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Old 11-02-2005, 04:55 PM   #1

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Default 99% of politicians sell your future for the hispanic vote.
That's right USOPL members. ..................you very future is at stake while 1.1 million illegal aliens come to America to milk our system annually. Here's how you will suffer...........

Deserving Americans who are without health insurance will have to compete with millions of illegals for treatment at charity hospitals. Many Americans will die waiting for the help they truly deserve.

The cost of health care will continue to skyrocket as inflated permiums are required to pay the inflated costs of a health care system that has been forced to absorb the uncovered illegals.

American hospitals and care facilities will continue to fail and close making heath care harder and harder to come by. No business can continue to operate when their customers can't pay.

And last but not least folks..........You will pay more and more in taxes to provide services and care to these people...........people who pay nothing in taxes.

The sad truth is that your representative, senator, congressman, and president wants the hispanic vote so bad that he/she is bending over the American public.....your future is being sold so the political people of priveledge can continue their tax dollar susbsidized-free ride-cushy lifestyle.

Yet I see that on this forum most members don't see this "silent conquest"
( the words of a prominent Mexican journalist, not mine) as a threat to the quality of life for American citizens. Most are more content to worry over the war in Iraq, or GWB's final days as POTUS. There is NOTHING that GWB has done or can do that will cause the damage to our society that illegal aliens problem has. This is a problem that is so out of control that private citizens have started attempting to secure our borders themselves.

We have all been sold ................you're being fucked amigos........
Efksqhyu is offline

Old 11-02-2005, 05:15 PM   #2

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Hispanics are not real Americans. Lack of health care for Americans is because of undocumented immigrants that get low paying labor jobs in America that don't even provide health care or fair wages.

... silent conquest... uhh.. okayyy

How about this, let's discuss a real topic and abandon this crap. Agreed?
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Old 11-02-2005, 05:35 PM   #3

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What is your solution for stopping illegal immigration? How can you stop people from feeling like coming to america will better their lives?
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Old 11-02-2005, 05:39 PM   #4

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That's right USOPL members. ..................you very future is at stake while 1.1 million illegal aliens come to America to milk our system annually. Here's how you will suffer...........
Most of them want work just like everyone else. It's just that we made the large legal immigration patterns illegal for economic reasons. And the illegal trafficking became big business and brings in alot of undesireable elements too like criminals.

Deserving Americans who are without health insurance will have to compete with millions of illegals for treatment at charity hospitals. Many Americans will die waiting for the help they truly deserve.

The cost of health care will continue to skyrocket as inflated permiums are required to pay the inflated costs of a health care system that has been forced to absorb the uncovered illegals.

American hospitals and care facilities will continue to fail and close making heath care harder and harder to come by. No business can continue to operate when their customers can't pay.

And last but not least folks..........You will pay more and more in taxes to provide services and care to these people...........people who pay nothing in taxes.
Alot of Americans cannot afford health insurance given the skyrocketing costs of those already not paying for it because they can't afford it. It is a slippery slope where the burden falls back on others to bear the costs at dam-breaking levels, and the dam breaks more everyday. Hospitals ger screwed with nonpayments and people are going bankrupt over medical bills at an alarming rate.

Insurance wins, though, because there is no national health care despite every other first world country having it and they always pass the costs on to those who still can pay them. And that is why they are such big lobbyists with whores in office at their beckon call.

The sad truth is that your representative, senator, congressman, and president wants the hispanic vote so bad that he/she is bending over the American public.....your future is being sold so the political people of priveledge can continue their tax dollar susbsidized-free ride-cushy lifestyle.
That's part of it.

The insurance lobby is also a big reason.

And another big one is that illegals serve as the new semi-slave labour force.

In the past, people could hire a 12 year old legal immigrant Polish kid to mine coal and blast iron for 14 hours a day for a dollar. Labour unions and fair labour laws enacted by legal working class voters comprised of working native Americans and legal immigrants who became citizens stopped that. So, to stop that in turn, the always incoming stream of labour was made illegal so they have a barrier to organising like legal immigrants did with other working Americans before them.

Yet I see that on this forum most members don't see this "silent conquest"
( the words of a prominent Mexican journalist, not mine) as a threat to the quality of life for American citizens. Most are more content to worry over the war in Iraq, or GWB's final days as POTUS. There is NOTHING that GWB has done or can do that will cause the damage to our society that illegal aliens problem has. This is a problem that is so out of control that private citizens have started attempting to secure our borders themselves.

We have all been sold ................you're being fucked amigos........
I would not say Bush can't do a thing--he does not want to do so. When I go to the nearby Drexelbrook club for the annual Republican convention with my Rep brother and alot of my Rep friends (they don't care if Dems like me attend, lol, because I am a businessman and it is a local thing) I find my answer when I see all the nouveau riche businessmen there who became wealthy from scratch with construction, restaurant, cleaning companies, etc., that used under-the-table immigrant labour to make their wealth. That is what I see is the real story--looking to get rich Gordon Gekko-style without regard to the law and who else gets screwed in the process of evading it.

The sad part is that we need alot of legal immigration quick to start paying taxes for the upcoming Baby Boomer generation who will flood down the health care system. With 40% of the legal population being over 55 years old in the next few years, we need new taxpayer blood as fast as possible.
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Old 11-02-2005, 05:58 PM   #5

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I would not say Bush can't do a thing--he does not want to do so. When I go to the nearby Drexelbrook club for the annual Republican convention with my Rep brother and alot of my Rep friends (they don't care if Dems like me attend, lol, because I am a businessman and it is a local thing) I find my answer when I see all the nouveau riche businessmen there who became wealthy from scratch with construction, restaurant, cleaning companies, etc., that used under-the-table immigrant labour to make their wealth. That is what I see is the real story--looking to get rich Gordon Gekko-style without regard to the law and who else gets screwed in the process of evading it.

The sad part is that we need alot of legal immigration quick to start paying taxes for the upcoming Baby Boomer generation who will flood down the health care system. With 40% of the legal population being over 55 years old in the next few years, we need new taxpayer blood as fast as possible.
It's the oldest story on the planet. Even when Southerners in the late 19th century were making movies about the blacks trying to run wild in the South and take the white women, at the same time they were assasinating any blacks who were talking about trying to emigrate away from the South. They still wanted (and did) make slaves out of them again, after the Hayes Compromise. Their slave labor was apparently more valuable, than everything else the Southerners hated about them. I guess economic interests are still the order of the day.
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Old 11-02-2005, 06:09 PM   #6

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Without these immigrants, the US would collapse. Major US companies can only survive by using these illegal immigrants. They are the spine of the economic activity of the South. Walmart is a good example of such a company wich would not survive without slave-labor.
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Old 11-02-2005, 06:50 PM   #7

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Hispanics are not real Americans. Lack of health care for Americans is because of undocumented immigrants that get low paying labor jobs in America that don't even provide health care or fair wages.

... silent conquest... uhh.. okayyy

How about this, let's discuss a real topic and abandon this crap. Agreed?
The only reason you think it's crap is that hasn't directly affected you........yet. Your opinion on this will change, and then you will remeber ignoring all the warnings, both social and economic. BTW, there is a clear difference between illegal aliens and hispanics. Illegal aliens can't vote, hence the sold out for the hispanic vote claim that I make.
Go worry and whine about GWB and call it a noble topic...........
dmoiknlasd is offline

Old 11-02-2005, 06:52 PM   #8

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What is your solution for stopping illegal immigration? How can you stop people from feeling like coming to america will better their lives?
Close down the border and make them come in legally like most American immigrants have.
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Old 11-02-2005, 06:56 PM   #9

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Most of them want work just like everyone else. It's just that we made the large legal immigration patterns illegal for economic reasons. And the illegal trafficking became big business and brings in alot of undesireable elements too like criminals.

Alot of Americans cannot afford health insurance given the skyrocketing costs of those already not paying for it because they can't afford it. It is a slippery slope where the burden falls back on others to bear the costs at dam-breaking levels, and the dam breaks more everyday. Hospitals ger screwed with nonpayments and people are going bankrupt over medical bills at an alarming rate.

Insurance wins, though, because there is no national health care despite every other first world country having it and they always pass the costs on to those who still can pay them. And that is why they are such big lobbyists with whores in office at their beckon call.

That's part of it.

The insurance lobby is also a big reason.

And another big one is that illegals serve as the new semi-slave labour force.

In the past, people could hire a 12 year old legal immigrant Polish kid to mine coal and blast iron for 14 hours a day for a dollar. Labour unions and fair labour laws enacted by legal working class voters comprised of working native Americans and legal immigrants who became citizens stopped that. So, to stop that in turn, the always incoming stream of labour was made illegal so they have a barrier to organising like legal immigrants did with other working Americans before them.

I would not say Bush can't do a thing--he does not want to do so. When I go to the nearby Drexelbrook club for the annual Republican convention with my Rep brother and alot of my Rep friends (they don't care if Dems like me attend, lol, because I am a businessman and it is a local thing) I find my answer when I see all the nouveau riche businessmen there who became wealthy from scratch with construction, restaurant, cleaning companies, etc., that used under-the-table immigrant labour to make their wealth. That is what I see is the real story--looking to get rich Gordon Gekko-style without regard to the law and who else gets screwed in the process of evading it.

The sad part is that we need alot of legal immigration quick to start paying taxes for the upcoming Baby Boomer generation who will flood down the health care system. With 40% of the legal population being over 55 years old in the next few years, we need new taxpayer blood as fast as possible.
On Bush, what you said was my point exactly...he isn't going to do shit about it.

On taxpayer blood, also my point exactly..........you can't admit an additional 1.1 million people annually, provide them with heathcare and services without an increased tax base. Simple math makes that case for that one!
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Old 11-02-2005, 07:09 PM   #10

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Without these immigrants, the US would collapse. Major US companies can only survive by using these illegal immigrants. They are the spine of the economic activity of the South. Walmart is a good example of such a company wich would not survive without slave-labor.
This is bullshit. There are plenty of major US companies that use nothing but legal immigrants or Americans.
It's precisely as Chas said. These illegals come over here sucking up our resources without putting anything back into the system. Euro, did you know that pregnant women come across the border illegally, hide out, wait until they're in labor and then rush to the American hospitals. Then the kid they have is an American citizen that American taxpayers must support until he's out of high school. The US could save billions of taxpayers' dollars by stopping the illegals at the border and by making these pregnant women stay in Mexico to have their kids!
I think we should put up a wall from Texas to California and shoot anyone that tries to come across.
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Old 11-02-2005, 07:27 PM   #11

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This is bullshit. There are plenty of major US companies that use nothing but legal immigrants or Americans.
It's precisely as Chas said. These illegals come over here sucking up our resources without putting anything back into the system. Euro, did you know that pregnant women come across the border illegally, hide out, wait until they're in labor and then rush to the American hospitals. Then the kid they have is an American citizen that American taxpayers must support until he's out of high school. The US could save billions of taxpayers' dollars by stopping the illegals at the border and by making these pregnant women stay in Mexico to have their kids!
I think we should put up a wall from Texas to California and shoot anyone that tries to come across.
I guess he thinks were were on the brink of collapse before the border floodgates opened. I do have good news for Euro though.....if this problem isn't addressed in a timely and agressive manner, it will wreak havok on our economy in as little as another decade. The illegals are only helping those that employ them......they need to face fineds that are so large they wil no longer take the riak to employ them......a first step in solving the problem.
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Old 11-02-2005, 10:25 PM   #12

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Conformfailure.....here's one or two questions for you.

1. Do you have health care insurance?

2. If your answer to #1 was yes, who pays for it?
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Old 11-02-2005, 11:00 PM   #13

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This is bullshit. There are plenty of major US companies that use nothing but legal immigrants or Americans.
It's precisely as Chas said. These illegals come over here sucking up our resources without putting anything back into the system. Euro, did you know that pregnant women come across the border illegally, hide out, wait until they're in labor and then rush to the American hospitals. Then the kid they have is an American citizen that American taxpayers must support until he's out of high school. The US could save billions of taxpayers' dollars by stopping the illegals at the border and by making these pregnant women stay in Mexico to have their kids!
I think we should put up a wall from Texas to California and shoot anyone that tries to come across.
Well, I don't advocate a turkey shoot , but Europe doesn't put up with birth scams either. In fact, the US is far more liberal with its citizenship laws insofar as granting automatic citizenship merely because someone is born in the US (foreign diplomats' children being the sole rare exception if no US jurisdiction attaches to them).

Ireland just overwhelmingly passed a national referendum removing the right to citizenship for any children born by illegals and bogus asylum petitioners who were evading proper immigration channels by using 'baby birth scams.' Women were flying into Ireland pregnant, giving birth in Ireland (at taxpayer expense), and using the children's automatic Irish citizenship--hence EU citizenship too-- to get legal residence in Ireland and then Irish and EU legal residence and/or citizenship for themselves so they could travel and settle anywhere in the EU and get all its benefits and those of its member states, including but not limited to free health care, free housing and dole (welfare) money.

Ireland was the only country in the EU that allowed the mere fact of birth by itself to be an automatically sufficient reason for citizenship. Other EU nations were furious at the scam given it was affecting them given some would have the child and then promptly move to the target destination in their own countries using the child's Irish/EU passport, and the Irish immigration system was being circumvented causing tremendous pressures on its social systems. 4/5 of the Irish finally voted for citizenship reform to stop that abuse.


And US comment on it...


And here is what Irish people were saying about the scam--sound familiar?

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Old 11-03-2005, 02:05 AM   #14

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Well, I don't advocate a turkey shoot , but Europe doesn't put up with birth scams either. In fact, the US is far more liberal with its citizenship laws insofar as granting automatic citizenship merely because someone is born in the US (foreign diplomats' children being the sole rare exception if no US jurisdiction attaches to them).

Ireland just overwhelmingly passed a national referendum removing the right to citizenship for any children born by illegals and bogus asylum petitioners who were evading proper immigration channels by using 'baby birth scams.' Women were flying into Ireland pregnant, giving birth in Ireland (at taxpayer expense), and using the children's automatic Irish citizenship--hence EU citizenship too-- to get legal residence in Ireland and then Irish and EU legal residence and/or citizenship for themselves so they could travel and settle anywhere in the EU and get all its benefits and those of its member states, including but not limited to free health care, free housing and dole (welfare) money.

Ireland was the only country in the EU that allowed the mere fact of birth by itself to be an automatically sufficient reason for citizenship. Other EU nations were furious at the scam given it was affecting them given some would have the child and then promptly move to the target destination in their own countries using the child's Irish/EU passport, and the Irish immigration system was being circumvented causing tremendous pressures on its social systems. 4/5 of the Irish finally voted for citizenship reform to stop that abuse.


And US comment on it...


And here is what Irish people were saying about the scam--sound familiar?

Hot damn! My Irish brethren think like I do!
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Old 11-04-2005, 12:00 PM   #15

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Conformfailure.....here's one or two questions for you.

1. Do you have health care insurance?

2. If your answer to #1 was yes, who pays for it?
He never returned to answer so I have to assume Mommy and Daddy are paying for it, hence the who gives a shit attitude. This will change when he becomes a grown up and has to pay his own way thru this life..........
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Old 11-04-2005, 12:36 PM   #16

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How is the opening post mecanism working?

This kind of migrants in the democratic us have no a right to vote so democratic politicians can not be attracted to them to get their votes.
Beside, 1 million do not seem to be that enormous in the plate.

So who are the democratic us politicians trying to seduce by being that much permissive to these migrants moving to the democratic us?

Who are the voters who are numerous enough to be be courted but who are not harmed by the consequences of the presence of the migrants, consequences described by the opening post?
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Old 11-04-2005, 06:55 PM   #17

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I open up Drudge today and what do I see in red letters staring back at me? And it's not even my birthday! I have to admit I never thought Congress would even concider it.

House Republicans Said To Be Concidering Border Fence, End To Birthright Citizenship...

GOP mulls ending birthright citizenship

Birthright citizenship, or what critics call "anchor babies," means that any child born on U.S. soil is granted citizenship, with exceptions for foreign diplomats. That attracts illegal aliens, who have children in the United States; those children later can sponsor their parents for legal immigration.

Several lawmakers said the U.S. and Mexico are the only major Western countries to have birthright citizenship. Most European countries have moved away from birthright citizenship in recent decades.
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Old 11-04-2005, 10:30 PM   #18

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He never returned to answer so I have to assume Mommy and Daddy are paying for it, hence the who gives a shit attitude. This will change when he becomes a grown up and has to pay his own way thru this life..........
What a childish argument. It's like me asking you a personal question, everyone will fill in the blanks to fit their agenda, that's why these kinds of questions are useless in debates. Seriously, grow up.
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Old 11-06-2005, 12:28 AM   #19

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What a childish argument. It's like me asking you a personal question, everyone will fill in the blanks to fit their agenda, that's why these kinds of questions are useless in debates. Seriously, grow up.
Me grow up? Never, I like being young. I'm sure the reason you won't disclose if you have health insurance and who foots the bill is because your honest answer would be testament to your apathy on this subject.
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Old 11-06-2005, 01:18 AM   #20

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What is your solution for stopping illegal immigration? How can you stop people from feeling like coming to america will better their lives?
Forced labor camps for captured illegals.
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