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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #1

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Default Killing the Nafs :)
Assalam O Alaikum!

Has anybody try to kill his Nafs? Like NOT eating, drinking, sleeping, talking to anyone, no study, no work, no marriage, no hobbies/activities NOTHING!
But just Ibadah For the remaining life.

I tried but failed in just half-day badly
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #2

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Assalam O Alaikum!

Has anybody try to kill his Nafs? Like NOT eating, drinking, sleeping, talking to anyone, no study, no work, no marriage, no hobbies/activities NOTHING!
But just Ibadah For the remaining life.

I tried but failed in just half-day badly

Haay? What is the name of this nafs?
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #3

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Assalam O Alaikum!

Has anybody try to kill his Nafs? Like NOT eating, drinking, sleeping, talking to anyone, no study, no work, no marriage, no hobbies/activities NOTHING!
But just Ibadah For the remaining life.

I tried but failed in just half-day badly
wa alaikumussalaam,
im sorry but sounds like rahbaaniyya.. not islamic/sunnah @ all
the sunnah actually is to EAt, drink, sleep, TALK, study, marry etc
all this can be included and counted as "ibaadah" if done with such intentions.
look at the way of nabi sallAllaahu alaihi wa sallam, surely no one can surpass Him in "ibaadah"
get in tocuh with mashaaikh, read kitaabs, listen to lectures.
humble suggestions.
there is a soul and a nafs.. both can be well balanced. the goal is that the rooh is stronger so its not defeated by the evils of the nafs
was salaam
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #4

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Haay? Why not to eat or drink or sleep or talk to anyone or work or marry or do anything? What is the name of this nafs?
I learn that thing from the life of Aulia Allah. I was trying to free myself.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #5

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wa alaikumussalaam,
im sorry but sounds like rahbaaniyya.. not islamic/sunnah @ all
the sunnah actually is to EAt, drink, sleep, TALK, study, marry etc
all this can be included and counted as "ibaadah" if done with such intentions.
look at the way of nabi sallAllaahu alaihi wa sallam, surely no one can surpass Him in "ibaadah"
get in tocuh with mashaaikh, read kitaabs, listen to lectures.
humble suggestions.
there is a soul and a nafs.. both can be well balanced. the goal is that the rooh is stronger so its not defeated by the evils of the nafs
was salaam
My sister you are right that those if done with right intentions are ibadah too but when someone taste the sweetness of ibadah one can't live without it.
Even my Sheikh use to say that keep a balanced life. But seriously I wanna get rid of these things. I wanna do ibadah 24/7 non stop for the rest of my life like what Aulia did.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #6

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My sister you are right but when someone taste the sweetness of ibadah one can't live without it.
ofc we continue and carry on with that and do try increasing acc to our capacity/capability.
there's no stopping there obv.
its even more sweet when one is always connected with Allaah ta'ala despite being engaged in other duties of life and fulfilling the huqooq of those around us upon us.
the auwliyaa were of a different caliber, not saying dont try going there. but I recall once being told by an ustaadh, the mashaaikh say if one can just fulfill the faraaidh, stay away from sins (major and minor), fulfill huqooqul ibaad, consider such a person the wali of such a time.
sounds simple, its deep
also theres more kamaal and beauty when we can be beloved in Our creator's eyes and also in the eye's of His makhlooq. dont get me wrong, the 2nd isn't a priority but a result of fulfilling their huqooq as well.
wAllaahu a'lam

istiqaamat is a must. we'd rather start a minimum amount of (nafl) ibaadah with ikhlaas and istiqaamat than do a whole lot with sudden jowsh that dies out..
istiqaamat is a blessing/mercy from Allaah.
May He grant it to all in good deeds, aameen
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #7

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ofc we continue and carry on with that and do try increasing acc to our capacity/capability.
there's no stopping there obv.
its even more sweet when one is always connected with Allaah ta'ala despite being engaged in other duties of life and fulfilling the huqooq of those around us upon us.
the auwliyaa were of a different caliber, not saying dont try going there. but I recall once being told by an ustaadh, the mashaaikh say if one can just fulfill the faraaidh, stay away from sins (major and minor), fulfill huqooqul ibaad, consider such a person the wali of such a time.
sounds simple, its deep
also theres more kamaal and beauty when we can be beloved in Our creator's eyes and also in the eye's of His makhlooq. dont get me wrong, the 2nd isn't a priority but a result of fulfilling their huqooq as well.
wAllaahu a'lam

istiqaamat is a must. we'd rather start a minimum amount of (nafl) ibaadah with ikhlaas and istiqaamat than do a whole lot with sudden jowsh that dies out..
istiqaamat is a blessing/mercy from Allaah.
May He grant it to all in good deeds, aameen

Sister you defined it very well but I don't think that these things are for me now. I wanna move myself away from this World forever. As, Rumi (RA) said;

Die Before You Die
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #8

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there is no killing the nafs. that isn't the goal. nor is it possible. The goal is to purify it and bring it into equilibrium, reform it, train it, guide it.

Imam Ghazali describes it as training a horse. you don't beat the horse into submission, because then the horse will either be injured beyond being able to heal or it will fight back for his life. the method is to gradually train the horse to obey your command, giving it training that it can handle and gradually increasing it. Read Imam Ghazali's Disciplining the Soul in his Ihya.


even in 100% ibadat you may find your nafs takes pride and delight in its accomplishments to do that. The nafs is no easy matter.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #9

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there is no killing the nafs. that isn't the goal. nor is it possible. The goal is to purify it and bring it into equilibrium, reform it, train it, guide it.

Imam Ghazali describes it as training a horse. you don't beat the horse into submission, because then the horse will either be injured beyond being able to heal or it will fight back for his life. the method is to gradually train the horse to obey your command. Read Imam Ghazali's Disciplining the Soul in his Ihya.

JazakAllah Kher Akhi!

But read the life of Ba Yazeed Bastami (RA), Shibli (RA) & Ibrahim bin Adham (RA). Ba Yazeed Bastami (RA) use to pray on big toe, SubhanAllah!

* I am not advising anybody to do this
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #10

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My sister you are right that those if done with right intentions are ibadah too but when someone taste the sweetness of ibadah one can't live without it.
Even my Sheikh use to say that keep a balanced life. But seriously I wanna get rid of these things. I wanna do ibadah 24/7 non stop for the rest of my life like what Aulia did.

Mabrook brother you got nice intention to do ibadat 24/7.but wait you need some more curve in your intention to make it as per shariyah and sunnah, our goal is not ibadat, but ita'at of Allah and nabi -e-karim .
So adopt the sunnah way of eating, sleeping, talking, and meeting will be more beneficial for us sinners,
And my shaykh always says to follow sunnah is jihade akaber for nafs, and one need to struggle more in it ....
May Allah grant us all brothers and sisters consistency on shariyah and sunnah .....
Aameen ...

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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #11

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Mabrook brother you got nice intention to do ibadat 24/7.but wait you need some more curve in your intention to make it as per shariyah and sunnah, our goal is not ibadat, but ita'at of Allah and nabi -e-karim .
So adopt the sunnah way of eating, sleeping, talking, and meeting will be more beneficial for us sinners,
And my shaykh always says to follow sunnah is jihade akaber for nafs, and one need to struggle more in it ....
May Allah grant us all brothers and sisters consistency on shariyah and sunnah .....
Aameen ...

JazakAllah sister for the advice.
But may be the path I have chosen is the best of me
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #12

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JazakAllah sister for the advice.
But may be the path I have chosen is the best of me
May Allah grant us fahem understanding of sirate mustquim...and tawfiq to walk on it ....
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #13

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May Allah grant us fahem understanding of sirate mustquim...and tawfiq to walk on it ....
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #14

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Assalam O Alaikum!

Has anybody try to kill his Nafs? Like NOT eating, drinking, sleeping, talking to anyone, no study, no work, no marriage, no hobbies/activities NOTHING!
But just Ibadah For the remaining life.

I tried but failed in just half-day badly
Sahih Bukhari 41
Narrated / Authority of: Aisha Once the Prophet came while a woman was sitting with me. He said, "Who is she?" I replied, "She is so and so," and told him about her (excessive) praying. He said disapprovingly, "Do (good) deeds which is within your capacity (without being overtaxed) as Allah does not get tired (of giving rewards) but (surely) you will get tired and the best deed (act of Worship) in the sight of Allah is that which is done regularly."

Sahih Bukhari 40
Narrated / Authority of: Abu Huraira Allah's Apostle said, "If any one of you improve (follows strictly) his Islamic religion then his good deeds will be rewarded ten times to seven hundred times for each good deed and a bad deed will be recorded as it is."
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #15

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Sister you defined it very well but I don't think that these things are for me now. I wanna move myself away from this World forever. As, Rumi (RA) said;

Die Before You Die
This might be just your Hal for the time or another shararat of your Nafse,put Zuhd in your present and recognize the test and opportunity that Allah has given you in the present Reality.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #16

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Sahih Bukhari 41
Narrated / Authority of: Aisha Once the Prophet came while a woman was sitting with me. He said, "Who is she?" I replied, "She is so and so," and told him about her (excessive) praying. He said disapprovingly, "Do (good) deeds which is within your capacity (without being overtaxed) as Allah does not get tired (of giving rewards) but (surely) you will get tired and the best deed (act of Worship) in the sight of Allah is that which is done regularly."

Sahih Bukhari 40
Narrated / Authority of: Abu Huraira Allah's Apostle said, "If any one of you improve (follows strictly) his Islamic religion then his good deeds will be rewarded ten times to seven hundred times for each good deed and a bad deed will be recorded as it is."
JazakAllah Kher Akhi!

Can' say anything after that
But wanna countinue with one thing; as I read about the life of Aulia Allah my heart went away from this World. Not all, but there were few who lived in caves & jungles. I know nobody from my family would be agree over this. Let see!
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #17

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This might be just your Hal for the time or another shararat of your Nafse,put Zuhd in your present and recognize the test and opportunity that Allah has given you in the present Reality.
Bro that's called a love. And when you love someone you wanna be with more & more.

When I want to talk to Allah I pray, but when I want Allah (swt) to talk to me I read the Quran.” - Hazrat Ali (RA)
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #18

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Bro that's called a love. And when you love someone you wanna be with more & more.

When I want to talk to Allah I pray, but when I want Allah (swt) to talk to me I read the Quran.” - Hazrat Ali (RA)
dude i have also read the lives of those pious shayhks and maulana thanvi RA says do not read books about sufis of the past .. even the mashaihk of nowadays do not advise to read books of the earlier sufis...... brother they say that in ther time not eating sleeping that was mujahada for them... also they were more stronger it was a different time...... we have to follow the awliya of our time.. and iA we will get that muqam of bayazid bustami, junaid baghdadi but those were the awliya of ther time... we have the awliya our time and all they say is do mujahada against HARAM ........do all and everything all but dont even come close to haram......brother........the awliya of now times are more expierience than us they know how to get ther mureeds to ALLAH swt........this is all with sanad.............main thing is : NO SINS!! NO SINS!! NO SINS!!!! no long salaats..........hmmmm hazrat thanvi RA teachings are so gr8.... conditions are not the objective deeds are.... we dont worship "feelings" we worship ALLAH.......dont worship ALLAH to get to a certain state worship ALLAH just for ALLAH it doesnt matter if you pray no nawafil... no long sallaaats just fulfull your obligations .......and no sin........hmmmmm trust me on this.. i tried not eating this and that... that is NOT the way in this time... just no sins like tv, internet, girls pictures,,, talking to girls.... wasting time.. all these are the mujahada for our time....
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM   #19

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Bro that's called a love. And when you love someone you wanna be with more & more.

When I want to talk to Allah I pray, but when I want Allah (swt) to talk to me I read the Quran.” - Hazrat Ali (RA)
Bro, indeed it is love

One thing is to be fana in that reality,

another thing is to know about it and desire for it

May Allah grant you with Khayr and aafiat what you wish for.
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