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Old 01-08-2012, 07:11 AM   #1

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If your dog was gator line I'm pretty sure that's American bully not pit bull..
Pit bulls are not that sought after, everyone's brothers cousin is breeding them and there is no shortage of free pit bulls on Craigslist including puppies.
Some retard probably just liked the look of your dog and since you werent paying attention and left it outside they stole it.
Frim what I know most people here don't leave their dogs in their backyards unattended unless they have a "yard" with multiple dogs on it, in which case they would bark up a storm if anyone stepped foot in the yard.
A lot of the "gator" dogs are made up. There is no bully gator line from what I've seen. It's usually referring to dogs bred off this dog. ONLINE PEDIGREES :: [380] :: PLUMBER'S ALLIGATOR

Also, in some areas of the US this IS true, mainly people want to steal them, breed 'em make afew bucks since they don't have any money at all to get one off craigslist, or for street level dog fighting.

Edit: Aaaaand I shouldn't have left this page open for a long time before finishing it and posting.
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Old 01-08-2012, 09:40 AM   #2

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out here I think I might be able to pay someone to take my dogs....MAYBE...if I had an ankle biter or a good known hunting dog (like you know people know you have a great coon dog or something) then I would be more concerned about my dogs getting stolen but as it is out here in my little town there is no value in them
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Old 01-08-2012, 10:02 AM   #3

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"White brindle"

"pitt bull"

"gator line"

No wonder your dog got stolen. You used ALL the made up key words to make your dog sound ULTRA GHETTO FAB!
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Old 01-08-2012, 12:08 PM   #4

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Pittbullguru -

I think the lesson learned is...if you get another dog, don't leave it unsupervised ever.

I live in a neighborhood with a pretty low crime rate and neighbors who look out for each other...and I still wouldn't leave my dog unsupervised...you just never know.

BTW: how do you know for certain that the dog was stolen, as opposed to jumping the fence or getting loose somehow?
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Old 01-08-2012, 01:05 PM   #5

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"White brindle"

"pitt bull"

"gator line"

No wonder your dog got stolen. You used ALL the made up key words to make your dog sound ULTRA GHETTO FAB!
Not quite...we're missing "blue nose" and "razor's edge/gotti"
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Old 01-08-2012, 01:08 PM   #6

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BTW: how do you know for certain that the dog was stolen, as opposed to jumping the fence or getting loose somehow?
I was wondering this too. A dog you've had for 6 days is still disoriented and overwhelmed, and man can pit bulls jump. My dog can EASILY clear a 6 foot fence without a struggle, and she's scaled 8-foot ones before. She likes a challenge.
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Old 01-08-2012, 02:28 PM   #7

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Firstly, yea this is just a discussion forum but half of the discussion is being able to understand what people are discussing. Grammar and punctuation are your friends Spell check too...
Secondly "pitbull" is a generic term used for many different bully breeds. APBT (or American pit bull terrier) is the breed I think you are trying to refer too.
Thirdly, did you get your dog back?
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Old 01-08-2012, 02:49 PM   #8

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Gator mouth lol
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Old 01-08-2012, 02:55 PM   #9

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I am sorry about your loss I know it is very hard on a person when they lose their dog especially if you feel you were negligent.

Any way, I NEVER leave any of my dogs unsupervised outside PERIOD! Play time, I am there supervising, potty time, I am right behind them picking it up and checking for health problems, working, I am there also, and when I cannot be there they are CRATED inside the house and/or kenneled outside with multiple dogs, all confined, an 8 foot fence, and a couple Rottweilers with "Beware of Dog" signs. The outside kennels are set way back on the property so you cannot see them from the street, walk-way or drive-way even! Also, a very large, very heavy, electronic metal gate that can only be opened with a code and remote! Unless of course you are one of my Rottweilers and decide it is in your way of chasing the neighborhood kids with their dogs who just finished provoking them. Then one Rot unlocks it the other puts it on his back and throws it off the track! lol seriously it happened! lol

Again, sorry about your loss~
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:00 PM   #10

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BTW, if you are referring to an American Pit Bull Terrier, "Pit Bull" is two words capitalized! Just thought I should mention it~!)
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:13 PM   #11

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Haha the pitt bull must be that super cool ghetto dog that everyone is talking about. I also heard that pitt bull owners are very educated people, that is how the new and approved pitt bull dog was created, what a joke lol
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:15 PM   #12

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I never got him back..
and I know he was stolen because early on when i had him he did jump the fence and when i woke up he was laying on the porch ready to play.. after that incident i built him a little kennel and chained him inside the kennel... The kennel was built right beside my sisters window.. The night he was stolen my sister heard rift raft outside && her chihuahua which lives in her room was barking at the window.. unfortunately she didn't think anything of it and thought maybe he was just moving around taking a mid-night leak or something..( i dont blame my sister it wasn't her dog so she should not be held responsible plus she already felt horrible) anyway when i woke up the gate to my backyard was open and to his kennel..
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:26 PM   #13

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haha the pitt bull must be that super cool ghetto dog that everyone is talking about. I also heard that pitt bull owners are very educated people, that is how the new and approved pitt bull dog was created, what a joke lol
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Old 01-08-2012, 03:41 PM   #14

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Our neighborhood is pretty decent and even though I don't get along well with my neighbors, they and I do have a sense of community and watch out for each other. Kinda like "Yeah, you guys are assholes, but you're my assholes!" We had some jackass teenagers/early 20-somethings go around a year or so ago and open a bunch of gates to yards with dogs in them. A total of 15 dogs were let loose that way. There were tons of people walking the streets of the neighborhood looking for their dogs, people driving around handing out fliers, cops and AC even came out to help find the missing dogs when they realized so many dogs were involved in the incident. According to rumor, the people who did were planning on doing some breaking and entering and thought it would be easier with the household dogs out of the picture. Sad.

I have 4 dogs and they do not go out into the yard without supervision. First, because I don't want any surprise fence hopping. 2nd because I do not want anyone feeding my dogs tainted food and 3rd because I do not want them stolen. I also went to the hardware store and bought a length of chain and a lock. I now keep my gate chained closed.
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Old 07-31-2012, 08:42 AM   #15

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Default People Will Steal Your Pitt Bull
My first Pitt bull was given to me not to long ago. He was a 7 month white brindle gator Blood line. I didnt know much about pitt bulls Especially their STREET VALUE!! you may not understand your dogs Street value thats why im posting this...a lot of people dont care about your dogs blood line, shape, size, etc. When they here the word pitt bull they want it!! for whatever reason... on the streets pitt bulls are like gods and a lot of people will do whatever it takes to get one.. For the short amount of time I had my white brindle people would constantly tell me how pretty he was i felt good that my dog was impressive... i would normally take my dog for walks you knoe exercise.. usually i would circle around my block play with him in my drive way.. and people would walk by and compliment my dog I didnt think anything of it... I had my dog for exactly 6 days before someone stole it right out of my backyard.. I dnt know maybe the things i was doing were flat out stupid I shouldve known better but i didnt soo I just want to warn you guys that pitt bulls are wanted animals>. WANTED BADLY
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Old 07-31-2012, 09:11 AM   #16

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If your dog was gator line I'm pretty sure that's American bully not pit bull..
Pit bulls are not that sought after, everyone's brothers cousin is breeding them and there is no shortage of free pit bulls on Craigslist including puppies.
Some retard probably just liked the look of your dog and since you werent paying attention and left it outside they stole it.
Frim what I know most people here don't leave their dogs in their backyards unattended unless they have a "yard" with multiple dogs on it, in which case they would bark up a storm if anyone stepped foot in the yard.
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Old 07-31-2012, 02:56 PM   #17

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Sorry to hear that.

It is the same way around here, even though there is NO shortage of bully breeds, I guess it is just easier to steal them, especially if you make it easy for someone to do.

We became very aware of it when we were rehabbing our son's APBT. I never ever left him alone outside not even to go potty. I do the same with my bully mix.
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Old 07-31-2012, 04:31 PM   #18

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True But like i said I didnt no much about pitt bulls Or american Bullies and I still have a lot to learn... But I think Because I had him for such a short amount of time he didnt understand that My house was his home and thats why he didnt bark
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Old 07-31-2012, 04:48 PM   #19

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True But like i said I didnt no much about pitt bulls Or american Bullies and I still have a lot to learn... But I think Because I had him for such a short amount of time he didnt understand that My house was his home and thats why he didnt bark
I knew NOTHING about DOGS nor the breed when we got Trigger, we just wanted to give him a happy life and I did alot of readingand research before getting him.
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Old 07-31-2012, 05:05 PM   #20

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Thats how i felt and Im now doing a lot of research && im learning a lot I have a new Pitt Bull that I keep in the house Im house training her so she dosent have to live outside
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