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Old 11-03-2005, 10:23 AM   #1

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Default Democrats Coming Unhinged - A Laugh Riot To Behold
As Rush Limbaugh pointed out yesterday, the Democrats are becoming increasingly out of touch with mainstream America, and are becoming so to such an extent that their behavior is now not just bizarre, but downright pathological. Rush pointed out that the Democrats really are unable to face the fact that they are losers, and thus they construct all sorts of mind fabrications to help insulate themselves from facing that reality. Among these pathological mind-constructs are the Democrats' belief that recent presidential elections were "stolen" from them, that voting machines were "rigged", and that the courts are engaging in a grand conspiracy against them.

This isn't just bizarre belief on the part of the Democrats; it is pathological, Rush pointed out. The Democrats are unable to accept the possibility that it is they who are the cause of their repeated election defeats, starting with the loss of the House in 1994 and growing in extent until now they have also lost the Senate and the White House. The Democrats actually seem to think The Natural Order of Things is for Democrats to be in charge of Congress and the White House, and thus they become very angry when the Voters tell them, "No, think again, Democrats."

That anger, in turn, fuels their hate-filled (and irrational) personal attacks that they continue to wage against President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Karl Rove, John Bolton, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts, "house negro" Condoleezza Rice, and anyone else who dares to stand up to the Democrats. It also causes them to stage meaningless stunts, such as their recent grandstanding in the Senate.

Plus the Democrats are angry at all the following:

* Christians (the Democrats call them "religious extremists")
* corporations (the Democrats call them "greedy capitalists")
* moderates (the Democrats call them "right-wing extremists"
* conservatives (the Democrats call them "far right-wing extremists")
* oil companies (the Democrats say they are "raping the planet")
* power companies ("raping the planet")
* people who are pro-defense (all wars are "senseless", in the eyes of the Democrats, except wars that the Democrats start, like Clinton's war on Serbia)
* people who are pro-life (such people "hate women")
* people who defend traditional marriage (such people "hate gays")

And, as Rush pointed out, the Democrats don't engage in debating the ideas, but rather merely engage in the politics of personal destruction. The Democrats recognize, deep-down, that their party's ideas are well outside of mainstream American thought, so to honestly state and promote their ideas would be political suicide for the Democrats.

But of course more and more Americans also are coming to view the Democrats' ongoing hate campaign against America as political suicide for those Democrats. And as the Democrats continue to find themselves rejected by mainstream America, that causes them to become even more enraged and angry, and their behavior becomes even more outrageous and bizarre.

The Democrat Party is caught in an ever-growing downward spiral of hate. It is cracking up, before our very eyes. And it is becoming amusing.
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Old 11-03-2005, 10:26 AM   #2

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Ah. The OP is quoting Rush Limbaugh.

Orange Alert - Ignore Mode on
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Old 11-03-2005, 10:42 AM   #3

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Ah. The OP is quoting Rush Limbaugh.
Better than quoting Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, Al Franken, or Howard Dean.
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Old 11-03-2005, 10:52 AM   #4

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Ah. The OP is quoting Rush Limbaugh.

Orange Alert - Ignore Mode on
What you are failing to examine is how the far left leaning dems have sabotaged their own party with their radical thinking and attacks on other Americans.

here's an example..........

my parents are both democrats and Christians (Mom is Episcopal, Dad is Catholic) How do you think they feel about being attacked by their own party? Let's look even closer.....Mom's church is OK with homosexuals and even have gay and lesbian ministers. The left says that's good but christianity is inherently bad. Keep it well out of our view !!

The left is a real collection of some highly mixed up mo-foes
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Old 11-03-2005, 11:03 AM   #5

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The left is a real collection of some highly mixed up mo-foes
That's a bit more poetic, and somewhat less graceful, than how Rush Limbaugh put it, but it's saying basically the same thing - today's Democrat Party has gone beyond weird to pathological. As you say (and as Rush pointed out yesterday), the Democrat Party is now solidly on a course of self-destruction, unable (or unwilling) to take a critical and honest look at itself, and to ask itself if its repeated election losses are due to its own behavior. Instead, it continually blames everyone else for its ongoing woes and defeats. It engages in conspiracy thinking. It claims the elections are being "stolen" from the Democrats, that the courts are being "unfair" to the Democrats, that the Evil Precinct Captains are "rigging the voting machines against the Democrats".

In short, the behavior of the Democrat Party is now pathological.
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Old 11-03-2005, 02:16 PM   #6

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How about a montage of partisan cheerleading:

As Rush Limbaugh pointed out yesterday
Democrats really are unable to face the fact that they are losers
This isn't just bizarre belief on the part of the Democrats; it is pathological, Rush pointed out.
hate-filled (and irrational) personal attacks that they continue to wage against President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Karl Rove, John Bolton, Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts, "house negro" Condoleezza Rice,
And, as Rush pointed out
politics of personal destruction.
The Democrat Party is caught in an ever-growing downward spiral of hate.
And it is becoming amusing.
Didn't we cover this yesterday? "Democrats are poopie-heads" is much more efficient. You could even say "Rush Limbaugh, objective and rational pundit, pointed out that Democrats are poopie heads."

The problem with talking points of late is that they've gotten too long. When the cheerleading squad hits the net with their material, people are innundated, and have trouble picking out a catchy sound byte to serve as moral of the story. I think that shortening everything to manageable phrases like "Democrats are poopie-heads!" and "Republicans Rock" would be a great service for repeaters everywhere. We've got to forget our modern "digs" and get back to the roots of rabid partisanship, when it was all about the hate.
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Old 11-03-2005, 02:21 PM   #7

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How about a montage of partisan cheerleading:

Didn't we cover this yesterday? "Democrats are poopie-heads" is much more efficient. You could even say "Rush Limbaugh, objective and rational pundit, pointed out that Democrats are poopie heads."

The problem with talking points of late is that they've gotten too long. When the cheerleading squad hits the net with their material, people are innundated, and have trouble picking out a catchy sound byte to serve as moral of the story. I think that shortening everything to manageable phrases like "Democrats are poopie-heads!" and "Republicans Rock" would be a great service for repeaters everywhere. We've got to forget our modern "digs" and get back to the roots of rabid partisanship, when it was all about the hate.
So you like something shorter and more catchy like "It's all George Bush's fault"
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Old 11-03-2005, 02:35 PM   #8

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Right, pointing out that the Federal Budget went from record surpluses under Clinton to record deficits under Bush is "The politics of personal destruction".

Launching the swift boat vets against Kerry was "the rational discussion of ideas".

Let me elevate the forum with a reference to literature, and reccommend "Rush Limbaugh is a big fat Idiot, and other observations" by Al Franken.

You'll find more truth and facts in that book then you will listening to all the shows Limbaugh has ever produced, AND you will be entertained.
Quite a bargain.
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Old 11-03-2005, 02:37 PM   #9

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Errr no, I'd rather hear a firebrand ex-junkie foaming lies and distortions at the mic and know that people actually believe the horseshit he's spewing!
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Old 11-03-2005, 02:49 PM   #10

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So you like something shorter and more catchy like "It's all George Bush's fault"
I'm drgoodtrips - nice to meet you. You must be new.
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Old 11-03-2005, 03:02 PM   #11

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we gotta put up with daily bs from the media.

yes rush is fat, yes he was hooked on drugs, yes he is a loudmouth who has an agenda

unfortunately for the left, he also has a point.

of which will never be discussed on this thread because the left will just attack Rush for giving a piece of his mind.

if rush is so bad, why the liberal obbsession with him?

i listened to franken and his show he would listen to Rush and comment on what he was saying that day.

thats obbsession, and its not healthy.

when senators close congress and demand something thats sceduled for next week and honestly beleive they caused it to happen, thats pathological
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Old 11-03-2005, 03:04 PM   #12

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I'm drgoodtrips - nice to meet you. You must be new.
You gotta admit, it's just the kind of slogan you were talking about. It’s short and simple, perfect for a cheerleading squad, though a bit overused.
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Old 11-03-2005, 03:05 PM   #13

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"Democrats are poopie-heads" is much more efficient.
Efficient in the sense that leftists would have a reason to ignore it. In fact, our lefties have gotten to the point where they can refute so little of what Limbaugh says, that here they are reduced to WISHING he had simply said "Democrats are poopie-heads". That being the only level of discourse they are capable of dealing with.

Limbaugh makes a number of good points, and backs them up. Rather than trying to deal with any of them, I see our usual board leftsts running with their tails between their legs, shouting "lies" and "horseshit" over their shoulders as they head for the horizon at high speed.

Is it a coincidence, that their behavior illustrates Limbaugh's point so well? That they are becoming unhinged, are incapable of debating facts at any level, and are reduced to trying to defame or smear those they disagree with?
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Old 11-03-2005, 03:08 PM   #14

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we gotta put up with daily bs from the media.

yes rush is fat, yes he was hooked on drugs, yes he is a loudmouth who has an agenda

unfortunately for the left, he also has a point.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time, as it were. I'm not in favor of dismissing an idea just because it was unfortunate enough to have been expressed by that moron, so I'm in agreement.

if rush is so bad, why the liberal obbsession with him? It seems here that he was parroted by an extremist "conservative" cheerleader.

i listened to franken and his show he would listen to Rush and comment on what he was saying that day. I wouldn't listen to Franken either. If I had my way, those two would destroy each other like matter and anti-matter, and the world would be a better place.

when senators close congress and demand something thats sceduled for next week and honestly beleive they caused it to happen, thats pathological Or perhaps it's a political stunt, such as closing down the government to fly to Florida and granstand the removal of a brain-dead woman's feeding tube. Is that "pathological" as well? Or is it all just the sleazy business of politics? My only point here is that deriding one "side" for political stunts while defending the other is not just hypocrisy, but it feeds into exactly what is wrong with our political system: "us vs. them" takes precedence over effective governance. Our political system has been dumbed down to view like a football game.
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Old 11-03-2005, 03:09 PM   #15

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You gotta admit, it's just the kind of slogan you were talking about. It’s short and simple, perfect for a cheerleading squad, though a bit overused.
I agree with everything you say here in this post, but not with the implication that I would agree with that statement. Bush is at fault for some things, but it would be absurd to claim that he is at fault for others. My objection is not to the flavor of rabid partisanship, but rather to the thing itself, which, IMO, serves no purpose whatsoever.
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Old 11-03-2005, 03:15 PM   #16

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Is it a coincidence, that their behavior illustrates Limbaugh's point so well?
Well, of course not. If you're inclined to swallow what Rush craps out on his show, then you're going to be predisposed to agreeing with him. It's a tautology - if you view the world the way that Rush does, you're going to interpret the behavior of Democrats the way that he does.
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Old 11-03-2005, 03:31 PM   #17

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I agree with everything you say here in this post, but not with the implication that I would agree with that statement. Bush is at fault for some things, but it would be absurd to claim that he is at fault for others. My objection is not to the flavor of rabid partisanship, but rather to the thing itself, which, IMO, serves no purpose whatsoever.
Your objection would be much more effective if you were to point out the rabid partisanship on both sides and try to get the cheerleaders from both sides to tone their rhetoric down and think instead of react. I believe that’s your intention, but it’s hard to tell from your posts here.
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Old 11-03-2005, 03:34 PM   #18

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Originally Posted by Little-Acorn Rather than trying to deal with any of them, I see our usual board leftsts running with their tails between their legs, shouting "lies" and "horseshit" over their shoulders as they head for the horizon at high speed.
Well, of course not. If you're inclined to swallow what Rush craps out on his show, then you're going to be predisposed to agreeing with him. See? There goes another one!

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Old 11-03-2005, 03:53 PM   #19

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See? There goes another one!

Does that mean that I'm a "leftst"? I guess that makes sense, since everyone who isn't a partisan cheerleader is generally cast in the same mold by partisan cheerleaders. Why don't you parrot some partisan talking points at me and I'll address your (i.e. Rush's) opinions?
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Old 11-03-2005, 04:08 PM   #20

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native, to be as bigoted and prejudiced as you, I would suggest that you are the one who is unhinged and pathological. Which planet do you claim to be native of??? Are you perhaps native amartian???
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