'm not even thinking about Ron becoming president...yet.
One battle a a time. Winning Iowa will be a major deal!
Winning the GOP nomination will be nothing less that phenomenal!
If Ron gets that far, he gets to choose a running mate...that when things get real, and when he really gets to mess the republicans shit up.
If he gets that far he really gets to mess with all of Washingtons shit, D's & R's.
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:56 AM   #6

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If he gets that far he really gets to mess with all of Washingtons shit, D's & R's.
Seems like the time is dragging to the Iowa vote
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Old 12-29-2011, 04:25 AM   #7

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I'm not trying to troll, but what do you guys actually think will happen if RP wins the presidency? We have been past the point of no return for a good length of time.
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Old 12-29-2011, 04:41 AM   #8

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I'm not trying to troll, but what do you guys actually think will happen if RP wins the presidency? We have been past the point of no return for a good length of time.
Ron Paul and VP Jesse Ventura are going to bust some congressmen and banker heads!
Then WWIII and a mass die off.
So not much different, except we get to go out on top victorious and not by the hands of the criminals we have in charge now.
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Old 12-29-2011, 04:49 AM   #9

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Ron Paul and VP Jesse Ventura are going to bust some congressmen and banker heads!
Then WWIII and a mass die off.
So not much different, except we get to go out on top victorious and not by the hands of the criminals we have in charge now.
I kinda like your attitude . It would be good to win a battle for once and we would know where we stand in SHTF terms, it would be basically imminent.
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Old 12-29-2011, 07:08 AM   #10

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Bachmann Key Aide’s Statement on Sen. Kent Sorenson Defection

Bachmann Iowa political director Wes Enos fires back at Mrs. Bachmann’s claim that Sen. Sorenson’s desertion was financially-motivated

ANKENY, Iowa – U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann’s Iowa political director Wes Enos recently made enlightening comments concerning Iowa State Sen. Kent Sorenson’s defection to the Ron Paul camp from his position as Iowa Chairman for the Minnesota congresswoman’s campaign for the presidency.

Hours ago, Sen. Sorenson resigned from his post with the Bachmann camp and publicly endorsed Ron Paul for the presidency, committing to get out the vote for the 12-term Congressman from Texas in the pivotal first-in-nation voting contest.

Mr. Enos made his comments in response to unfounded allegations that Sen. Sorenson’s defection was made due to financial incentives made by the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign. Mr. Enos’s comments on the matter follow, and are presented in full:

“I won’t say much about the situation or the conflicting statements beyond this; I can say unequivocally that Kent Sorenson’s decision was, in no way financially motivated. His decision had more to do with the fact that the Ron Paul supporters have been something of a family to him since he was first elected in 2008 and here in the end, as it becomes more and more apparent that the caucus cycle is coming to an end, Kent believed that he needed to be with them as they stand on the cusp of a potential caucus upset. While I personally disagree with Kent’s decision, and plan to stay with Michele Bachmann because I truly believe in her, I cannot, in good conscious watch a good man like Kent Sorenson be attacked as a 'sell-out' ….That is simply not the case, and it was not the basis of his decision,” said Mr. Enos.
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Old 12-29-2011, 07:10 AM   #11

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This is great political drama. Bachmann called out in a lie by her own Iowa Campaign chair!
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Old 12-29-2011, 07:56 AM   #12

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Seems like the time is dragging to the Iowa vote
More opportunity to pray.
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:11 PM   #13

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Ron Paul and VP Jesse Ventura are going to bust some congressmen and banker heads!
Then WWIII and a mass die off.
So not much different, except we get to go out on top victorious and not by the hands of the criminals we have in charge now.
Are we victorious or did we just help the plan along?...............
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:41 PM   #14

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Are we victorious or did we just help the plan along?...............
We might just be helping the plan along. However, if the demolition of Western society occurs RAPIDLY rather than a slow CONTROLLED demolition, THAT will wake up A LOT of people who would have otherwise just shrugged and gone about their life.

Our rights and freedoms have been chipped away slowly over time. Imagine the outcry if the 4th, 6th, and 8th Amendment rights were violated, en masse, RIGHT NOW.

No protection from illegal searches...no right to confront the people violating your rights, and no protection with regard to your punishment.

"Dude! Did you hear what they did to Mark? They tied him up on the stairs at townhall and beat him with clubs! WTF is going on!!!"

"What did he do??"

"Forgot to pay his water bill."
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:45 PM   #15

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A friend of mine is convinced they are either going to keep Barry in office or RP will be selected. If RP is in, the SHTF shortly after, per the bad guy's plan.

"They" do stand to gain quite a bit from a shift back to a metals based currency.
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Old 12-29-2011, 01:55 PM   #16

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thanks book i was thinking the same thing . i feel all warm now that he join mr paul ... not
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Old 12-29-2011, 02:42 PM   #17

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I'm not trying to troll, but what do you guys actually think will happen if RP wins the presidency? We have been past the point of no return for a good length of time.
There's no doubt if RP is allowed to be president that TPTB would use it as a great opportunity to crash the system, and they'd point fingers at RP as their scapegoat. I see shades of Nicholas Biddle crashing the early American economy when Andrew Jackson started taking action against the banker's monopoly.
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:10 PM   #18

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If the money powers see a Ron Paul presidency as their 'opportunity', then why are their propaganda organs working overtime and then some to make him go away?

As for this defection from Bachmann being suspect, - "It's not a matter of what is true (reality) that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true (reality)." --Heinz Stern aka 'Dr. Kissinger'

What matters is that the perception by the masses that a VIP Bachmann supporter defected to Ron Paul.
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:38 PM   #19

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It'll be worse than just "Blame Ron Paul". The entire Tea Party and anyone who wants a Constitutional Government will be blamed.
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Old 12-29-2011, 03:45 PM   #20

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At this stage in the game they aren't allowing anything and short of offing him they've done everything to extinguish the RP movement before it picked up any steam, and apparently they've failed. It is though still early in the primary race and there are lots of battles to still be decided after Iowa so they still have ample opportunity to pull any number of hijinx in this war. Starting it off on a positive note is mandatory for us because it broadens the freedom message and allows for people to see Ron Paul as a viable candidate regardless of what the talking heads say.

Now, lets pretend that the Iowa scenario played out the same in the majority of the other states and RP had a majority going into the convention. Are the GOP higher ups willing to burn down the party to in their eyes save it by snubbing RP against the will of the people? IDK, maybe, probably? I think they'd have to swallow it and nominate him even if they only planned to half ass support him.

Ok, he's the guy to beat Obama and the majority of Americans are fed up with his brand of BS and where they see the country headed and somehow, by some miracle between the voting machines and the electorate process RP wins and becomes POTUS. The banking elite could pull the carpet knowing that RP has them in his sights, of course that would raise mega questions of the folks who are even somewhat awake and with a POTUS who isn't afraid to call them out, throw them out and expose them with us behind him I'd say they're the ones in a pickle.

Realize, I'm laying out a totally wild scenario here but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
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