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Old 10-11-2005, 01:42 PM   #1

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Default Liberal Hopes Ebb in Post-Storm Poverty Debate
Published: October 11, 2005
As Hurricane Katrina put the issue of poverty onto the national agenda, many liberal advocates wondered whether the floods offered a glimmer of opportunity. The issues they most cared about - health care, housing, jobs, race - were suddenly staples of the news, with President Bush pledged to "bold action."

Conservatives have already used the storm for causes of their own, like suspending requirements that federal contractors have affirmative action plans and pay locally prevailing wages. And with federal costs for rebuilding the Gulf Coast estimated at up to $200 billion, Congressional Republican leaders are pushing for spending cuts, with programs like Medicaid and food stamps especially vulnerable.

This is a really cool article! The entire article is one big hoot for us conservatives! Victory piled upon victory!
The poverty whores are on the run. Yeeeeeehaw!
I have the entire article on my site as well.

To me this is one of those great lurches forward for us conservatives.
Woohoo! Liberals are going to weep over this one.
I would also remind folks I posted to Democrats who were crowing over the Republican demise because of Katrina that by the time elections rolled around it will have been forgotten. Of course the liberals poo-pooed that.
Yeah, right.
It not only is history already but it's working into a huge plus for the Republicans!
Talk about a stunning reversal!

The late great Socialist Senator Patrick Moynahan once stated that he feared that as the Federal Government took on more and more responsibilities and functions, people would quickly become disenchanted and disappointed.
The guy even went on to state that a Guaranteed Federal Health Care system would spell the end of the Democrat party.
Now, Moynahan was a commie deluxe. This guy left pink footprints wherever he went. The press adored him, Democrats worshiped his "awesome intellect" and I thought he was an idiot.
At any rate it's food for thought.
The more people depend on the Federal Government the more they realize it really sucks big time.
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Old 10-11-2005, 01:49 PM   #2

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Thanks for those links, they look like good articles.

And I think you are correct about the Left - they start gushing emotionally over every issue that pops up, rather than think about those issues first. So because they gush emotionally, rather than think rationally, the Lefties end up with those issues biting them in their Socialist butts, come every election time. They prove to the voters, over and over again, that they are emotional wrecks, rather than rational leaders, so the voters end up rejecting them when it comes time to elect our country's leaders.

Which certainly pleases me.
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Old 10-11-2005, 01:50 PM   #3

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Dang it this has really got me excited!
I mean, it's like the lunar landing all over again.
Houston - The Conservatives have won!

Bush is starting to look smarter and smarter to me.
I used to hate his big spending but now I am in love with it because as more and more debt and interest has to be serviced, less and less is left over for welfare programs of all kinds!
Talk about stuffing the goose until it pops.
In a few years at this rate the feds will become irrelevant because they won't have any money for anything!
The tighter the noose becomes, the more welfare programs will hit the trash dump.
Smart guy that Bush.
God bless America
God bless the Republican Party
God bless President Bush
God bless Vice-President Cheney and Halliburton
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Old 10-11-2005, 01:57 PM   #4

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I used to hate his big spending but now I am in love with it because as more and more debt and interest has to be serviced, less and less is left over for welfare programs of all kinds!
There is a certain sweet irony to that, isn't there!
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Old 10-11-2005, 02:04 PM   #5

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Yeah, reading the complete article from the liberal New York Times was such a pickmeup!
It looks to me like the entire plethora of Federal welfare programs are now coming under review and all of them are found wanting.
The NY Times practically endorsed the conservatives!
This is going to become a huge, I mean a really huge issue shortly and will certainly play a big role in the coming mid term elections and the Presidential election.
Lordy, lordy, who would have thought what a hurricane can bring?

If Democrats want to win they are going to have to stop being Democrats - Courville
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Old 10-11-2005, 02:51 PM   #6

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Tax cuts for the rich. Pay lower wages to relief workers. Republicans trying to go back to an economic plan that failed miserably during Reagan's term. As the article states, Clinton's method worked.

Nothing new in the hood for Republicans, so what's with all the hi-fives?
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Old 10-11-2005, 03:00 PM   #7

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Great thread, two people cut from the same mold patting each other on the back on a topic they obviously don't understand...way to go!!!
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Old 10-11-2005, 03:36 PM   #8

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No wonder republicans have to lie, smear, and appeal to fear to get elected!
They wouldn't ever get elected if they were actually truthful about their intentions, can you imagine?

"We intend to run the public coffers dry in order to prevent the federal government from governing, then each person is on their own to fend for themselves. If you are poor, the working poor, or the overburdened and shrinking middle class, too bad -- you are just not making wealth maximizing decisions. We the affluent and rich could care less about services or public infrastructure because we can just pull up stakes and leave if it gets too bad."

If republicans were honest with the Americans about their intentions instead of calling themselves "compassionate conservatives" or trying to pass themselves off as bipartisan uniters, they would have no chance.
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Old 10-11-2005, 03:48 PM   #9

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Losing hope? You guys losing hope? I'm in a ratgher good mood. A bit pissed off about my Government and IR test scores, but other than that... pretty good mood. Yep. Mhmm... Hopeful too.
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Old 10-11-2005, 03:49 PM   #10

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Tax cuts for the rich. Pay lower wages to relief workers. Republicans trying to go back to an economic plan that failed miserably during Reagan's term. As the article states, Clinton's method worked.

Nothing new in the hood for Republicans, so what's with all the hi-fives?
Tax cuts for the rich - Tax cuts for the rich - Tax cuts for the rich
Tax cuts for the rich - Tax cuts for the rich - Tax cuts for the rich

It's the old worn out tune cried by the green with envy Democrats!

Next time you need a plumber - see a welfare collector
Next time you need a lawyer - see a welfare collector
Next time you need a job - see a welfare collector
Next time you need a doctor - see a welfare collector
Next time you need a repair done - see a welfare collector

Like the pipe fitter told President Reagan - "I have never been hired by a poor man"

Democrats glory in begging and in beggars.
Republicans glory in winners.
That is the difference.
Democrats and welfare collectors only produce more of the same.
What's new is all the poverty programs are going to shrink, shrink, shrink!

Bring on dem tax cuts baby!

Old 10-11-2005, 03:56 PM   #11

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No wonder republicans have to lie, smear, and appeal to fear to get elected!
They wouldn't ever get elected if they were actually truthful about their intentions, can you imagine?
If republicans were honest with the Americans about their intentions instead of calling themselves "compassionate conservatives" or trying to pass themselves off as bipartisan uniters, they would have no chance.
If Democrats were honest and just said "We intend to push black kids ahead of white kids in college admissions regardless of worth and we intend to have preferential awarding of contracts to blacks over whites, and we intend to allow your girls to have abortions on demand without your permission and we intend to have homosexuals teach your children sex practices and we intend to raise your taxes so you can better support the lazy welfare queens" I don't think there would be any Democrats left.

Bring on dem tax cuts baby!
Bring them on and watch folks flock to the Republicans.
Like Carville said "If Democrats want to win they have to stop being Democrats!"

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Old 10-11-2005, 04:18 PM   #12

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Tax cuts for the rich.
Lie. The tax cuts went to both the "rich" and the non-rich. Repeating that Democrat Party lie over and over again won't make it become true, conformfailure.

Pay lower wages to relief workers.
Lie. Nobody proposed "lower wages to relief workers". Repeating that Democrat Party lie over and over again won't make it become true either, conformfailure.

Old 10-11-2005, 04:43 PM   #13

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If Democrats were honest and just said "We intend to push black kids ahead of white kids in college admissions regardless of worth and we intend to have preferential awarding of contracts to blacks over whites.
Oh and what do you call the legacy system, then? Do you know what the legacy system is? I know because some of my friends benefited from it. It is a system where you get preference not because of merit, but because mommy, daddy, and maybe even grandpa are alumni.
From the Stanford Daily: "They are the children of alumni. At Harvard, their acceptance rate was 40 percent in 2003. At Princeton, 35 percent and at the University of Pennsylvania, 41 percent. With acceptance rates at these top universities in the low teens, legacy applicants are more than three times as likely to receive a thick admission package than other students...At other top-tier universities like Harvard, Princeton and University of Pennsylvania, legacy students on average make up about 13 percent of the student body."

Our current president didn't have the grades to be admitted to University of Texas Austin Law School, but got in to Yale and Harvard via legacy status. I often say that while the legacy system is still in place no one should be complaining about affirmative action.
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Old 10-11-2005, 04:59 PM   #14

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If Democrats were honest and just said "We intend to push black kids ahead of white kids in college admissions regardless of worth and we intend to have preferential awarding of contracts to blacks over whites, and we intend to allow your girls to have abortions on demand without your permission and we intend to have homosexuals teach your children sex practices and we intend to raise your taxes so you can better support the lazy welfare queens" I don't think there would be any Democrats left.
The difference between republicans and democrats is that democrats are honest about their support of affirmative action, reproductive rights, sex education, and taking care of the most unfortunate in our society. I think they are relatively upfront in wanting progressive social justice. Some are just more pragmatic in getting there than others.
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Old 10-11-2005, 05:23 PM   #15

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Tax cuts for the rich - Tax cuts for the rich - Tax cuts for the rich
Tax cuts for the rich - Tax cuts for the rich - Tax cuts for the rich

It's the old worn out tune cried by the green with envy Democrats!

Next time you need a plumber - see a welfare collector
Next time you need a lawyer - see a welfare collector
Next time you need a job - see a welfare collector
Next time you need a doctor - see a welfare collector
Next time you need a repair done - see a welfare collector

Like the pipe fitter told President Reagan - "I have never been hired by a poor man"

Democrats glory in begging and in beggars.
Republicans glory in winners.
That is the difference.
Democrats and welfare collectors only produce more of the same.
What's new is all the poverty programs are going to shrink, shrink, shrink!

Bring on dem tax cuts baby!
Again, reference the article you provided, it shows that Reagan's economy plan didn't work, Clinton's worked, and Bush is trying to resurrect Reagan's plan and with elements of it already implemented, we are already seeing a decline (and this was evident before Katrina).

So why are you trying to sell something that is broke and doesn't work for Americans?

Intelligent people demand a stronger case other than "liberals whine" (how original). But the thing is, these liberal whiners are correct. Clinton's strategy to create a plan with more emphasis on the poor actually worked for all Americans.

Tax cuts for the rich doesn't equal prosperity for the nation. Tax cuts for the rich only means more money to put into their savings account. What was that you say? That means more banks to lend out? Guess what, you have to qualify for a loan before you get it, if your poor, you don't get it, if you're rich, you get it.

So the conservative plan is to keep the rich rich, and to keep the poor poor.
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Old 10-11-2005, 05:51 PM   #16

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Tax cuts for the rich doesn't equal prosperity for the nation.
Irrelevent comment by you, since President Bush and the GOP passed tax cuts for the "rich" and the non-rich.

It is a recurring lie by the Left that tax cuts were only for "the rich".
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Old 10-11-2005, 08:30 PM   #17

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Bush is starting to look smarter and smarter to me.
Yeah, that'll happen when you insist on listening only to subhumans like Hush Bimbo and Ann Cunter.

Pretty soon Paris Hilton will start to look smarter and smarter to you as well.
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Old 10-12-2005, 07:22 AM   #18

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Tax cuts for the rich. Pay lower wages to relief workers. Republicans trying to go back to an economic plan that failed miserably during Reagan's term. As the article states, Clinton's method worked.

Nothing new in the hood for Republicans, so what's with all the hi-fives?
What Clinton did stifled the economy. You cannot cut all the spending programs, slash our military, and then raise taxes to create a lopsided in the black "bubble" - as he did for his namesake...Top it off - a stock market bubble was also arrogantly allowed under his term that destroyed the savings and investment plans of millions of Americans when in it burst. Clinton spent so much time removing jizz stains and feeling up his office staff that he failed miserably at running the country.
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Old 10-12-2005, 07:29 AM   #19

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Irrelevent comment by you, since President Bush and the GOP passed tax cuts for the "rich" and the non-rich.

It is a recurring lie by the Left that tax cuts were only for "the rich".
thank you N.A.

Only those that EARN an income can pay taxes, therefore the poor cannot GET a tax cut to begin with, you can't cut ZERO! Tax cuts went down the middle and you you know it and I know it. Democrats continue to whine and continue to lose on this issue.
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Old 10-12-2005, 07:31 AM   #20

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Great thread, two people cut from the same mold patting each other on the back on a topic they obviously don't understand...way to go!!!
so what does that make you?
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