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#1 |
I have no problem with some laughs at all and in fact like good laughs between the strokes but to do that at address was just very wrong of him as well as talk while your swinging, But with that said and with all due respect, I just have to say "That was pretty funny". Almost like something from a funny movie or something. Tapin for bird |
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#2 |
I'm more comfortable golfing with strangers than I am with my own family. It's not often a stranger drives me nut's. I find that strangers are more respectful with etiquette and when they see you take the time to fix a couple of ball marks on each hole they start to do the same and that's always good for the course.
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#4 |
I've been paired with a few sour grapes in my day but usually I get paired with some cool people. I have also found that I'm usual the type A in the group so they may think I'm an asre. But I usually end up trading info or finding out about their lives. I mean if your stuck with someone for 4 hours doing what you love, why not be positive and learn about each other. Sadly not everyone feels that way. It like Esox said, their personal lives must be sh$t
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#5 |
In my experiences, probably 98% of the strangers I have played with are friendly, courteous and added to the experience. I've seen a few that no one would enjoy playing with but that is so rare that it doesn't discourage me from joining strangers in a round.
As Wake observed, people who give the impression that they have money don't usually. I know and play with some guys that would be termed rich by many but you would never know it by their actions or words. But these guys all did it the hard way, working long hours, saving, scrimping, and sacrificing for their businesses. They certainly don't think of themselves as "rich." It can be pretty funny, two guys who are now to the point where they can play everyday and they fuss or crow if one loses twenty cents to the other (nickle a hole) just nice, decent people. |
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#6 |
I most often golf as a single walk on early in the am of a sat or sun morning. So of course usually it's with golfers I meet for the first time. Most all have always been very nice, friendly and a pleasure to play along side of. I am easy going, like to be friendly and even have a few laughs while playing a round and usually manage that with most strangers.
But- Every so often you end up with someone who is just not pleasant to be around or worse and can kind of put a damper on your enjoyment of being out on the course that day. Just one example of many for me was the day one of the guys in the group ( all 4 singles) was a real snobby and arrogant guy with an atitude. Started out on the phone with his buddies on like every other hole to tell them out loud about his great play. Where he was going to play the next day and how well he golffed the other day. Then at one point , one of the other guys in the group made an honest mistake of hitting this guys ball while the two balls were very close together in the left ruff. The guy just didn't realize that he had hit his drive to almost the same spot. I have seen this happen before, although very rare it has happened to me in the past and i have also done it once or twice through all the years as well. In any case this arrogant snob really made a big stink about it. And I was like " hey man, come on, it was just an honest mistake". Now a few holes later. The other guy (a different one) in the group had just finished putting and was now standing behind this arrogant snob but in his rear view as he was lining up his put. Most people including myself would have just said pleasantly something like " please move over" or perhaps "would you mind movng please" etc.... But no, not this guy, this dweebie rich, arrogant snob, said something (dont exqactly recall) but it was pretty sarcastic and rude and just let it be known how very upset about it he was. The other guy just said. "Ok, take it easy, no problem". And respectfully moved on. I mean what the heck. Most all the time things go very well but that just one example when they don't and there are other stories I can tell but you get the drift. Have any you experienced bad days with strangers you paired up with and/or how often. Or anything you may like to add about goflng with strangers. Just curious on your thoughts, or stories if any. |
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#7 |
There're are a few idots out there. The rant thread is full of stories about them. I can't say I've been randomly paired with more than 10 or 15 people that were total asses in 40 years of playing. Like you, I'm social, and usually have fun with whomever. There are some who don't want a lot of back and forth, yet are still pleasant, and that can usually be figured out early the round. That's okay, too. With jerks you just play out your round and move on.
I figure people like that are probably miserable for most of their lives. Kevin |
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#10 |
I have never been paired up with anyone that really irked me or irritated me before. I have met up with people and joined their groups, and maybe they played a bit slower and messed around more than I would like, but we would still have fun and bust each others chops, without any ill intention. I got paired up with an older gentleman one time and he was a really cool guy to play with. And he was REALLY good. He was just striping it, one after another. And this is about the time I picked up the game again, so I was pretty raw. He didn't sweat it one bit. Even when I would hit a bad shot, he would give me some positive reinforcement (without being the "swing tip" guy). It was usually something like, "Well that swing looks really good. When it clicks, it's going to be good" or something along those lines. Never met him before, but he was a pleasure to play with and I actually played pretty decently that. Maybe it was because he was so good, or maybe it was because he never allowed me to get down on myself, I don't know.
I also got paired with a guy at Cog Hill once, that asked my buddy and I, around the 12th hole, if we minded if he smoked some grass. LOL. My buddy and I about lost it. I told him I didn't mind, just don't get us kicked off the course. This guy was a GREAT golfer too. He was a member there and was giving us the rundown of all the Western Opens and where our shots were in comparison to shots Tiger had hit. He was really cool. But we spent the next 5 or 6 holes going, "Tim, your wedge", "Time, you left your ball in the hole", "Tim, it's your shot". He was baked and still played bogey golf the rest of the way in. There's good and bad, but so far, my experiences have been pretty good. |
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#11 |
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#15 |
I haven't had any really bad pairings. I play alone during the week when I can get a round in and if there's someone to be paired with I don't mind. Wednesday I played a new course and on the first tee there were 2 fellas from Kenya. We played nine together and it was a lot of fun. They quit after nine so I started on the back nine. On the third hole I caught up to a husband and wife and joined them. Again I had a wonderful time. I find that most if not all of the time I run into people like this. If I do run into people that I'm not happy with I just use my back as an excuse to sit out a hole and let them go on ahead. I'd rather play alone and wait on them than let them ruin my day.
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#16 |
Fortunately I have never been paired up with anyone to that extreme, I guess there is a reason he was playing alone and would guess he usually does play without any regular playing partners. I like MikeT's idea about just claiming the back needs a quick rest and letting them just play on ahead, I will keep that in mind in case I need it in the future.
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#18 |
I most often golf as a single walk on early in the am of a sat or sun morning. So of course usually it's with golfers I meet for the first time. Most all have always been very nice, friendly and a pleasure to play along side of. I am easy going, like to be friendly and even have a few laughs while playing a round and usually manage that with most strangers. |
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#19 |
There're are a few idots out there. The rant thread is full of stories about them. I can't say I've been randomly paired with more than 10 or 15 people that were total asses in 40 years of playing. Like you, I'm social, and usually have fun with whomever. There are some who don't want a lot of back and forth, yet are still pleasant, and that can usually be figured out early the round. That's okay, too. With jerks you just play out your round and move on. I was getting really mad at a person like this once and my friend calmly told me, "He will be like that his entire life, that is punishment enough don't you think?" It completely changed the way I view these type of people. I think if this happens to me, I will probably tell the guy he can calm down or we will drop him off at the turn. |
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#20 |
QFT! |
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