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Old 11-11-2005, 04:43 AM   #1

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Default (Abolish Social Security)
Prior to our (bad parents) becoming a "benefactor" to the general public and setting up Social Security, people used to "save". As they knew not what tomorrow would bring, money would always be put aside in case of an emergency.

It's quite obvious (just look around) that our bad parent's intervention has had an adverse psychological effect on the general public, who would have thunk it?. (Thinking) that there is a "safety net" (I say think because I believe SS to be a fraud, a sort of pyramid scheme, and not a safety net) people are no longer inclined to save for emergencies. Our bad parent's have enabled a citizenry, and it has taken us down the path of self destruction. All brought on by our bad parent's "good deeds".

I believe there should be a "safety net" for those that (want it). In place of SS, in response to the demand, there would be private enterprises where one could deposit capital for "rainy days" or as a retirement plan. In the meanwhile these companies would invest the capital spurring economic growth, and it would be (accessible on demand).

A revamped (beneficial) version of what banks do when they whore out our capital in a socialist fashion as they see fit. Banks use our capital and erect massive buildings taking up prime real estate, and then subsequently rent out everything in those buildings while making billions. I'm sure you have seen these monolith's of thievery while driving down the road, with famous Bank's names slapped on the front of the building for all to see. Arrogant corporatist cartel. Meanwhile, we don't benefit from it at all. We get spit on with their pitiful controlled interest rates. How's it feel to know there's a monopoly on the capital in the "land of the free"? How's it feel to know we are ''renter's" of capital?

"I sincerely believe... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
~Thomas Jefferson If I (or a few others) want a "safety net" why should everyone have to pay for it? Is it fair to those that don't wish to use such services? One might argue that there are those that "don't know what is good for them, and so must be coerced into doing so". I say, if they're unaware of something, explain it to them. Simple enough. Let them consider the pros and cons, then act accordingly.

Of course the people who have already paid into SS, will be exempt from the abolished process. Either that or they can move all their (accumulated capital) into a private system of their choosing. This has nothing to do with bad parent's scam on partial privatization.

This will only work on a borderline anarchic level. The gov has turned the U.S. into a "command economy". When the gov get's the hell out of our lives and a free market is able to thrive, this will work. Until then, there is no way it will work. Our bad parent's have too much control, and influence in the private sector.

As of now big capital has (anarchic power) given to them by the U.S. gov, period. This has created the "command economy" we have today. It's also called fascism. This has created the poor wages, this has created monopolies, and this has created economic despotism for the common capitalist just trying to stay afloat, and compete in a market that has been (fixed)! This has taken away "the land of opportunity".

By definition gov intervention disrupts the natural flow of commerce. Decentralize, and restore the free market we once had. Decentralize and restore the natural flow allowing a healthy unencumbered society to grow and prosper. Once this gov is massively reduced we will begin to heal the damage they have inflicted on a trusting populace.

Want to solve the problem of supporting illegals, it's simple. Abolish SS. Illegal immigration is another manufactured fictitious war. Same as this moronic "war on terror'. OOOH I'm afraid of ghost's, and Halloween terrifies me. When are they gonna get them? Illegal immigration is (unstoppable) and they will continue to come here, and the entirety of this insidious gov (want's them here).

This gov will enforce the police state mentality, implement the REAL ID as it's already passed, and you will be prisoner's in your own country. Keep asking you're (bad parents) to solve all your problems, and they will continue to make more. Illegals will (still) get in, get over it. I'm sure most already knew that. I love the way the "so called" Conservative's think their conservative, and they are just as much to blame as their liberal brethren.

Now I don't condone defaulting on student loans, and the way this gov is hadling it is underhanded I believe. Baby boomer's who have defaulted on student loans and ready to retire soon, have been hit with a wake up call.

The gov is now siphoning off of the SS they have paid into, and they are using it to to repay any and all student loans. Thing is, these people thought they would be getting around 1000. from SS. Now they'll be lucky to get 500..

Just on the basis of a normal savings interest, if you did decide to keep it in a bank, you would see a return far (surpassing) anything SS will give you by the time you're 65- maybe 70 eventually. My friend Silkheat figured out the numbers. I'm not a numbers guy. On just a 4-5% interest rate, your return would be almost 400, 000 if you were just making around 40-50 a year. A two parent houshold will easily make that. When you get SS, you'll be lucky to get 800. or 1000. a month. I am not looking to take anything away from anyone, just show them what has ans is being done to them.

If you think a purely voluntary SS would work for those who choose to pay into it, I'd like to discuss that also.

Our bad parents cannot ever touch that money or make policy with private institutions that hold said monies, and vice versa. This is a (must)! This is "all or nothing", and I feel one of the first steps down a "long hard road" that will stop the government from "laundering" the private sectors capital, and restore to us the liberty our founding father's had envisioned. For those who don't know it yet. This gov of ours, must be drastically reduced. It has become the state. It has become our country. It has turned America into a "Statist Business", and ("we the people" are it's employees)...
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Old 11-11-2005, 05:07 AM   #2

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Before I figure out what I think about this, I'd like to hear from people what Social Security is, first.

I know what it is in terms of what it does, I just want to know the purpose behind the program.

If it's a retirement fund, it shouldn't exist. Government shouldn't do for people things they can already do for themselves. If you must have it, it should be a private accounts system, as the only real excuse people have for supporting a public retirement system is that people won't save on their own. Okay, so just make it forced savings. Problem solved.

If it's social insurance, then why are we giving it to the wealthy as well as the poor?
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