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#1 |
Iraqi General for More Cooperation with Iran Chief of staff Babak Zebari of Iraq called, Sunday, for the expansion of military cooperation between his country and Iran. The call came during a meeting with General Mohammad Pakpour, the commander of the elite Revolutionary Guards' ground forces, in Tehran. The Iraqi general said that Iraq is facing some security challenges and needs to exchange views with Iran. Among those security challenges is the imminent departure of United States forces. Some creatures refuse to be domesticated and will allways revert to their natural instincts. America tried hard and made martyrs of loyal Americans for its beliefs but in the end the people it tried so hard to help rejected its beconing into the 21st century. Hopefully a lesson learned. |
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#2 |
This comes as no surprise... the waste of American and coalition troops' lives, along with the maimed and others whose personal sacrifices, apparently come to naught. Let these so-called nations fight and kill one and other... they will never or hold no desire to crawl from under the rock of this self-created dark-age.
The West's wishful musing regarding Iraq becoming democratized is utter idiocy. The same can be said regarding the so-called Arab-spring nations. They are and will continue to be ingrates, loathing the West and needless to say, even more so, Israel. History repeats itself and these dolts continue the gormless tradition of their predecessors. . |
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#3 |
History repeats itself and these dolts continue the gormless tradition of their predecessors. I am an American. Please do not confuse me with my leadership. We are all as confused as anyone over our situation. It is only now becoming clear to the average American that we have been misled by those who should have held the public trust. The public trust was something that we took for granted. No more. The trouble is, too many have it too good. Eyes and ears have been blinded across the world in general before 911. After 911, an awakening is beginning. I consider the events in the world since 1948 as a reflection in a mirror of history. Israel is the light unto the nations. As Israel goes, so goes the world. We can each point fingers in many places, but there is only one finger that can be pointed in the correct place if we are honest. Israel must lead the world. Apart from the proper example, the mirror only sees itself.
Think about it. When you look into a mirror, what are you seeing? You see yourself. Israel is the light and the world is the mirror. Israel is the light that casts the shadows or dispels the darkness. Look all you want, but Israel is where it starts and ends. Images are only as good as the cleanliness of the reflective surface and the intensity of the light. I say Israel is dimly lit right now. This is not a jab at Israel. It's merely the truth. Why do I say this? Simple. Hate cannot dispel hate. Only love can dispel hate. We either light the fire we burn by or we are the light on the path for others. In many ways, Israel shines like the sun. Technological advancements, medicine, culture and the list goes on. Where can I find a smudge on the lens? How are you treating your neighbors? It can be said that Israel gives aid. Is it possible that God has placed a people group in your midst as a test? Evicting a family from a home is casting the first stone. Building a family a home is love. I will not list all the ways we need to love others, and I am sure many examples exist as to love that is not valued from the other side. Again, hate cannot dispel hate. I can only point out that this is true. Only love covers sin. Love is the answer. The world cannot throw a stone when you throw basic needs back at the enemy. God was very clear on this matter. Not by might and not by strength, but by my Spirit. What is spirit? Consciousness. What spirit do we posses? How do we take the name of the Lord in vain? By saying we are of the Lord, but not possessing the character to prove it. American leadership fails us. Israelite leadership fails us. The people need not fail. |
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#4 |
I have a great deal of respect for the US... I may not be throwing a party for the leadership but there are numerous other leaders throughout the world who are weak-kneed with a poor grasp of the past; they are no more savvier of the present... so looking towards the future they are in utter flummox. I, also, respect your message; although I may not interpret, nor agree with your world view. It may well be true, perhaps in an idyllic world but in this present world, well it just 'ain't' so.
If I, along with others, was to step into Gaza and break into the chorus of 'All you need is love' - the final crescendo would be a blast from an AK-47. My preference is vigilance and survival, not 'All you need is love': at least presently and into the future, until those bent on their nihilistic wants, learn a few more of the said lyrics. Cheers, though. |
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#5 |
Very well stated. It is true we do not walk away from the fold apart from the shepherd. There are wolves at every turn. This is not my message. What would happen tomorrow if Israel opened its most recent development of houses up to Palestinians? What would happen tomorrow if Ultra Orthodox Jews visited all hospitals daily to minister to wounded Palestinians? What would happen tomorrow if women were given the front seat of the bus in Jerusalem? What would happen if Christians in UOJ communities were welcomed in for a hot meal and conversation in place of spit in the face? What would Israel look like if the faithful did work for a living and read the Torah when they got home every night (like me)?
I could keep going here, but the answer is obvious. The world would slowly change and the problem would be gone. Build homes for those you evict. God will bless the bottom line and heal the land. When a rocket comes into the city, fire aid back at the problem. Give and do not take. Simple. How simple? Consider these examples. What do you get if you smoke? Cancer. Why? You took a reward and a debt was created. What do you get if you work for a college degree? A job. Why? You suffered (gave) work for reward. There are no exceptions to this rule. Give and you get reward. Take reward and you get suffering. Suffering is the point and not the problem. Suffering must be embraced as the answer. Love must suffer to attract attention from a mate. Love is patient and kind. Suffering every step means reward at every turn. Taking reward leads to suffering. It may make us feel good, but what follows is more of what we currently have in spades. Love is the only answer. Give and do not take. Do unto others and reward follows. God approves. |
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#6 |
I'm waiting for someone to propose a group hug here. Then reality kicks in as the smoke we all just had wears off. I think of all the things that Israel has done for the arabs in Gaza and all it has brought has been more violence and more demands.
Israel provides medical treatment to Gazan arabs in need. Reward? Suicide bombers at checkpoints. Israel provides power and light to Gazan arabs, reward? machinery running to manufacture home made quassam rockets. Israel gives land to Gazan arabs, reward? Land used to launch rockets on Israeli citizens. Give arabs the use of Israeli built highways, reward? terror towards Jewish users of the same roads. I could go on and on about how much Israel has done for its ungratefull neighbours but I will allow, nay, even demand, that other posters continue to add to this immense list and the rewards that Israel has reaped because of its generosity. Yup give and get a reward. Problem is that when you are dealing with primitives the rewards are not always what you would expect. A nice little story Ed and it may tickle the fancy of kids in kindy but the real world is never more real than it is in Israel and it is NOT fair or ballanced. |
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#7 |
I'm waiting for someone to propose a group hug here. Then reality kicks in as the smoke we all just had wears off. I think of all the things that Israel has done for the arabs in Gaza and all it has brought has been more violence and more demands. All men are in debt to sin. This is a negative. How do we move a negative to a positive? If someone throws trash at my house, I can simply throw it away. I have taken the debt of one person and walked it back to a positive value. What happens if I throw the trash back at them? Two negatives make more negative. Is there another way? Actually, yes there is. Two negatives multiplied make a positive. Why? Consider this example: In mathematics, if you owe three people $10, then you are negative $30 (3 X -10 = $-30). If the lenders then say, "We forgive you for this debt because we love you," then you are free from that debt by another negative. You have just had three subtractions of -10, making you three positives of $10 (-3 X -$10). Your debt is -30 + 30 = Zero. How is this applied to the world by the standards of God? Our sin is a negative we cannot pay by works of addition and subtraction. We can never achieve this goal by works. Our works are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Only God can multiply debt and walk us back to zero. Christ paid our debt by the worst negative a person can suffer. Suffering always leads to reward. Why? Suffering work leads to the betterment of others. Multiply your negative against Jesus death on the cross and sin is paid in full. Our debt is walked back by the suffering of the Savior. Jesus died a horrible death to pay our debt, walking us back to a positive value. This is my view and the example to be followed from the pages of scripture. Love dispels hate. Nothing else. |
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#8 |
Consider this example: In mathematics, if you owe three people $10, then you are negative $30 (3 X -10 = $-30). Let's say that you owe the 3 people $10,000 each. That's where the real power lays.
If the lender becomes desperate for cash and you show an inability or reluctance to pay then they will try and bargain with you to recover even a portion of the debt. This puts you in control of them and the situation, which means that 3 X 10,000 does not necessarily equal 30,000. If each lender is willing to settle for 50% then you are $15,000 in front. I see Israel as being the lender to the Palarabs. She offers more and more and seems willing to settle for less and less just to obtain the carrot of peace. |
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#9 |
I am an American. Please do not confuse me with my leadership. We are all as confused as anyone over our situation. It is only now becoming clear to the average American that we have been misled by those who should have held the public trust. The public trust was something that we took for granted. No more. The trouble is, too many have it too good. Eyes and ears have been blinded across the world in general before 911. After 911, an awakening is beginning. I consider the events in the world since 1948 as a reflection in a mirror of history. Israel is the light unto the nations. As Israel goes, so goes the world. We can each point fingers in many places, but there is only one finger that can be pointed in the correct place if we are honest. Israel must lead the world. Apart from the proper example, the mirror only sees itself. |
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#10 |
Good post. May I ask, Ron Paul voter? Obama all the way! This is change we can believe in! HAHA
No. Really, I am undecided at this point. To place faith in a man is an error. The voting machine is rigged. The winner is determined by the best hacker. I am not in favor of participation in a corrupt process. I would rather vote with my actions and words. Men can live with the reward they take here in this life. I will continue building my branch on the tree above. |
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