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Old 10-23-2011, 12:42 AM   #1

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Default Frustrated to the point of tears. (Rant)
I took Bukra with me to get fuel and ice cream. I left Jolene and Ruger on their chain spots, as usual. When I came home, I noticed that our "neighbour" (he lives 5 miles away lol) was here. No big deal. I've asked him before to leave his huge, bitter shepherd bitch in the car and he always does. Except when I actually get in the gate... Bukra goes NUTS and I see the shepherd in the smaller yard with Bindah and Spanky! That yard isn't completely fenced... so she basically has free roam of the ENTIRE front acre - where my dogs are chained.


When I asked them WTF was the deal, everyone told me I'm overreacting... that Jolene and Ruger are sweet doggies and there wouldn't be a problem. They don't understand that yes, Ruger and Jolene are "sweet doggies" but if that stupid shepherd gets in their faces and starts something it's going to be UGLY. Bindah is THE most dog friendly dog I've ever met - at 6 years old, she still backs down from challenges. I've TRIED to tell them MY DOGS AREN'T LIKE THAT... but noo, I'm 'overreacting'

At that point, I started crying because I was thinking about what would happen if there WAS a dogfight - None of these people know how to break up a fight, and I could see Jolene or Ruger being seriously hurt or killed in the shepherd owner's attempts to save his dog. He has already told me Jolene should be shot for not being cat-safe!

So, I got called a bitch for saying this guy should keep his dog in his own damn truck while visiting the house
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Old 10-23-2011, 12:51 AM   #2

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Can you build the rest of the fence so your dogs are blocked off?
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Old 10-23-2011, 01:10 AM   #3

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I'm sorry Teal. You are NOT a bitch.
I would have chased the shepherd (and it's owner) off with a pitchfork or shovel.
Someone going near my dogs without permission while I am not home is a big deal, I don't give a shit what anyone thinks.
My dogs, my responsibility, my pride and joy.
If something were to happen to them because of some asshole going onto my property when I am not there, well, may karma have mercy on that poor bastard.
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Old 10-23-2011, 01:27 AM   #4

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Yeah, you're the bitch in this scenario all right! *eye roll*

What a douche. :|
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Old 10-23-2011, 02:35 AM   #5

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I don't know why people refuse to listen to you when it comes to your own dogs. Don't want to thread jack so I'll give you a condensed version; the other day while walking Joe some little ankle biter was roaming the sidewalk and ran up to Joe growling at him. Joe snapped at it but I got control of him and kept walking. The little fucker followed us. I had Joe pinned down on the sidewalk in headlock. The owner was watching from her screen door the whole time. I saw her and yelled at her to get her Goddamn dog. Instead of getting it,she proceeds to start arguing with me about her dog being friendly and how I shouldn't be walking a vicious animal around the neighborhood. I finally lost it and told her to get the fucking mutt before it got eaten. I know I shouldn't have said that,but my God! She just didn't seem to get it.
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Old 10-23-2011, 02:42 AM   #6

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This doesn't help Teal, but they obviously don't respect you ... so they don't respect your dogs either. Idiots
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Old 10-23-2011, 02:49 AM   #7

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As far as I am concerned, if you don't want your dog to get kicked in the face, keep it away from mine.

---------- Post added at 05:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 PM ----------

It makes me want to just tell people my dog has distemper or rabies or something and their dog(s) will catch it if they get too close.
That's what I will try next time.
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Old 10-23-2011, 03:13 AM   #8

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I don't know why people refuse to listen to you when it comes to your own dogs. Don't want to thread jack so I'll give you a condensed version; the other day while walking Joe some little ankle biter was roaming the sidewalk and ran up to Joe growling at him. Joe snapped at it but I got control of him and kept walking. The little fucker followed us. I had Joe pinned down on the sidewalk in headlock. The owner was watching from her screen door the whole time. I saw her and yelled at her to get her Goddamn dog. Instead of getting it,she proceeds to start arguing with me about her dog being friendly and how I shouldn't be walking a vicious animal around the neighborhood. I finally lost it and told her to get the fucking mutt before it got eaten. I know I shouldn't have said that,but my God! She just didn't seem to get it.
I probably shouldn't be allowed to walk my dog... because when that shit happens I just want to stomp the crap out of their dog to teach them a lesson. Fucking idiots. I can't even IMAGINE your situation, Teal. Just can't even fathom.
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Old 10-23-2011, 05:06 AM   #9

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Wait a minute....what?

What is this guy doing on your property when you're not home? Do you live with other people that you need to talk to about setting limits...because otherwise the guy is tresspassing.

And what is this shit about shooting dogs if they are not cat friendly...which assumes someone is negligent with their cats allowing them to roam free and on your property (I don't personally have a problem with outside cats, but they run the risk of being eaten. If a cat owner has that big of a problem with that, then suck it up and contain your cats). I would let said neighbor know that daring to shoot my dogs, on their own property, would result in my shooting him.
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Old 10-23-2011, 05:08 AM   #10

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I'm sorry Teal. You are NOT a bitch.
I would have chased the shepherd (and it's owner) off with a pitchfork or shovel.
Someone going near my dogs without permission while I am not home is a big deal, I don't give a shit what anyone thinks.
My dogs, my responsibility, my pride and joy.
If something were to happen to them because of some asshole going onto my property when I am not there, well, may karma have mercy on that poor bastard.
THIS. Exactly.
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Old 10-23-2011, 06:19 AM   #11

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And he would have got cussed to hell and back. Ignoramus.
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Old 10-23-2011, 06:38 AM   #12

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Why can't the neighbor leave his dog at home?
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Old 10-23-2011, 07:11 AM   #13

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yeah um, neiighbor at my house trasspassing gets cops called on them. period.
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Old 10-23-2011, 07:17 AM   #14

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I probably shouldn't be allowed to walk my dog... because when that shit happens I just want to stomp the crap out of their dog to teach them a lesson. Fucking idiots. I can't even IMAGINE your situation, Teal. Just can't even fathom.
I've beaten the shit out of loose dogs before. That's usually what gets the owner to come get their mongrel the fastest.
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Old 10-23-2011, 08:41 AM   #15

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Yes, I share property with my parents at this time. So he was visiting them, but because neither of us have completed fences around our houses, the whole yard is accessible to any dogs that aren't chained.

Sabrina... those are my feelings exactly. MY dogs, MY responsibility. *I* should be present for any interactions they have, etc. It literally makes my heart stop to think of what could have happened! These dogs mean everything to me!

He takes the dog with him EVERYWHERE. Which, I don't blame him, I always have a dog with me too... but I leave my dog in the truck if there are dogs where I'm going that either 1) don't like my dog or my dog doesn't like them, or 2) if I haven't previously arranged with the owner to bring out whatever dog I have. If there are no previous arrangements, I don't even ASK to bring out my dog. I don't understand why his dog can't stay in his vehicle, parked in the shade with the windows down (she doesn't jump out). It just makes me wonder and worry if this has happened before, and I've just not come home in time to see it?! My little world of thinking my dogs were safe has been shattered

On Chloe's note... I get that all the time with Jolene, especially if it's a small dog so her prey drive is in overdrive. The other night, I was SO ANNOYED with the vast amount of either loose small dogs, or ones on Flexis, that I just started calling out - "She'll eat your dog if it gets in her face, and frankly I am not going to stop her at this point!". I've also beaten the shit out of loose dogs, and the other day literally chased a small dog all the way to its doorstep, pounded on the door, and told them NEXT time their little fluffy rat ran up to my dog I would suddenly be overcome by a sneezing fit or a seizure, and whatever would happen in that time wouldn't be my responsibility. This little dog is loose ALL THE TIME, even if the owners are in the yard, in their house, not home, etc. and it's vile to people AND other dogs. I swear I'll let Jo eat it one day when I am sure no one is looking!
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Old 10-23-2011, 12:19 PM   #16

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that's fucked up..
try to see if your parents can talk to the guy or keep an eye open when he comes over?
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Old 10-23-2011, 02:14 PM   #17

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Some persons get angry/frustrated and hold it in. Then they cry and shake. This does not make the person a bitch.

However, in that situation, I think I would have decided to let the anger and frustration out and just hit a fool upside the head and kicked their dog all the way back to its house or truck.

You have the right idea. Your dogs, your rules.
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Old 10-24-2011, 12:02 AM   #18

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They aren't even my dogs and I want to come slap the shit out of that doorknob.
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Old 10-24-2011, 02:44 AM   #19

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Dumb Ass! He is lucky you are a reasonable person. I would have kicked his ass.
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Old 10-24-2011, 03:17 AM   #20

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Sorry Teal. The guy's obviously a clueless dick who will one day learn the hard way. But at the same time you don't want your dogs coming into harm's way so I feel for you.

---------- Post added at 09:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:15 PM ----------

I'm also at the point that I don't wanna bother picking my dog up whenever loose dogs come up to us and their owners say "don't worry, he's friendly!". Let the chips fall where they may.
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