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Old 02-01-2006, 03:33 PM   #1

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Default The Borders
Let us keep immigration legal here. We really have no idea how many illegals we're supporting with our taxes already.


But this is good for our country right ? Having a lot of illegal, non-tax paying "citizens" and criminals ?

Oh yeah. It's healthy for us and our economy and our country to have porous borders.


Can someone explain to me why having illegal immigrants coming into our country and taking advantage of our compa-a-a-a-sion and social services (which we all pay for) is healthy for us all ?

What ?

They'll do jobs that WE won't do ?

Because we have American citizens who ALSO take advantage of our compassionate "social services" ?

How about we stop giving bums and degenerates handouts and make them work for a living like the rest of us have to do ?

We have PLENTY of leeches here that COULD work ?

And maybe they WOULD work if they couldn't invent some sob story and get a govt. handout ?

Nawwww. I'm just bein' crazy right ?

Ohio sheriff bills U.S. government for jailed illegals


An Ohio sheriff has billed the Department of Homeland Security $125,000 for the cost of jailing illegal aliens arrested on criminal charges in his county, saying he's angry that the federal government has failed in its responsibility to keep them out of the United States.

"Why should Butler County taxpayers have to pay for jail costs associated with people we don't believe should ever have been in this country, let alone this state or county, to begin with?" Sheriff Jones said. "They are in my jail because they have committed crimes here."

"It's time the federal government should at least pay for the criminals they let stay here," he said. "If they don't want to pay for them, then they can deport them."

"This is not rocket science," he said. "I intend to continue to bring this problem to the attention of anyone who will listen. There is little else I can do unless and until the system is changed."

This, in Ohio !?!?
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Old 02-01-2006, 03:58 PM   #2

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Why are you suprised that it's in Ohio? We have a ton of Hispanics here in the northeast. Landscaping and Nurseries. I couldn't speculate on the legal to illegal ratio though.
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Old 02-01-2006, 04:19 PM   #3

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Why are you suprised that it's in Ohio? We have a ton of Hispanics here in the northeast. Landscaping and Nurseries. I couldn't speculate on the legal to illegal ratio though.
I guess most of us think they stay near the states or in the states, or close to the area they came through.

I guess they're distributing themselves all over. There's got to be a lot of them.

Since no one seems to care about the issue, I guess we'll keep seeing more.

I wonder if I could illegally go into another country and get work and social services.

I like Australia.

Think I could pull it off there ?
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Old 02-01-2006, 04:40 PM   #4

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If you make entrance into the most prosperous country in the world as difficult as it is, why are you surprised when people are willing to break the law to come over?

Tell me - what moral purpose is served by restricting immigration and making it so difficult to come here, as we have?
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Old 02-01-2006, 05:48 PM   #5

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Give me your tired, your cold, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free?

Although I doubt in the case of Mexico they are actually all that COLD persay.
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Old 02-01-2006, 06:01 PM   #6

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It's really quite simple..........Americans decided that they need an underclass to handle our low paying work . The really funny part is how liberals spin this into some kind of humanitarian thing( the poor dears are just in search of a better life.........now go and mop the hall floor Maria ). They are happy with their new nigras.

Old 02-01-2006, 07:03 PM   #7

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It's really quite simple..........Americans decided that they need an underclass to handle our low paying work . The really funny part is how liberals spin this into some kind of humanitarian thing( the poor dears are just in search of a better life.........now go and mop the hall floor Maria ). They are happy with their new nigras.
Certainly looks that way doesn't it ?
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Old 02-01-2006, 07:42 PM   #8

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It's really quite simple..........Americans decided that they need an underclass to handle our low paying work . The really funny part is how liberals spin this into some kind of humanitarian thing( the poor dears are just in search of a better life.........now go and mop the hall floor Maria ). They are happy with their new nigras.
Well, it's true that Americans like cheap Hispanic labor (working in kitchens, baby-sitting, construction, cleaning the leaves, etc). However, the comparison with slavery is dumb. That's a southern vice. Please do not try to export your historical vices to the rest of the country. History is what it is and is not malleable, no matter how much you want to change it to suit your purposes.
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Old 02-01-2006, 07:53 PM   #9

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The comparison I'm making is not of slavery, but America's contentment in having an underclass class of working people to serve their needs. That, plus the hypocrisy of many that call themselves liberals, acting as if hiring them is a noble cause.

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Old 02-01-2006, 08:47 PM   #10

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The comparison I'm making is not of slavery, but America's contentment in having an underclass class of working people to serve their needs. That, plus the hypocrisy of many that call themselves liberals, acting as if hiring them is a noble cause.

I wonder if maybe there are different KINDS of slavery. Depending on the social or cultural or economic order or something.

Interesting to consider.

However, I DO think that an uneducated hispanic (or any other skin shade) could come here and get educated and make as much, or more of him or herself as anyone else.

They have the same opportunities as the rest of us.

They just would serve themselves better if they learned the language and stayed out of crime ?

Maybe thats too much to ask though ?

What do I know. I'm just a dumb little white guy that never had to do or learn NOTHIN'
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Old 02-01-2006, 09:05 PM   #11

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The comparison I'm making is not of slavery, but America's contentment in having an underclass class of working people to serve their needs. That, plus the hypocrisy of many that call themselves liberals, acting as if hiring them is a noble cause.

Well, it probably is better off for them, to be hired in the USA, then for them to be unemployed in Mexico, thus it would technically be helping them out.
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Old 02-01-2006, 09:11 PM   #12

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Well, it probably is better off for them, to be hired in the USA, then for them to be unemployed in Mexico, thus it would technically be helping them out.
Although they may be better off, allowing them to reside and work here as an underclass is hardly the American dream or what America is supposed to stand for. What they get is a cheesy version of it. When my relatives immigrated here from Scotland, Germany, and Sicily they became Americans. If we cannot make those coming in from Mexico citizens then we should not admit them at all. Allowing them in to change our kids diapers ,dig our ditches, and pick our crops (all the while fearing deportation) is not what any American would wish upon themselves.
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Old 02-01-2006, 09:22 PM   #13

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Americans who first came here, did the dirty jobs. I don't think they got off the docks and into jobs in investing, consulting, teaching, science, engineering or whatnot. Immigrants come in on the ground level doing the shit jobs. That's generally the way it is with immigrants throughout world history. The Germans and French did not let the Turks in so that they could train them to be engineers and scientists. They came to do manual labor. Whether that be in a factory or something "beneath" I don't know.

I do have a bias here. I welcome more of my dark-skinned brothers. I don't enjoy being a minority and I would appreciate some more company.

Also, I think it is unfair how all the white people got to immigrate but not these guys.

OTOH I do recognize that times have changed a bit and there are now health costs and social security. Also there is the issue of capital flight away from the US, thus removing our historical necessity for immigrants which made them desirable to US citizens.

I would really need to do more study on the US, and the history of its immigration policies to form a better opinion.

Well, I'm no help on this discussion. It's too complicated for me to form one position. :P
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Old 02-01-2006, 09:46 PM   #14

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You don't like them getting treated like dirt?
Let them be legal and give them a decent wage!

As a hispanic who got a 2220 on his SAT, I know that these people have just as much potential as any white guy... given the chance.

Granted, I didn't swim across the Rio Grande.
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Old 02-02-2006, 12:25 AM   #15

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Although they may be better off, allowing them to reside and work here as an underclass is hardly the American dream or what America is supposed to stand for. What they get is a cheesy version of it. When my relatives immigrated here from Scotland, Germany, and Sicily they became Americans. If we cannot make those coming in from Mexico citizens then we should not admit them at all. Allowing them in to change our kids diapers ,dig our ditches, and pick our crops (all the while fearing deportation) is not what any American would wish upon themselves.
Wait, wait, "If we make it retardedly difficult to enter the country with our immigration policies and the people of Mexico, desperate to get out of their crap country, cross the border anyway, obviously the problem is...with them."

Hey guess what? The 'underclass' doesn't stay that way for long. America is great because only a tiny percentage of the people in the so-called "underclass" stay there for more than a...I think it was 5 year period. We're a very upwardly mobile society. And, as I lived in majority-hispanic neighborhoods, with quite a few illegals, I can assure you that none of them planned - or were going to - stay as the "underclass" for very long.

The fact is, the problem lies not in the Mexicans breaking the evil laws but in the existence of the laws themselves. Here's a fun fact: take a legal mexican immigrant, then take 100 natural-born US citizens. Odds are that man knows way more than 99 of those 100 about the USA.

Why? Because the law requires he answer a series of really irrelevant historical questions about the USA, among other things. Unless you know a great deal about the USA and wait in a really long line to get in, apparently, you're not "good enough" to be a US citizen.

Yet thousands - over 11,000, if the CIA world factbook is correct - of children are born here naturally every day who will grow up knowing next to nothing compared to the legal mexican citizen about their native country - yet, somehow, the mexican who knows little about America, other than it is the land of prosperity, that is the 'undesireable' that must be kept out of the country, even though immigrants average about a gain of 2,681 people a day.

The policy of restricting immigration in this manner is patently absurd and tinged with xenophobia, if not any specific racism. It is unsurprising that conservatives, who are tradition-worshippers, are wary of the change in ethnic makeup of the country, always as the sniveling, cowardly non-defenders of freedom are, thinking that the principles that made this country great will shatter with the slightest breeze of change, are against sane immigration laws - but it does not excuse their reprehensible stances.

Here's a little history for you: America was made by immigrants, and will continue to be made by them. If you truly wish to concern yourselves with people becoming American, you would do best to concentrate your efforts, rather than on the border, on the schools - where more than just the children of immigrants are being taught.

Regarding security, sane immigration laws would make it far easier to enforce border security. Instead of hundreds, even thousands of people coming across the border every day, one would have checkpoints where immigrants could legally enter after a quick background check and legal proof of their identity. Then, anyone who is crossing the actual border fence - and I think the number would be far, far fewer after that policy was instituted - can be assumed to be someone with bad intentions(tm).

There, Americanism protected, border security simplified, end of problems.
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Old 02-02-2006, 12:29 AM   #16

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One last thing.

Can someone explain to me why having illegal immigrants coming into our country and taking advantage of our compa-a-a-a-sion and social services (which we all pay for) is healthy for us all ?
Compulsory social services aren't good for anyone. Why are you blaming the mexicans with just following through with the moral principles you endorse when you also accept social services? Namely, the best (most productive) people are to have their money seized for the least productive, the people who put in the least amount of money.

I havn't put much more than an illegal immigrant into the socialized medical system - but, should I ever go to the hospital and just not pay, I will have stolen that money from you as surely as an illegal immigrant has. The problem is not in the theft - theft is the law, now, apparently - but the existence of its legalization.

Illegal immigrants have shown you exactly how faulty, evil and corrupt your own social medical system is. Why are you blaming them for exposing it? Surely, if you are actually against socialized medicine as you claim to be you would seize upon this as the perfect embodyment of the principle of socialization?
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Old 02-02-2006, 12:52 AM   #17

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One last thing.

Compulsory social services aren't good for anyone. Why are you blaming the mexicans with just following through with the moral principles you endorse when you also accept social services? Namely, the best (most productive) people are to have their money seized for the least productive, the people who put in the least amount of money.

I havn't put much more than an illegal immigrant into the socialized medical system - but, should I ever go to the hospital and just not pay, I will have stolen that money from you as surely as an illegal immigrant has. The problem is not in the theft - theft is the law, now, apparently - but the existence of its legalization.

Illegal immigrants have shown you exactly how faulty, evil and corrupt your own social medical system is. Why are you blaming them for exposing it? Surely, if you are actually against socialized medicine as you claim to be you would seize upon this as the perfect embodyment of the principle of socialization?
I don't blame them at all, the blame lies with our governments failure to address the problem. We hear people talk about how much the war is costing, but don't care about the billions we spend due to illegals, And the number just grows, when we had just 1.1 million a year coming ine we were spending a measly 69 billion a year on it........last year we had nearly 3 million come in. This is a tax dollar sink hole that isn't going away, it is out of control. ( but don't look for it to be a major issue in 2008, neither side wants to risk losing the hispanic vote)
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Old 02-02-2006, 01:17 AM   #18

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Why, again, rail against immigrants, instead of the system? Wrong battle to fight.
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Old 02-02-2006, 02:03 AM   #19

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I'm really agreeing with MiB here.

These guys aren't coming to America and getting rich. They're coming to America and getting exploited. It's merely better than whats at "home".
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Old 02-02-2006, 03:49 AM   #20

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I'm really agreeing with MiB here.

These guys aren't coming to America and getting rich. They're coming to America and getting exploited. It's merely better than whats at "home".
Who's "exploiting" men who come here of their own free will, to take jobs of their own free will, for wages that they happily agree to, of their own free will?

Man, if thats exploitation, everyone who's not a welfare bum is being "exploited."
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