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| just tickles me to death when stories like this (showing the absolute phoniness & hypocricy of the left) emerge. Looks like the anti-American crowd is using the country they hate to further their own profits.
Read on, loonies: ""Filmmaker Michael Moore has made a career out of trashing corporations and said he doesn't own any stocks due to moral principle. How then did author Peter Schweizer uncover IRS documents showing that Moore's very own foundation has bought stocks in some of America's largest corporations – including Halliburton, other defense contractors and some of the same companies he has attacked? In his blockbuster new book "Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy," Hoover Fellow Schweizer reveals the glaring contradictions between the public stances and real-life behavior of prominent liberals including Al Franken, Ralph Nader, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. But he reserves some of his sharpest barbs for Moore. In his first documentary "Roger & Me," Moore skewered General Motors, Schweizer points out. In "The Big One," he went after Nike and PayDay candy bars. "Bowling for Columbine" was an attack on the American gun industry. Oil companies played a major role in "Fahrenheit 911." His upcoming film "Sicko" pillories drug companies and HMOs. On his television shows "TV Nation" and "The Awful Truth," he criticized HMOs and defense contractors. He once said that major defense contractor Halliburton was run by a bunch of "thugs," and suggested that for every American killed in the Iraq war, "I would like Halliburton to slay one mid-level executive." Publicly, Moore has claimed he wants no part of these companies and won't own stock. In his book "Stupid White Men," he wrote: "I don't own a single share of stock." He repeated the claim in a 1997 letter to the online magazine Salon, saying: "I don't own any stock." Privately, however, he tells the IRS a different story, Schweizer discloses in his book. The year that Moore claimed in "Stupid White Men" that he didn't own any stock, he told the IRS that a foundation totally controlled by Moore and his wife had more than $280,000 in corporate stock and nearly $100,000 in corporate bonds. Over the past five years, Moore's holdings have "included such evil pharmaceutical and medical companies as Pfizer, Merck, Genzyme, Elan PLC, Eli Lilly, Becton Dickinson and Boston Scientific," writes Schweizer. "Moore's supposedly nonexistent portfolio also includes big bad energy giants like Sunoco, Noble Energy, Schlumberger, Williams Companies, Transocean Sedco Forex and Anadarko, all firms that 'deplete irreplaceable fossil fuels in the name of profit' as he put it in ‘Dude, Where's My Country?' "And in perhaps the ultimate irony, he also has owned shares in Halliburton. According to IRS filings, Moore sold Halliburton for a 15 percent profit and bought shares in Noble, Ford, General Electric (another defense contractor), AOL Time Warner (evil corporate media) and McDonald's. "Also on Moore's investment menu: defense contractors Honeywell, Boeing and Loral." Does Moore share the stock proceeds of his "foundation" with charitable causes, you might ask? Schweizer found that "for a man who by 2002 had a net worth in eight figures, he gave away a modest $36,000 through the foundation, much of it to his friends in the film business or tony cultural organizations that later provided him with venues to promote his books and film." Moore's hypocrisy doesn't end with his financial holdings. He has criticized the journalism industry and Hollywood for their lack of African-Americans in prominent positions, and in 1998 he said he personally wanted to hire minorities "who come from the working class." In "Stupid White Men," he proclaimed his plans to "hire only black people." But when Schweizer checked the senior credits for Moore's latest film "Fahrenheit 911," he found that of the movie's 14 producers, three editors, production manager and production coordinator, all 19 were white. So were all three cameramen and the two people who did the original music. On "Bowling for Columbine," 13 of the 14 producers were white, as were the two executives in charge of production, the cameramen, the film editor and the music composer. His show "TV Nation" had 13 producers, four film editors and 10 writers – but not a single African-American among them. And as for Moore's insistence on portraying himself as "working class" and an "average Joe," Schweizer recounts this anecdote: "When Moore flew to London to visit people at the BBC or promote a film, he took the Concorde and stayed at the Ritz. But he also allegedly booked a room at a cheap hotel down the street where he could meet with journalists and pose as a ‘man of humble circumstances.'" That's hypocrisy with a capital H!"" from "Michael Moore Owned Halliburton, Defense Stocks", by Jim Myers/NewsMax, 11/4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ This just makes me want to sing outloud...join me now, will ya'?: "Ding, Dong, the left is dead the wicked left is really dead Ding, Dong, the wicked left is dead !!!" Doctor DieHard |
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Michael Moore's account in F 9/11 was dead on.
I support Michael Moore. There are those wanna-be centrists out there that figure they will be just that if they denouce Michael Moore and Rush Limbaugh. Only thing is that Michael Moore's movie was factual. He still backs up everything in the movie. He hates Bush and wants him out. I agree. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly and Libby all lie. The party of lies. F 9/11 has never been debunked. I've seen those websites that claim they do, but never refutation of core facts. Always a semantic or a technicality, example would be about the exact figure of how much Saudi money was invested in the U.S. but by only a marginal amount. Then there's this long rap sheet of the falsehoods the Hannitys and O'Reillys shell out daily. Always focusing on other issues, because after all, daily footage of "Republicans Gone Wild" is no longer suitable for public viewing. Let's talk about sex crimes, then they go out fishing for "defenders of sex crimes!" as though there's some liberal movement advocating to justify sex crimes! Oh dear! Then they get on the mike and pretend to be brave warriors against the More Sex Crimes Political Party. Meanwhile, it's never their fault, they blame everyone else, even their own grandmas if no one is left. Michael Moore was right. Many of our lives wouldn't be affected the way all this resulted. I swear with all my heart that Bush is a murderer and thief. He's a spoiled brat that's in it for himself and not for the people. It's obvious now that the President intentionally took America into an illegal war. He makes me feel disgusting and sick. I can't believe that we got the American kids out there killing third world people. There's better fights to fight than that. They've already said time and time again that the only way to counter the terrorists successfully would be to form an international police. Something that everyone would have agreed to, it benefited all. But No. Bush had to get the land. He needed a military occupation to control the oil. Now we have Bush swearing up and down that he won't give up until we are victorious, never mentioning that this is the endless war. |
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#12 |
the only way to counter the terrorists successfully would be to form an international police And who would be the chief, conf_ckfailure??? Jacques Chirac ?*?*?
OMFG !!!...An international police force...what a nimrod. See...this is how the pussies on the left view the world...they run to the blue helmets at the first sign of international conflict. These would be the very same blue helmets that sat comfortably bivouacked three miles away while 3000 Muslim men & boys were slaughtered by Bosnian Serbs. They were smoking cigarettes & awaiting orders...yeah. International police force...~!@#$%^&*...Jesus...I thought you people didn't like the police; anyway...don't you call them pigs? I guess they're okay when they suit your twisted purpose, right? BUT BACK TO THE FAT TRAITOR for a second, You say his movie is valid ??? VALID ?*?*? Maybe you should talk to Richard Clark. He's one of the most famous Bush haters of them all, ya' know. But it seems that his testimony before the 9/11 Commission debunked one of Moore's central themes...the claim that "W" placed the stranded Bin Laden family members on a plane immediately after 9/11 & had them flown back to Saudi Arabia. Clark testified that it was he & he alone who arranged the flight...the President didn't even know. Doctor DieHard International police force...that's a good one...I can't stop laughing, already...somebody get the defribullator!...actually, make that a deFIBulator & we'll use it on Moore |
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#13 |
Perhaps he learned this from George Soros...who constantly rants about "tax breaks for the rich" and is a very strong supporter of raising taxes at least double what they are so we can have a more socialist-style of government...however the majority of Soros's money is....NOT IN AMERICA, so he pays not one red cent of taxes on the majority of his wealth. Yep - the world is full of hypocrisy, especially from those that yell the loudest.
Or perhaps it was Ted Kennedy - who also wants socialist style of government, and who screams about Bush and his tax cuts for the rich - buuuuutt where is dear drunk Teddy keep his money? Why offshore of course...go ahead and look these up. |
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#14 |
I don't claim to know Michael Moore's investment strategies, but I suspect that any shares he may own in Haliburton might be for the purpose of being invited to the annual shareholder meeting - in order to make a nuisance of himself - or to make a new documentary.
Indeed, Greenpeace has always owned stock in Exxon and Shell, etc. for the same reason. But that doesn't fit with the right's obsessive neurotic fetish for attacking Moore. Like how many times can a guy be called "fat"??? Any why is that relevant to Michael Moore exclusively? Some two-thirds of the citizenry of the USA is fat! |
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#15 |
Perhaps he learned this from George Soros...who constantly rants about "tax breaks for the rich" and is a very strong supporter of raising taxes at least double what they are so we can have a more socialist-style of government...however the majority of Soros's money is....NOT IN AMERICA, so he pays not one red cent of taxes on the majority of his wealth. Yep - the world is full of hypocrisy, especially from those that yell the loudest. Welcome to today's Democrat Party, iamwhatiseem. |
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Michael Moore's account in F 9/11 was dead on. Only thing is that Michael Moore's movie was factual. He still backs up everything in the movie. |
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