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#1 |
Why would Muawiyah I attack Ali (Ra) for the Caliphate? I have come across this question alot of times, I don't think he would commit such an act, please provide me with more info about this incident. Is it TRUE OR FALSE? I am a sunni muslim, so please don't name me a Shia because of this thread............ MADMAX786 |
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#2 |
senior Sahaabah are expressed by the Shi`i theologian, Muhammad Amin Al-Antaaki. On page 12 of the booklet he states:
“What, do you not see what has bee innovated by the tyrannical Muawiyyah, Amr Ibnul A`as, Marwaan , Ziad, Ibn Ziad, Mugheerah Bin Shu`bah, Amr Bin Sa`ad, whose father is amongst the Ashara Mubash-sharah in their (i.e. the Sahaabah and the Ahlus Sunnah) opinion and Talhah and Zubair who pledged loyalty to Ali then renegedfrom the pledge and waged war against their Imaam with Aishah in Basrah. They introduced therein such crimes which a cultured person will not commit.” In this statement, the Shiahs are branding some of the most illustrious Sahaabah as tyrannical, liars, disloyal and criminals. But Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has declared emphatically: “My Sahaabah are like the stars. Whomever (among them) you follow, you will attain Hidaayat.” “All my Sahaabah are uprighteous.” Commenting on Rasulullah’s (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) declaration that all his Sahaabah are uprighteous, the Shi`i priest states on page 13 of the booklet from Qumm: “We have never heard that any Nabi among the Ambiya came to his nation and all of them became uprighteous. In fact, the reality in this regard is the opposite. The Kitaab and Sunnah confirm this.” This is the type of Shiah onslaught against the authentic Ahaadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). To substantiate their belief that the overwhelming majority of the Sahaabah reneged from Islam (Nauthubillah!), the Shiahs have to refute the declaration of Nabi-e-Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) proclaiming the uprighteousness and justice of ALL his Sahaabah. HADHRAT MUAWIYYAH (radhiallahu anhu) Among the greatest excellences of Ameerul Mu`mineen Hadhrat Ameer Muawiyyah (radhiallahu anhu) is the fact that he was one of Rasulullah’s (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) scribes who wrote the Wahi of the Qur`aan under the instructions of Nabi-e-Kareem (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). This unique position of trust assigned to him by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is sufficient to refute the crude and vulgar Shi`i slander and abuse directed against this noble and illustrious Sahaabi. Another fact which bears out his proximity to Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and his lofty rank among the Sahaabah is his appointment as commander of the Muslim army by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Stressing the lofty rank of Ameerul Mu`mineen Hadhrat Muawiyyah radhiallahu anhu), Sheikh Waliyullah Muhaddith Dehlwi (rahmatullahi alayh) says in Izaalatul Khifaa: “Know that Muawiyyah Bin Sufyaan (radhiallahu anhuma) was a Sahaabi of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). In the general group of the Sahaabah , he held a distinguished position and rank. He is a Sahaabi of outstanding virtue and excellence. Beware! Never revile him. Never commit the Haraam act of abusing him.” Shiahs claim that if Hadhrat Abu Bakr (radhiallahu anhu) had possessed the qualities of leadership, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) would have appointed him commander of the army. This false assertion has already been rebutted earlier in the discussion on Hadhrat Abu Bakr (radhiallahu anhu). It was shown that Hadhrat Abu Bakr (radhiallahu anhu) was in fact made commander of the army in several battles. If Shiahs honestly believe that only one who has been appointed commander possesses the qualifications of leadership, then let them accept the leadership of Hadhrat Muawiyyah (radhiallahu anhu) who was appointed commander of the army by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Bearing testimony to the rank of Hadhrat Muawiyyah (radhiallahu anhu), Hadhrat Ali (radhiallahu anhu) says: “O People! Do not revile the reign of Muawiyyah. I swear by Allah! When he lives no longer, anarchy will spread wildly on earth.” [Izaalatul Khifaa] Hadhrat Ali (radhiallahu anhu) said: “The best of the Ummah after its Nabi are Abu Bakr and Umar.” [Bukhaari] This statement of Hadhrat Ali (radhiallahu anhu) has been narrated by eighty persons. Ibn Umar (radhiallahu anhu) said: “ During the lifetime of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) we used to say: ‘The noblest of the Ummah of Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) after the Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is Abu Bakr, then Umar and then Uthmaan.” [Bukhaari] CONTINUED FROM PAGE 187 Then he (Ali) replaced it. Umar was scared and he lapsed into silence, for he knew that whenever Ali took an oath by Allah, he always fulfilled it. Then Ali recalled: “O Umar! Are you not the One whom the Messenger of Allah had decided to kill? He had sent for me and I came over with my sword hanging around my neck. Then I advanced towards you in order to put an end to your life....” Similar stories of fabrications narrated by the Shiah enemies of Islam, proclaim the valour of Hadhrat Ali (radhiallahu anhu) and his fearless confrontations with Hadhrat Umar (radhiallahu anhu) and the latter’s mortal fear for him (Hadhrat Ali). Yet, they absurdly claim that Hadhrat Ali (radhiallahu anhu) submitted to the Khilaafat of the first three Khulafa out of fear, hence he had to swear allegiance in terms of the confounded evil doctrine of Taqiyah. In the Shi`i Kitaab of Salim bin Qaisul Amr appears: “Ali possessed such power that once he hit the ground with his foot, there was an earthquake.” When a strike of Hadhrat Ali’s foot caused an earthquake, how can we accept that he feared the first three Khulafa so much that he offered his allegiance to them and submitted to their alleged baatil, kufr, hypocrisy, fraud and deception? ----Nauthubillah! SHIAHS AND JIHAAD That Shiahs are the enemies of Islam, enemies of the Sahaabah and the enemies of the Muslims who follow the Sunnah, there is no doubt. The history of Shi`ism demonstrates this fact without ambiguity. Inspite of their vociferous slogans laying claim to Islam, they are perpetually involved in bloody conspiracies to undermine Muslims. The Irani priests clamour much about Jihaad. But, Shi`ism has not waged a single Jihaad under the banner of Islam for the sake of Islam and Allah Ta`ala in all the centuries of Islam’s history. Their salient features have always been schemes, plots conspiracies and intrigues of strife, fitnah and murder directed against the people of the Sunnah. Even the anarchy which the Shi`i priests unleashed in Iran in these times was not Jihaad in the Path of Allah. It was a plain political struggle to wrest power from the Shah. Religion is always used by Shi`i’s for worldly political ends. In fact, according to Khomeini the goal and ultimate purpose of religion is politics. Shiahs are thus grounded to this ephemeral material abode. A people whose minds are blocked with kufr and hatred for the Beloved Sahaabah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) cannever be expected to wage Jihaad in the Path of Allah Ta`ala. There is no affinity whatever between Shi`ism and Jihaad. Jihaad is exclusive to the People of the Sunnah notwithstanding the present neglect of this vital Pillar by the People of the Sunnah of these times. Islamic history bears ample testimony that the Standard-Bearers if Islamic Jihaad have always been the Ahlus Sunnah, never the Shiahs. In this regard Ibn Taymia (rahmatullahi alayh) states in Minhaajus Sunnah: “The Shiahs do not wage Jihaad against the Kuffaar. The enemies of the Deen. On the contrary, numerous among them befriend the enemies of Allah. In their hatred for Muslims, they aid the Kuffaar. They have hatred for the Auliyaa of Allah and the Mu`mineen. They become the allies of Allah’s enemies, the Mushrikeen and the Ahl-e-Kitaab just as they have become the enemies of the noblest of creation, viz. The Muhaajireen, the Ansaar and their followers.” This is the Shi`i stance even today. While slating America as the ‘Satan’, Iran has joined hands with the kuffaar of America, India, Russia and Israel against the Taalibaan of Afghanistan. All these kuffaar, whether American kuffaar, Indian kuffaar, Israeli kuffaar, Russian kuffaar or Iranian Shi`i kuffaar, are of the same breed and ilk. They have joined forces in their conspiracy to eliminate the Islamic government of Afghanistan, hence they all support the un-Islamic alliance lined against Taalibaan. It is said Kufr is a single breed! The natural consequence of hatred for the Muhaajireen and Ansaar is love for the Mushrikeen, Yahood and Nasaara. It is therefore not possible for Shiahs to wage Jihaad against the Kuffaar. Their claims are hollow and lack any factual basis. To this day, against which Kuffaar did the Shiahs ever wage Jihaad? In the past their hatred was vented only on Muslims, never Kuffaar. And, in present times their hatred is likewise vented against Muslims – the Iraqis and Palestinians – never the Kuffaar. Further on in this book is explained the Shiah discrimination, oppression and torture of the Ahlus Sunnah citizens of Iran. Shi`i epithets hurled against America in womanish style are not representative of Islamic Jihaad. Verbal vituperation gorged out against the other Fussaaq rulers and governments of Muslim lands is not the Jihaad which Islam exhorts. About Jihaad, Allaama Anwar Shah Kashmiri wrote: “Most certainly, besides the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama`ah, Allah Ta`ala has not granted the Tawfeeq of Jihaad to any other group. Most Islamic states were ruined by the machinations of the Shiahs. May Allah Ta`ala destroy them.” [Faidhul Baari] Ameerul Mu`mineen Uthmaan (radhiallahu anhu) was murdered by the forerunners of the Shi`i movement. The last Khalifah of the Abbaasi Khilaafat in Baghdaad, Al-Mu`tasim Bil-Laah was murdered by the Shiahs. Shiah conspiracy accomplished the rape of Baghdaad. Such murderers cannever embark on Jihaad in the Path of Allah. They are adepts in conspiracy and intrigue. Cruelty and brutality are their methods. The pillage of Baghdaad during the time of Al-Mu`tasim Bil-Laah is glaring evidence of the villainy of Shi`ism. Describing some of these heart-rending episodes enacted by the Shiahs, Ibn Qayyim writes in Ighaathatul Luhfaan: “.......They murdered the Ulama of Islam – The Qaadhis, the Fuqaha and the Muhadditheen – and befriended the philosophers, astrologers and sorcerers. They transferred the auqaaf funds of the Musaajid, Madaaris and Maraabit to these atheists. They erected institutions for these atheists. Abu Ja`far Tusi (the Shi`i) endeavoured to substitute the Qur`aan with Ishaaraat, the book of Ibn Sinaa, the leader of the atheists, but he did not succeed. He said that the book Ishaaraat is the Qur`aan of the elite. He tampered with Salaat and attempted to fix it (Salaat) at two, but he did not succeed.” These vile perpetrations continue in Iran to this day against the Ahlus Sunnah. The rape, pillage and destruction of Baghdaad with Shi`i connivance cannot be adequately described in words. Approximately a quarter of the Muslim population was murdered in cold blood. Streams of Muslim blood flowed. Copies of the Qur`aan and Books of Ahaadith were burnt. Those who loudly claim to be lovers of the Ahl-e-Bait (the Family of Rasulullah - sallallahu alayhi wasallam) initiated a witch-hunt for the children of Hadhrat Abbaas (radhiallahu anhu), the uncle of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). They all were mercilessly murdered by the Shiahs. These acts of injustice were perpetrated with the connivance, instigation and advices of Ibn Alqami and Nasruddin Tusi, both Shiahs. These enemies of the Deen cooled the fire of their hatred in this brutal way with the aid of the Tartar barbarians. How can we ever accept the slogan: “NO Shi`ism, NO Sunni`ism.”? SHI`I ADL According to the Shi`i concept of Adl (justice) it is incumbent on Allah Ta`ala to reward good deeds and punish evil deeds. This is an obligatory principle which Allah Ta`ala has to incumbently follow according to the Shi`i belief of Adl. The imposition of this principle of Shi`ism on Allah Ta`ala implies the curtailment of the Freedom and Power of The Creator. The belief of Islam is that while Allah Ta`ala will reward good deeds and punish evil deeds, He is under no obligation to do so. There will be countless people on the day of Qiyaamah who will enter Jannat without having been punished for sins which they committed. The Attribute of Rahmat (Mercy) of Allah Ta`ala will dictate such matters, not the Baatil Shi`i concept of Adl. The following narration of Hadhrat Ubai Bin Ka`b (radhiallahu anhu) sufficiently negates the Shi`i concept of Adl: “Verily, if Allah Azza Wa Jal punishes the inhabitants of all the heavens and the inhabitants of His earth, He can punish them and in doing so, He will not be acting unjustly. And, if He wishes to have Mercy on them (thus forgiving them), then His Rahmat will be better for them than their good deeds.” [Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Maajah] SAHAABAH - THE TRUEST MU’MINEEN The Qur`aan Majeed states the nobility, piety and truth of the Sahaabah in the following Aayat: “THOSE WHO ACCEPTED IMAAN, MADE HIJRAT AND WAGED JIHAAD IN THE PATH OF ALLAH (I.E. THE MUHAAJIREEN) AND THOSE WHO GAVE ASYLUM (I.E. THE ANSAAR) AND ASSISTED (THEM) , UNDOUBTEDLY THEY ARE THE TREU MU’MINOON. FOR THEM IS MAGHFIRAH (FORGIVENESS) AND A GRACIOUS RIZQ.” [SURAH ANFAAL] SHI`I SLANDER A brother from Australia writing about the pernicious propaganda efforts of the Shiahs in Australia, says: “The Shiah make light jokes about the Sahaabah and crack dirty jokes about Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radhiallahu anhu). They claim that he was a fabricator of Hadith. One Shiah got hold of a copy of Riyaadus Saaliheen (a Hadith Book) and wrote on its cover: THE NEW TESTAMENT ACCORDING TO ABU HURAIRAH. This mocking and slandering goes on and on. Shiahs teach Muslims to recite the Shi`i Tashahhud; to pray on wood; to do Sajdah on stone and they say that to say ‘Ameen’ in Salaat violates the Salaat. They say to fold the hands in Salaat is the way of women. They claim that Imaam Abu Hanifah (rahmatullahi alayh)poisoned the grandson of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). They say that the Hanafis are Kaafirs. They claim that Maghrib Salaat is valid until midnight. They condemn the practice of washing the feet and say that it is a Jewish custom to wear a topi under the turban. Their campaign grows worse by the day.” These false claims are not surprising. Abuse and slander are salient features of the Shiahs. Their most important target of criticism and vilification is the beloved Sahaabah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Their propaganda campaign against the Ahlus Sunnah is part of the political conspiracy of Khomeini who himself is an arch-enemy of the Sahaabah. Khomeini himself has singled out Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radhiallahu anhu) for his vile comments of falsehood. They put up an external show of ‘brotherhood’ and ‘unity’ with the People of the Sunnah, but their hearts are filled with poison and daggers for the Mu`mineen who love the Sahaabah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Muslims should be on their guard and not allow themselves to be duped by the slogans and propaganda of Khomeini and his agents. i got this article from this site i dont agree with all of it- i wont call shia kuffars- but i would called them the people of biddah |
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#3 |
Salam Uthman ibn Affan (ra) was assassinated and Ali (ra) decided not to punish the traitors. Aisha (ra) and other Sahabi (may Allah be pleased with them) as well as Muawiyah (ra) wanted them punished. So that is where the dispute started. And it should be noted that Muawiyah (ra) DID NOT take part in the Siege of Basra as well as the Battle of the Camel (the first conflict), as he wanted to avoid conflict and blood-shed, but he did not recognize the Caliphate of Ali (ra) due to Ali's (ra) decision. Eventually Ali's (ra) army met with Muawiya's (ra) near the Euphrates, which resulted in the Battle of Siffin. After the Battle of Siffin it ended up with an agreement between Ali (ra) and Muawiya (ra). This angered many of Ali's (ra) supporters, which resulted in the split (the Kharijites) and eventually resulting in a Khariji to assassinate Ali (ra). Ali (ra) was correct in his decisions, he was for unity, though one shouldn't hold Muawiya (ra) as some kind of power hungry monster kafir as the Shia's and some "Sunnis" believe. With Imam Hasan (ra) in power thereafter, it eventually led to the betrayal of many of the Shiat-Ali, whereby he would decide that no one was worth it for leadership than Muawiya (ra). For those "Sunnis" who think Muawiya (ra) is some kind of Kafir, it should be noted that it was authentically related that Rasullilah (salalahu alahi wasalam) prophesied and told Imam Hasan (ra) that he would unite two groups of MUSLIMS. Allah knows best. |
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#5 |
there was peaceful agreement between ali and muawiya (rzm). it was hypocrites who attacked but none of any sahaba. because of misunderstanding sahaba faught each other
the one who says muawiya(rz) kafir should doubt his eman first if u know urdu listen khulafaye rashideen by The Great Makki al-hijazi (speaker masjid al haram). A great scholar, student of Darul uloom Deoband, India. [Makki al hijazi] (if not complete atleat last 4 or 5 speeches) |
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#6 |
Let me attempt to explain it simply, so we can easily understand:
I heard this in a lecture: Someone who is sitting down doing nothing, will not make a mistake. But a group of people who are literally carrying the world on their shoulders (by the Will of Allah) [i.e. the Sahabah ![]() And since they are in such high positions, their mistakes will tend to affect more people and have more consequences than someone who makes a mistake and it only affects him or his household or something of that sort. So they simply made a mistake or two in their lifetimes. Everyone makes mistakes. When me and you make a mistake, it is a small tiny one and it only affects ourselves and maybe a few people. But the higher up you are, the bigger the mistake seems to others. In the end, the sahabah made ijtihad and some were correct, some were incorrect, but all still deserve our praise. |
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#7 |
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#8 |
Let me attempt to explain it simply, so we can easily understand: |
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#9 |
HIS FAMILY (YAZID) KILLED THE GRANDCHILDREN OF THE PROPHET(SAW) AND KILLED HIS GREAT GRANDCHILDREN WHO WERE ONLY CHILDREN LIKE ALI ASGHAR WHO WAS ONLY 6 MONTHS OLD!!! THEN WHY WOULD THE PROPHET PRAISE HIM????? Abu Huraira narrated: The Prophet (PBUH&HF) looked toward Ali, al-Hasan, al-Husain, and Fatimah, and said: "I am in the state of war with those who will fight ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ you, and in the state of peace with those who are peaceful to you." ^^^ Sunni references: (1) Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v5, p699 (2) Sunan Ibn Majah, v1, p52 (3) Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p767, Tradition #1350 (4) al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p149 (5) Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v9, p169 (6) al-Kabir, by Tabarani, v3, p30, also in al-Awsat (7) Jamius Saghir, by al-Ibani, v2, p17 (8) Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v7, p137 (9) Sawai'q al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ch. 11, section 1, p221 (10) Talkhis, by al-Dhahabi, v3, p149 (11) Dhakha'ir al-Uqba, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, p25 (12) Mishkat al-Masabih, by Khatib al-Tabrizi, English Version, Tdadition #6145 (13) Others such as Ibn Habban, etc. It is the well-known fact in the history that Muawiyah fought Imam Ali (AS). And based on the above tradition of the Prophet(PBUH&HF) the Prophet has declared war on Muawiyah. How can we still love a person whom the Prophet has declared war on him? The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever hurts Ali, has hurt me" Sunni references: - Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v3, p483 - Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Hanbal, v2, p580, Tradition #981 - Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v9, p129 - al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ch. 11, section 1, p263 - Ibn Habban, Ibn Abd al-Barr, etc. The Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever reviles/curses Ali, has reviled/cursed me" Sunni reference: - al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p121, who mentioned this tradition is Authentic. - Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v6, p323 - Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Hanbal, v2, p594, Tradition #1011 - Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, v9, p130 - Mishkat al-Masabih, English version, Tradition #6092 - Tarikh al-Khulafa, by Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, p173 - and many others such as Tabarani, Abu Ya'la, etc. =============================================== Muawiyah Instituting the curse of Imam Ali (AS) =============================================== Muawiyah not only fought Imam Ali, he cursed Imam Ali as well. Furthermore, he did force/make everybody to curse Ali (AS). To prove it, we begin with Sahih Muslim: Narrated Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas: Muawiyah, the son of Abu Sufyan, give order to Sa'd, and told him: "What prevents you that you are refraining from cursing Abu Turab (nickname of Ali)?" Sa'd replied: "Don't you remember that the Prophet said three things about (the virtue of) Ali? So I will never curse Ali." Sunni reference: Sahih Muslim, Chapter of Virtues of Companions, Section of Virtues of Ali, Arabic, v4, p1871, Tradition #32. |
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#10 |
Please refer this article, to remove your misconceptions regarding Muawiya(ra)
Nature of Relationship between Ahlebayt(ra) and Muawiya(ra) |
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#11 |
Salam Aleykum,
I swear to god I replied to that exact same argument presented by the Shi'ite "heenajess" here: You Shi'ites have the worst Habit of copying and pasting the exact same arguments after we've replied to them over and over. As for the brother who posed the question, why don't you buy a good book and read it? here let me recommend this one for you: ^ it's very good. |
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#12 |
Salam |
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#13 |
Question: What was the true nature of the wars that started in the time of ‘Ali (r.a)? What should we call those who took part in them, and those who died and those who killed?
T h e A n s w e r : The war between ‘Ali (r.a) and Talha, and Zubayr and ‘A’isha the Veracious (May God be pleased with all of them), called the Event of the Camel, was a struggle between pure justice and relative justice. It was as follows: ‘Ali (ra) took pure justice as his guiding principle and in his judgement of the Law proceeded on that basis, as was the case in the time of the Caliphs Abu Bakr (ra) and ‘Umar (ra). Those who opposed him said that previously the purity of Islam had permitted pure justice, but since with the passage of time various peoples whose Islam was weak had joined Islamic society, to apply pure justice was extremely difficult. For this reason, their judgement of the Law was based on relative justice, known as the lesser of two evils. Dispute over interpretation of the Law led to war. Since the interpretations had been purely for God’s sake and for the benefit of Islam, and war had broken out because of interpretation of the Law, we may surely say that both those who killed and those who were killed won Paradise, and both acted rightfully. ‘Ali (r.a.)’s interpretation was accurate, just as those who opposed him were in error, but they still did not deserve punishment. For if a person makes a correct interpretation, he gains two rewards, but if he fails to do this he still earns one reward, the reward for making an interpretation, which is a form of worship. He is forgiven his error. A learned person who was widely known amongst us and whose pronouncements were authoritative wrote in Kurdish: “Don’t gossip about the war between the Companions, for both killer and killed were destined for Paradise.” Bediuzzaman |
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#14 |
MUAWIYAH EVIL MAN Al Hasan complained about them as well mentioning that they killed his father. Al Hussain when leaving from Makkah to Kufah, the people who sent letters to him asking him to come, were in the army of kufah fighting him! Those who gave him Bay'ah and asked him to come killed him. Shia scholar Muhsin Al Amin confirms this in "A'yaan al Shia" Murtada al Mutahiri in his book "Al Malhamah Al Hussainiyyah" : "Surprisingly, Al Hussain was killed by Muslims, and specifically, by the Shias!" He also said "The killers of Hussain are his shias". So they basically kill someone then attend his funeral! This is why they made "Tawabeen army" later, making tawbah! The main three figures responsible for killing al Hussain are : 1- Shamr Bin Thee Al Jawshan (Was in Alis army in Siffeen battle) 2- Sinan Bin Anas (his father Anas was in Alis army in Siffeen!) 3- Ubaidulah Bin Ziyad. (He was in Alis army in Siffeen battle! and his father ruled Basrah under Ali raa!) In the book "Rijaal al Shia" shias admit this about 1 and 3. So as you see all of them are shias, whether as groups or individuals. So crying and lying and copying and pasting doesnt mean theres an arguement. Shias have nothing but emotions to offer and have zero knowledge of Hadeeth. In televised debates they proved to be jokes. This is why they rely on emotions only in their propaganda in their Husainniyaat and Ashura and other occasions. Who benefits? The ones who claim to be from Ahl Al Bait wearing those black hats so that they can collect $$$$ from Shias willing to pay them "Al Khums". Its nothing more than a business my friend and a culture based on the remains of the Persian empire that was conquered by Umar Radhee Allahu Anhu. A Shia "sheikh" here admits this and adds that "breaking the arm of Fatima is a lie", saying that its to give their position a religious look on the outside, since being conquered by "Barberic Arab bedwins" as he put it, was too much for them to stomach. Crying and raising ones voice and repeating lies doesnt make them truth. |
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#15 |
And to the person who asked the main question.. Muawiyah raa didnt "attack" rather fitnah makers killed people from both sides to start a fitnah. And later on the two sides agreed to peace and the judgement of the book of Allah.
Also, know that history books, such as Tareekh Al Tabari, mention hadeeths with their chains, saying in the intro that it is up to the reader to look into authenticity. So not everything there is authentic, theres so many weak and fabricated narrations, and many narrations regarding this topic have the shia Abi Mukhnaf in the chain, a known liar, who they rely on very much. |
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#17 |
![]() Before speaking ill about Hazrat Amir Muawaiya (R.A), one should keep the following points in mind: Hazrat Muawaiya is a very distinguish, loved & trusted Sahaaba of Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallalahu Alaihi Wassalam). There are many great attributes associated with him, which have an answer within themselves about his personality, position and importance. Firstly, as stated rightly earlier in this thread by Br. Hugga that, Hazrat Muawaiya had the grand fate of being one of Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)'s scribes. He was one of those who wrote the Wahi that were revealed on Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)!!! Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) HIMSELF instructed Ameer Muawaiya (R.A) for this. We surely agree, and every true muslim should agree, to the fact that Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had a far vision. He knew what is good, what is not, and also WHO is good and who is not!! Anything that Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) did or said is never ever wrong! So, when Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) Himself assigns such a high position to a person, can that person be of a bad/wrong ? He must be so pure, so righteous that he was given the opportunity of writing down the wahi !!! ------------- Secondly, Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) trusted Ameer Muawaiya and often seeked his advice on various matters. A person seeks advice from someone who is capable enough of providing one, whose words and advice are dependable, who possesses such knowledge and who is trusted. So, the one from whom, Allah's beloved RASULLALLAH MUHAMMED (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) seeks advice and trusts, can that person have anything wrong or negative within himself?? ------------- Thirdly, it was none other than Hazrat Muawiya (R.A), who took Islam beyond the borders of SAudi & nearby cities, to distant lands, by sea. He played a crucial role in the spread of Islam to distant & far away lands. ------------- And Finally, many do not know, that Ameer Muawaiya (R.A) had such treasures that not many Sahabas have!! Yes, and in that treasures he had the things that either belonged to, or were used by Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)!!!! He had a collection of them all !! whenever Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) would cut his mubarak nails, Hazrat Ameer Muawaiya (R.A) would collect them all and keep it with himself. ![]() And also, a greater fact about Hazrat Ameer Muawaiya (R.A) is that, he had kept safely with himself a white kameez mubarak of Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and had made a will that when he (Hazrat Ameer Muawaiya (R.A)) would die, that kameez of Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) should be used as his kaffan. ![]() ------------ Now, anyone who would have been wrong, bad, kaafir (Nauzubillah) wouldnt have such great burial in his fate,, wouldnt be loved and trusted by Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), wouldnt get the opportunity of writing down the wahis. For all this, were instructed or approved by Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) HIMSELF !! And neither would Allah (S.W.T) ever let this all happen if Hazrat Muawaiya was so wrong or bad or a kafir (Nauzubillah) as said by the Shias. This is my opinion about Hazrat Muawaiya (R.A) and the Sahaba Akram. None was or can be bad, since they lived and lead their lives with Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)!!! All of them hold high, very high places, and SHOULD be loved and respected by ALL TRUE MUSLIMS !! Should anyone have a problem or ill feeling towards any sahaba, then he is simply going against the saying of Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that,“All my Sahaabah are uprighteous.”. Read again, “ALL my Sahaabah are uprighteous.” !! What happened between Hazrat Ali (R.A) & Hazrat Muawaiya (R.A) is a matter of time & circumstances. Both had their own opinion and stand and both were right in their own way. Simply because they were the Sahabas of Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) !! We need to respect their opinions & them as well. Both hold a high place in the world of Islam, and should be duly loved & respected. One must try to not speak ill about any sahab of Rasulullah Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and gain the anger & wrath of Allah (S.W.T). PS: Apologies for any mistake that I might have done in writing and trying to explain my point of view. |
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#18 |
And to the person who asked the main question.. Muawiyah raa didnt "attack" rather fitnah makers killed people from both sides to start a fitnah. And later on the two sides agreed to peace and the judgement of the book of Allah. |
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#19 |
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