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#21 |
All true. The key difference is, for the most part, you don't see us demanding that the Tea Party be suppressed by the police, locked up, or in WJ5's words... beheaded. And I will agree with you that there is quite a bit of silliness and tom-foolery in the protests, or any large demonstration for that matter. But no matter how silly or appalling I find a movement, you will never see me demanding that Big Brother put them down. So, when they start raping and pillaging...oops, that has already happened...when they start killing people, will you ask for peace to be restored then? You said I wanted to take away your civil liberties, what about those civil liberties to life then? This has already turned into a riot with cops being assaulted first, does an innocent bystander have to die before you ask for the madness...your words of "silliness"...before you call for these people to go home? To put it simply, I would like everyone to mind their own business - he wants the Government to be in everyone's business, at least as far as his moral ideaology is concerned. You really don't understand what a libertarian really is do you? For that matter, you don't know what socialism or communism really is do you? I don't want government to be in their business if they are following the law, I want them the follow the law, which they aren't to the very basic tenants of this movement. |
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#22 |
Actually, that was Rossane's words, but nice try of libel. So, when they start raping and pillaging...oops, that has already happened... Again. Awesome generalization. I take it you've never participated in a street protest... just read about them in hysterical Blaze articles. when they start killing people, will you ask for peace to be restored then? Considering the level of violence the Oakland and NYC PDs have used in suppressing the protests, I'm surprised no one has died already. You said I wanted to take away your civil liberties, what about those civil liberties to life then? No one said opposing Religious and Economic Tyranny was safe. This has already turned into a riot with cops being assaulted first, Ah, so you were there? does an innocent bystander have to die before you ask for the madness...your words of "silliness"...before you call for these people to go home? Ah yes. Just go home. And let the white collar robbery continue. You really don't understand what a libertarian really is do you? For that matter, you don't know what socialism or communism really is do you? I've asked you that very question before. Do you know what any of those terms mean? I'm still waiting for an answer. I don't want government to be in their business if they are following the law, I want them the follow the law, which they aren't to the very basic tenants of this movement. Ah yes. "The law". |
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#23 |
Your words. When I asked you what you meant when you said we should "go after them". Again. Awesome generalization. I take it you've never participated in a street protest... just read about them in hysterical Blaze articles. No, actually other news agencies have talked about the riots and rapes too. But I guess those are just "normal" for Liberals if you don't seem to give them much credence. Considering the level of violence the Oakland and NYC PDs have used in suppressing the protests, I'm surprised no one has died already. OWS is really pushing to kill someone, or at least get someone killed. Maybe next time, when the OWS plant the tear gas up across one of their own protesters head, maybe they will kill him. Or maybe the rapist will not want the victim to talk. But yet there are the TWO deaths in Toronto due to drug use. No one said opposing Religious and Economic Tyranny was safe. The TEA party seemed pretty safe when they talked about bringing down the power go the government and the FED. Actually, the only people inciting violence there were liberals as well. Ah, so you were there? Should I be? Or are you saying I need to go to an OWS rally to see what it is like before I talk about it? How many TEA parties did you attend again? Ah yes. Just go home. And let the white collar robbery continue. Who is robbing me? The government? I agree. But none else is forcibly taking my money. I've asked you that very question before. Do you know what any of those terms mean? I'm still waiting for an answer. Libertarian. To allow the people to select their own fate by moving the government and bureaucracy out of the way. This doesn't mean all government is gone, but the kind that says a private business can't sell toys in a happy meal cause the food is too fattening. Socialism. Everything you work for, is the governments. Nothing belongs to you because everything must be shared for fairness. Usually, with unproductive workers, they are simply discarded into a single pit after being given their severance package of one $.39 lead pellet type object to the back of the head. Ah yes. "The law". Yes, that thing the TEA party did at every single one of their rallies where they had to provide at least porta potties to their people. The law, which the OWS crowd seems to be against when they advocate for their rape victims to not tell the police. |
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#24 |
Again, that was Rosannes and I was using her words as sarcasm. You must have really been missing this or you wouldn't be so hard up to ignore this which I have already said. What did you mean exactly when you said we should "go after" the socialists participating in the protests? No, actually other news agencies have talked about the riots and rapes too. But I guess those are just "normal" for Liberals if you don't seem to give them much credence. Again, you're not getting the whole generalization thing. It doesn't surprise me at all if some individuals take advantage of the protests to commit crime. Breaking windows, stealing TVs, perhaps even mugging or raping someone in an alleyway. OWS is really pushing to kill someone, or at least get someone killed. Maybe next time, when the OWS plant the tear gas up across one of their own protesters head, maybe they will kill him. Or maybe the rapist will not want the victim to talk. Why would they gas themselves? The Gestap... I mean police... are doing more than enough of that for them. But yet there are the TWO deaths in Toronto due to drug use. Oh God drug use. People injecting themselves with cannabis and drinking crack. Godlessness. There's probably gay sex too. The TEA party seemed pretty safe when they talked about bringing down the power go the government and the FED. Actually, the only people inciting violence there were liberals as well. No surprise. Gramps probably isn't going to beat you to death with his respirator. Should I be? Or are you saying I need to go to an OWS rally to see what it is like before I talk about it? How many TEA parties did you attend again? I'm just curious how you know the good policemen were ALWAYS assaulted first. Especially since I've already posted videos showing the exact opposite. Who is robbing me? The government? I agree. But none else is forcibly taking my money. Then you're a fool. Libertarian. To allow the people to select their own fate by moving the government and bureaucracy out of the way. This doesn't mean all government is gone, but the kind that says a private business can't sell toys in a happy meal cause the food is too fattening. Like Anarchists, Libertarians have different schools of thought on how big and what role the government should serve. In fact, there are very few differences between libertarians and Anarchists, except one is "right wing" and the other "left wing" - even on that point the lines are blurred because both often agree that religion has no place in government, and many members of both groups are sensible Atheists. And like failed Anarchist revolutions, a hypothetical Libertarian uprising would encounter similar problems. Many of the revolutonaries would presumably be strongly individualistic - this would make central control and discipline complicated. Too many chiefs and not enough indians! Organization would be a paradox, in grave risk of splintering into factions. Also, there would be a lot of idealism, and practical problems of immediate importance might take a back seat to ideological mantra. End result? The post-revolution regime would likely be extremely ramshackle and distracted by non-issues. Revolutions of the past have shown a few likely outcomes. 1) The Revolution is hijacked by more militant elements, as we saw with the French Revolution or the Bolsheviks. The tyranny of the New Government is not much different than the old one (As Orwell colorfully depicted in Animal Farm) 2) The Revolution morphes into a proxy-war between foreign powers - like the Spanish Civil War. No matter who wins, the people lose. 3) A functional revolutionary government is established, but is incapable of effective and timely leadership and is quickly destroyed by a counter attack by the State Army - as what happened with the Paris Commune. 3) A compromise is reached, the Military is defeated, and a highly successful and prosperous nation is born... like the United States! Socialism. Everything you work for, is the governments. Nothing belongs to you because everything must be shared for fairness. Usually, with unproductive workers, they are simply discarded into a single pit after being given their severance package of one $.39 lead pellet type object to the back of the head. Socialism, like Anarchism, and many of the other "isms", strives for a stateless society. Many of the same problems but with a few differences worth noting. Socialist movements at least understand the importance of compromise and that Rome can't be built in a day. What goes wrong is finding a working compromise between ideology and practicality - and making sure that "step backwards" is actually followed by a step forward. Just like with all other revolutions, there is a big danger of the new regime being no better than the old. It is understood that human nature conflicts sharply with the stateless society. Its human nature to want to control and dominate other people - which is why the Fabians suggested human conditioning over a long period of time - get people to understand the values and morality necessary to co-exist with one another in an equal community. However, ironically, that is a huge temptation with human nature, to try to use that period of conditioning as a means of control - leading to Eugenics, death camps, and all kinds of nasty stuff. A new revolution, be it libertarian, anarchist, socialist, or democratic in general - runs a lot of risk. But progress is always risky. It feels much safer to huddle in the status quo and, as you put it, "stay home". But we can't defeat tyranny through apathy - we need to take that Leap of Faith and trust ourselves and each other to make the right decisions down the road. Yes, that thing the TEA party did at every single one of their rallies where they had to provide at least porta potties to their people. The law, which the OWS crowd seems to be against when they advocate for their rape victims to not tell the police. Which made the Tea Party utterly worthless in effecting social change. And I fear the OWS protests will end up the same way. |
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#25 |
Well then, I'll restate the question so I can get a serious answer. Since I am dying with curiosity... Again, you're not getting the whole generalization thing. No, I get it. I see it every time you post. It doesn't surprise me at all if some individuals take advantage of the protests to commit crime. Breaking windows, stealing TVs, perhaps even mugging or raping someone in an alleyway. So should it surprise you that it NEVER happened at a TEA party rally? Why would they gas themselves? The Gestap... I mean police... are doing more than enough of that for them. Yay for liberal contradiction. I though the OWS was out to march FOR the cops and middle class america, why do you then belittle them for doing their job? Don't you understand with what they are advocating for, the police will actually get much worse? Not gas them selves, but take a can that was already fired, pick it up, and crack one of their own for sympathy status. Oh God drug use. People injecting themselves with cannabis and drinking crack. Godlessness. There's probably gay sex too. Gay sex isn't a crime, except in the communist countries you and your liberal buddies in OWS wish for America to be. But sex in public is. Anyways, if you don't care about the laws, then why are you advocating the government put more laws into place? It much be because those laws are for other people. Socialism is only good for the people, not the rulers, and never has been. No surprise. Gramps probably isn't going to beat you to death with his respirator. But yet the liberal left was so scared of them Maybe cause so many liberals lost their jobs the LEGAL way. I'm just curious how you know the good policemen were ALWAYS assaulted first. Especially since I've already posted videos showing the exact opposite. Missed those videos. I have how ever seen on MSNBC Chris Mathews ask an OWS protester straight up if the cops were being hit with bottles and rocks first, and the protester said YES. I know that the cops are following the law cause they know they are being filmed. The cops actually follow the law, unlike OWS. Then you're a fool. I have yet to see anyone take money from me that I didn't agree to give them for a certain service. Maybe you would like to elaborate on your position of why you think I am being robbed from private businesses. Like Anarchists, Libertarians have different schools of thought on how big and what role the government should serve. In fact, there are very few differences between libertarians and Anarchists, except one is "right wing" and the other "left wing" - even on that point the lines are blurred because both often agree that religion has no place in government, and many members of both groups are sensible Atheists. You are right. And the right follows the laws, and tries to change the laws peacefully and legally. The left, like these out in OWS, break the law, mostly for fun and ignorance, but also to bring down the system of rule to build up their own society built on rules. Kind of the oxymoron really. And like failed Anarchist revolutions, a hypothetical Libertarian uprising would encounter similar problems. Except in 1776 when the group of libertarians, aka classical liberals, opposed such harsh rule of a single person(s) and revolted. They gave the majority of power to the people in the form of a republic and constitution that restricted the federal governments power. Many of the revolutonaries would presumably be strongly individualistic - this would make central control and discipline complicated. Too many chiefs and not enough indians! Organization would be a paradox, in grave risk of splintering into factions. Also, there would be a lot of idealism, and practical problems of immediate importance might take a back seat to ideological mantra. Agreed. End result? The post-revolution regime would likely be extremely ramshackle and distracted by non-issues. Revolutions of the past have shown a few likely outcomes. Good thing one had already occurred, too bad the progressives have taken us away from that example and have brought us to where we are today. 1) The Revolution is hijacked by more militant elements, as we saw with the French Revolution or the Bolsheviks. The tyranny of the New Government is not much different than the old one (As Orwell colorfully depicted in Animal Farm) Or like Eygpt. 2) The Revolution morphes into a proxy-war between foreign powers - like the Spanish Civil War. No matter who wins, the people lose. Like Libya. 3) A functional revolutionary government is established, but is incapable of effective and timely leadership and is quickly destroyed by a counter attack by the State Army - as what happened with the Paris Commune. Or the Pre-USA 4) A compromise is reached, the Military is defeated, and a highly successful and prosperous nation is born... like the United States! Yep. So why screw with a good thing? Socialism, like Anarchism, and many of the other "isms", strives for a stateless society. Many of the same problems but with a few differences worth noting. Socialist movements at least understand the importance of compromise and that Rome can't be built in a day. What goes wrong is finding a working compromise between ideology and practicality - and making sure that "step backwards" is actually followed by a step forward. Just like with all other revolutions, there is a big danger of the new regime being no better than the old. It is understood that human nature conflicts sharply with the stateless society. Its human nature to want to control and dominate other people - which is why the Fabians suggested human conditioning over a long period of time - get people to understand the values and morality necessary to co-exist with one another in an equal community. However, ironically, that is a huge temptation with human nature, to try to use that period of conditioning as a means of control - leading to Eugenics, death camps, and all kinds of nasty stuff. And I actually think socialism could work, in very small communities. A new revolution, be it libertarian, anarchist, socialist, or democratic in general - runs a lot of risk. But progress is always risky. It feels much safer to huddle in the status quo and, as you put it, "stay home". But we can't defeat tyranny through apathy - we need to take that Leap of Faith and trust ourselves and each other to make the right decisions down the road. Good, so you agreed with the TEA party before it was co-opted by the religious conservative right. I am in full agreement that there is a religious right, but I don't need to attack them with every breath because like it or not, they are not lawless or destructive in their protests at all. Which made the Tea Party utterly worthless in effecting social change. And I fear the OWS protests will end up the same way. So, to you, you need to break the law for social change to happen? I don't buy that. I say when people are tired of big(ger) governments stepping on them or depending on the government for something that they can provide themselves, there will be a change. Ron is saying we will keep the SS, but he is saying it is YOUR CHOICE to save for retirement. If you don't save, you keep working cause that is what YOU choose. |
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#26 |
Link the context please. I don't remember and I know how much you love to ignore the context. So should it surprise you that it NEVER happened at a TEA party rally? A few hundred old folks waving signs and bitching about their Medicare checks isn't exactly a great opportunity for a crime wave. A massive protest with thousands of protestors over multiple city blocks day and night? Definitely. It also means a lot of prospective targets. A 19 year old girl who gets separated from her friends and wandering about in the dark by herself, she doesn't know anyone and is unfamiliar with the area? Easy target. Its sad and disgusting I know - but that's the reality of it. Yay for liberal contradiction. I though the OWS was out to march FOR the cops and middle class america, why do you then belittle them for doing their job? Don't you understand with what they are advocating for, the police will actually get much worse? The police are part of the system. Or does it surprise you that the NYC police received a 4.6 million dollar donation from JP Morgan recently? Not gas them selves, but take a can that was already fired, pick it up, and crack one of their own for sympathy status. Why would they do that when there are already dozens of REAL incidents of police abuse? Gay sex isn't a crime, except in the communist countries you and your liberal buddies in OWS wish for America to be. So gay sex is just fine in all the religious countries... you wanna rethink that statement? But sex in public is. Oh Gawd! Anyways, if you don't care about the laws, then why are you advocating the government put more laws into place? It much be because those laws are for other people. Socialism is only good for the people, not the rulers, and never has been. I know this is very confusing for you - I can believe in better safety nets, but without Big Brother. But yet the liberal left was so scared of them Maybe cause so many liberals lost their jobs the LEGAL way. Indeed. We saw a huge shift to the right with the Tea Party. It is disturbing to see christian fundamentalism get even more powerful in this country, but there may be very little left to stop them. Missed those videos. I have how ever seen on MSNBC Chris Mathews ask an OWS protester straight up if the cops were being hit with bottles and rocks first, and the protester said YES. I know that the cops are following the law cause they know they are being filmed. The cops actually follow the law, unlike OWS. Let me Google that for you. I have yet to see anyone take money from me that I didn't agree to give them for a certain service. Maybe you would like to elaborate on your position of why you think I am being robbed from private businesses. Oh yeah that's right. Obama's bank bailout was created out of thin air. Or how about the corporations making billions in our foreign wars? Or the farm subsidies? Healthcare? Higher Education? Are you really this blind? You are right. And the right follows the laws, and tries to change the laws peacefully and legally. The left, like these out in OWS, break the law, mostly for fun and ignorance, but also to bring down the system of rule to build up their own society built on rules. Kind of the oxymoron really. Indeed. Christians usually control the guns and the armies, so they can quite legally enforce their will on the population. Except in 1776 when the group of libertarians, aka classical liberals, opposed such harsh rule of a single person(s) and revolted. They gave the majority of power to the people in the form of a republic and constitution that restricted the federal governments power. Some were. And as I discuss later on in the post, a compromise was reached. America was a great success story. Hopefully our second revolution against the Christians will as successful as the revolution against the monarchy. Agreed. Good thing one had already occurred, too bad the progressives have taken us away from that example and have brought us to where we are today. Hopefully the Christians will be defeated and Progressivism can reach its full potential with the chains of Dark Age religion. Or like Eygpt. That's what you CLAIMED. Hasn't happened yet. Like Libya. True, though I'm not convinced that was ever a homegrown revolution to begin with. Or the Pre-USA Not sure what you mean by "pre-USA". Yep. So why screw with a good thing? Because its time to move on. And I actually think socialism could work, in very small communities. Its about organization. We made a federal government possible - socialism can and will work eventually. Good, so you agreed with the TEA party before it was co-opted by the religious conservative right. I am in full agreement that there is a religious right, but I don't need to attack them with every breath because like it or not, they are not lawless or destructive in their protests at all. The Tea Party served its purpose. Attack dogs of the religous right. Christian fundamentalists control the House, and they may soon control the White House as well. So, to you, you need to break the law for social change to happen? I don't buy that. I say when people are tired of big(ger) governments stepping on them or depending on the government for something that they can provide themselves, there will be a change. Ron is saying we will keep the SS, but he is saying it is YOUR CHOICE to save for retirement. If you don't save, you keep working cause that is what YOU choose. Maybe. The Spanish only broke free from Christian rule by burning the churches and "executing Christ". |
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#27 |
A few hundred old folks waving signs and bitching about their Medicare checks isn't exactly a great opportunity for a crime wave. By the way, you mean a few hundred THOUSAND each time over 3 years. A massive protest with thousands of protestors over multiple city blocks day and night? Definitely. Especially occupied by teens, 20s and hippies that don't give a crap about the law. It also means a lot of prospective targets. A 19 year old girl who gets separated from her friends and wandering about in the dark by herself, she doesn't know anyone and is unfamiliar with the area? Easy target. Its sad and disgusting I know - but that's the reality of it. Try girls in tents with their friends in there too. The police are part of the system. Or does it surprise you that the NYC police received a 4.6 million dollar donation from JP Morgan recently? See, when the TEA party held rallies, they paid the police. When it is lawless thugs, the executives, paying more than their fair share again, provide for the cops to try to stop the lawlessness that goes on there. Imagine if there were no cops there. Why would they do that when there are already dozens of REAL incidents of police abuse? Over the years? Sure. In this OWS crap, none substantiated. So gay sex is just fine in all the religious countries... you wanna rethink that statement? Yeah, forgot about the other countries that support OWS who hate homosexuality. I know this is very confusing for you - I can believe in better safety nets, but without Big Brother. You mean like a private army? Thought you hated private armies? Or do you want one company enforcing rules on other companies? How about letting the consumers decide who passes and who fails through the best vote possible, their money they spend. Oh, that is called the free market. Did you hear about all those people getting back at those big nasty banks? Yeah, they poor withdrew all their money from the BOA and other big bank accounts to put them in their local credit unions. The big banks are actually happy cause it saves them money and they are making more in profit now. Talk about ironic. Indeed. We saw a huge shift to the right with the Tea Party. It is disturbing to see christian fundamentalism get even more powerful in this country, but there may be very little left to stop them. Sure, cause you can provide proof of that claim right? That the TEA partiers are just working to get all their Christian rules enacted by laws? Let me Google that for you. So no actual proof of cops doing things wrong? Just out of context videos with people being arrested screaming they are innocent. Wow, I don't think I have ever heard that line before. You know, I googled "TEA party police brutality", and nothing showed up. And they are the ones that supposedly wants to bring the system down. They are the ones that don't want billionaires bailed out. They are the ones that want the FED closed. They are the ones that say it is the governments fault and supposedly want to break up the unions these cops belong to. Yet no police brutality. But when the OWS people are saying they are there FOR the cops, the cops just want to beat them up? Wow, didn't think so many cops were that dumb. Oh yeah that's right. Obama's bank bailout was created out of thin air. Or how about the corporations making billions in our foreign wars? Or the farm subsidies? Healthcare? Higher Education? Are you really this blind? No, and when you get progressive government out of all those things, we won't have a problem. Again, goes back to government, NOT private businesses. If you cry about education costs, why is there no Occupy Harvard, or Yale, or many of the other high priced schools that have raised tuition at a faster rate than healthcare or the home bubble? Indeed. Christians usually control the guns and the armies, so they can quite legally enforce their will on the population. Or in more appropriate terms, protect themselves cause that is why we have the second amendment, for protection. You are pretty hard up on hating religion, or at least Christians and Jews, do you need to go speak to someone? Maybe your Imam or bar tender? ![]() Some were. And as I discuss later on in the post, a compromise was reached. America was a great success story. Hopefully our second revolution against the Christians will as successful as the revolution against the monarchy. Right, cause the Christians have done nothing for the world, much less this country. I mean, you only have unlimited freedom to practice any religion here. You also had unparalleled freedom to say what you wanted without being put to death for speaking against the government. Now, if you speak bad about the break Obama, there could be a Drone strike in your future. Hopefully the Christians will be defeated and Progressivism can reach its full potential with the chains of Dark Age religion. Nothing better than progressives eugenics and the way they taught the Germans to use propaganda. Yes, progressives, the people that have brought us to the brink and are getting 14 million people suffer through unemployment to rid the country of religion. Such a great way to get people to accept you beliefs. That's what you CLAIMED. Hasn't happened yet. Sure, just reminding you. True, though I'm not convinced that was ever a homegrown revolution to begin with. With a progressive NWO lackey in the WH, I am with you on that. Hopefully it isn't another MB take over. Not sure what you mean by "pre-USA". The time of the confederacy. Between the revolutionary war and 1792 when the constitution of the USA was ratified. Because its time to move on. Why reinvent the wheel when your solution is hover technology that doesn't work and has never worked? Its about organization. We made a federal government possible - socialism can and will work eventually. So, instead of keeping with the system that works, you want to keep trying the system that fails time and again and only has resulted in 60,000,000 citizen lives so far? Brilliant. What is the old saying about insanity and doing the same thing over and expecting different results? Also, are you guys the same people that think evolution has made us this way, and you think we can just over come the centuries of being bred this way? Liberal contradiction, without it, your mouth would be shut. The Tea Party served its purpose. Attack dogs of the religous right. Christian fundamentalists control the House, and they may soon control the White House as well. Prove that the TEA party is all about putting Christian aspects back into law. I mean, our test scores where higher with God in the class room. Our murder rate and teen pregnancies were lower. But who wants to go back to when Christianity was such a model for people to look up too. Now you have people like Obama that goes around talking behind one of our allies backs, that seems pretty Christian of him. Wonder if he learned that from his racist pastor of 20 years or terrorist friend who sends ships filled with weapons to attack Israel. Maybe. The Spanish only broke free from Christian rule by burning the churches and "executing Christ". And they are doing great now aren't they. |
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#28 |
Then why did the left label them and violent and hysterical? And why did the liberal left get so angry when they saw rallying? By the way, you mean a few hundred THOUSAND each time over 3 years. Right but remember that's the total cumulative number over the whole country. Not all standing in the same spot at the same time. Especially occupied by teens, 20s and hippies that don't give a crap about the law. Agreed a "young people" event is almost certainly going to have more crime than an event of people mostly over the age 45. Try girls in tents with their friends in there too. Sure. A tent of girls is a pretty easy target. Though a would-be rapist would probably go in with some accomplices - though its possible he'd be alone. See, when the TEA party held rallies, they paid the police. And apparently they paid the police during the OWS protests too. How convenient! When it is lawless thugs, the executives, paying more than their fair share again, provide for the cops to try to stop the lawlessness that goes on there. Imagine if there were no cops there. No cops would be a bad idea. Traffic would be a nightmare and there would be accidents. But there's no need for the tear gas and rubber bullets. Over the years? Sure. In this OWS crap, none substantiated. If you can't believe a video right in front of you, then there's nothing I could show you that would convince you that cops hit people. Of course, even videos are hard to get, with cops these days smashing every camera they can get their hands on. Yeah, forgot about the other countries that support OWS who hate homosexuality. Yup. More proof that religion needs to get booted out the door. Not to mention Iranian girls are hot. I see 'em walking around at work and think "Goddammit why wear that stupid headscarf?". But the irony is I probably wouldn't have even noticed them if they didn't wear them... I always liked exotic girl. I would love to spend an evening with a Lebanese girl - I've heard nothing but good things about them. You mean like a private army? Thought you hated private armies? Or do you want one company enforcing rules on other companies? LOL what? I was talking about financial safety nets - like unemployment insurance. But its funny that private armies was the first thing that came to your mind. Blackwater was founded, funded, and legally protected by Christian Republicans. How about letting the consumers decide who passes and who fails through the best vote possible, their money they spend. Oh, that is called the free market. Are we still talking about private armies? Did you hear about all those people getting back at those big nasty banks? Yeah, they poor withdrew all their money from the BOA and other big bank accounts to put them in their local credit unions. The big banks are actually happy cause it saves them money and they are making more in profit now. Talk about ironic. The working man always loses. ![]() Sure, cause you can provide proof of that claim right? That the TEA partiers are just working to get all their Christian rules enacted by laws? I was referring to the Republican majority. And we did assassinate that nasty Muslim American everyone was talking about. ![]() So no actual proof of cops doing things wrong? Just out of context videos with people being arrested screaming they are innocent. Wow, I don't think I have ever heard that line before. Again, if video is not proof enough for you there's nothing else I could possibly show you. You know, I googled "TEA party police brutality", and nothing showed up. Well yeah duh. You yourself admitted the Tea Party paid them. Why on earth would they brutalize their source of revenue? That would be stupid. And they are the ones that supposedly wants to bring the system down. They are the ones that don't want billionaires bailed out. They are the ones that want the FED closed. They are the ones that say it is the governments fault and supposedly want to break up the unions these cops belong to. Yet no police brutality. But when the OWS people are saying they are there FOR the cops, the cops just want to beat them up? Wow, didn't think so many cops were that dumb. LOL okay. As I've already said - the Tea Party, despite the early anti-bank rhetoric, became part of the system. Which I also beleive may happen with the wall street protests. No, and when you get progressive government out of all those things, we won't have a problem. Again, goes back to government, NOT private businesses. So private business bribing government doesn't bother you in the slightest? If you cry about education costs, why is there no Occupy Harvard, or Yale, or many of the other high priced schools that have raised tuition at a faster rate than healthcare or the home bubble? There was something like that in the UK a while back. But Americans go on... oblivious, eating, praying, cheering on the troops. That's what we do. Or in more appropriate terms, protect themselves cause that is why we have the second amendment, for protection. You are pretty hard up on hating religion, or at least Christians and Jews, do you need to go speak to someone? Maybe your Imam or bar tender? ![]() Right, cause the Christians have done nothing for the world, much less this country. Not a damn thing. I mean, you only have unlimited freedom to practice any religion here. You also had unparalleled freedom to say what you wanted without being put to death for speaking against the government. Now, if you speak bad about the break Obama, there could be a Drone strike in your future. Yup. Thank God for the atheists keeping the Christians under control. Too bad Iran doesn't have more atheists. With the internet maybe that'll change. People gotta see how wasteful and stupid religion is eventually. Nothing better than progressives eugenics and the way they taught the Germans to use propaganda. Yes, progressives, the people that have brought us to the brink and are getting 14 million people suffer through unemployment to rid the country of religion. Such a great way to get people to accept you beliefs. I like how you bandy around "progressive" without the slightest clue what it means. You've already shown you know nothing about what "socialist" means, and despite my best efforts to educate you, it seems to have had no effect. Sure, just reminding you. Its gonna happen any second I'm sure. With a progressive NWO lackey in the WH, I am with you on that. Hopefully it isn't another MB take over. Oh dear. Scared of the New World Order too? As for me, I look forward to a unified world government. The time of the confederacy. Between the revolutionary war and 1792 when the constitution of the USA was ratified. Sure. Fair enough. Why reinvent the wheel when your solution is hover technology that doesn't work and has never worked? Because that's how social progress works. If we never tried something new, we'd still be on our knees praying... oh wait, some of us still are on their knees praying. So, instead of keeping with the system that works, you want to keep trying the system that fails time and again and only has resulted in 60,000,000 citizen lives so far? Brilliant. What is the old saying about insanity and doing the same thing over and expecting different results? Also, are you guys the same people that think evolution has made us this way, and you think we can just over come the centuries of being bred this way? Liberal contradiction, without it, your mouth would be shut. Progress is a scary thing, isn't it? Prove that the TEA party is all about putting Christian aspects back into law. I mean, our test scores where higher with God in the class room. Our murder rate and teen pregnancies were lower. But who wants to go back to when Christianity was such a model for people to look up too. Now you have people like Obama that goes around talking behind one of our allies backs, that seems pretty Christian of him. Wonder if he learned that from his racist pastor of 20 years or terrorist friend who sends ships filled with weapons to attack Israel. You can't be serious... God in the classroom improves scores? I guess kids learning the earth was created in six days is easier than learning all that stupid science stuff. And they are doing great now aren't they. Nope. They were crushed and brought back under Catholic rule, and their economy was ground into the dirt. A real pity. But hopefully the next revolution will be more successful. Better communication, weapons more freely available - a modern revolution wouldn't be so badly hamstrung as theirs was. |
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#29 |
Am I painting them ALL as rapists? Pubic deficators or urinators? Vandals, or lawless punks? The only thing they ALL have incommon is that they ALL don't have a permit to do what they are doing. Those that are participating in the events that have taken place in Oakland have been lawless. Rushing the police, shutting down a union port that already has finacial strains. Keeping hundreds from working, this is all the passive protests that are harmful to small businesses more than corporations. It is like the LA riots after Rondney King, all they are doing is hurting themselves. ![]() |
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#30 |
We keep propping up the OWS vs. Tea Party issue like they are fundamentally that different. As far as principles are concerned, the viewpoints are somewhat different but principally they both represent a large group of people who are dissatisfied with the system in place. One thing many representing OWS and the Tea Party have in common is their understanding of the issues are limited and they misplace blame. But what is important is both protests are composed of individuals, individuals who have opinions and believe in something strongly. Unfortunately there also exists individuals in a movement who could fairly be labeled as "racist" and bloodthirsty Imperialists and religious zealots and others in a movement that are in fact "rapists" and there are people who don't clean up after themselves very well. The point is in all instances these are the actions of individuals and it is important not to confuse the motives of the movement with the actions of individuals not endorsed by said movement. Let's be consistent, if you wish to judge the OWS as a protest composed of racist, dirty hippies it would be more than fair to label the Tea Party as a bunch of Racist Zionists, and vice-versa.
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#31 |
We keep propping up the OWS vs. Tea Party issue like they are fundamentally that different. As far as principles are concerned, the viewpoints are somewhat different but principally they both represent a large group of people who are dissatisfied with the system in place. One thing many representing OWS and the Tea Party have in common is their understanding of the issues are limited and they misplace blame. But what is important is both protests are composed of individuals, individuals who have opinions and believe in something strongly. Unfortunately there also exists individuals in a movement who could fairly be labeled as "racist" and bloodthirsty Imperialists and religious zealots and others in a movement that are in fact "rapists" and there are people who don't clean up after themselves very well. The point is in all instances these are the actions of individuals and it is important not to confuse the motives of the movement with the actions of individuals not endorsed by said movement. Let's be consistent, if you wish to judge the OWS as a protest composed of racist, dirty hippies it would be more than fair to lable the Tea Party as a bunch of Racist Zionists, and vice-versa. |
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#32 |
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#33 |
I'm sure it probably is, Zionist might in fact be more accurate as it broadens the term of religious zealotry beyond simple Christianity, but I think we can agree the point was made. |
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#34 |
oh, I wasn't doubting the term had been thrown at the Tea Party, I just hadn't heard of it. They have been accused of pretty everything else (as the OWS crowds have begun to experience). But hey, I will go with the people that aren't breaking the law when they rally and protest over the unrule mob that has cause small businesses to fire people and possibly go out of business. |
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#35 |
Big difference is, there is far more evidence to show the OWS crowd deserve those labels than the TEA party did. |
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#36 |
Which if you keep in mind we're still discussing the actions of a relatively small numbers individuals here there is no significant difference, both labels are blatantly unfair generalizations based on the actions of just a few individuals. Minor statistical differences in those represented doesn't justify the behavior one way or the other. If you think the labels are partially fair for the OWS you'd have to say the labels are also partially fair for the Tea Party, when in reality neither is really very accurate. I happen to represent neither groups of individuals, but if I was associated with the OWS I would definitely not care to be labeled as a rapist nor if I were with the Tea Party would I appreciate being labeled as a Christian Fundie. I am sorry, but the so called racist charges of the TEA party have been claimed by those calling out plants from the left and evicted from the rallies by peaceful means. The OWS crowd is breaking the law, and keeping the rapist from being caught by keeping the women silent. |
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#37 |
Obviously not since there is a growing movement to isolate women to prevent rapes from occuring. And these are just the rebels that have left the group to report such actions, many feminist groups are urging those raped to not report and let it be handled internally. Remember that big scandal of rapes being "handled" internally at the AF academy? |
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#38 |
I just thought these two articles were interesting:
'Occupy DC' Shows its True Colors - Police: Downtown Molotov cocktail linked to Occupy Portland - Granetd these are one side of a total story but when will people realize that usually these type of things escalate? Also another article about sex assaults among the camps. |
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#39 |
Well, many of them are violent and hysterical. Its hard of course to say exactly HOW MANY are violent and hysterical, but when Tea Party mouthpieces like Mark Williams say dumb shit... one has to wonder. Right but remember that's the total cumulative number over the whole country. Not all standing in the same spot at the same time. Do we need to go back to pics for comparisons? Agreed a "young people" event is almost certainly going to have more crime than an event of people mostly over the age 45. Ok? Yet not even the young people that showed up to the TEA party committed any crime, or disturbances. But hey, even the old people at OWS are getting arrested too. Sure. A tent of girls is a pretty easy target. Though a would-be rapist would probably go in with some accomplices - though its possible he'd be alone. Actually, the girl was with her male friends, and was still sexually assaulted. And apparently they paid the police during the OWS protests too. How convenient! Those that have something to lose, guess you can say it is convenient to pay for protection from those who are looking to steal what you have to pass it on to those that don't work. No cops would be a bad idea. Traffic would be a nightmare and there would be accidents. But there's no need for the tear gas and rubber bullets. There is when the rioters of OO start throwing bottles and rocks. Those are more ready of weapons that rubber bullets or tear gas. If you can't believe a video right in front of you, then there's nothing I could show you that would convince you that cops hit people. Of course, even videos are hard to get, with cops these days smashing every camera they can get their hands on. They have their own cameras, and the only way they will not be prosecuted for their actions is to show FULL context of why they did it. You seriously thinking that the liberals that break the law, are going to show full context of their actions. Yup. More proof that religion needs to get booted out the door. Even atheist china? LOL what? I was talking about financial safety nets - like unemployment insurance. You were saying "without government" safety nets. You when you talk about financial safety nets that are private, that is called personal responsibility. But its funny that private armies was the first thing that came to your mind. Blackwater was founded, funded, and legally protected by Christian Republicans. No, I was actually thinking about Obama and his willingness to make a private army. But hey, he doesn't need to pay OWS, kind of, for their thuggish actions. Are we still talking about private armies? Where do you get private armies from free market? The government is supposed to provide an army, but not everything else they try to pay out. The working man always loses. Oh, boo hoo. My tears are just flowing for someone working for what they want. Maybe one day you will have a working job that provides for all your wants too. I was referring to the Republican majority. And we did assassinate that nasty Muslim American everyone was talking about. ![]() Again, if video is not proof enough for you there's nothing else I could possibly show you. Well, until you can show me full context videos, you won't convince me either. But you go right a head and think liberals provide full story news. I mean, you could only look in the mirror and see how liberals take anything out of context to try to argue against facts. Well yeah duh. You yourself admitted the Tea Party paid them. Why on earth would they brutalize their source of revenue? That would be stupid. Remember all the liberal meme about how the TEA party hates cops and is trying to have them fired? If someone was really trying to get me and my brothers fired, I would have a problem with their message. Guess it is a good thing cops are smarter than the average liberal base. LOL okay. As I've already said - the Tea Party, despite the early anti-bank rhetoric, became part of the system. Which I also beleive may happen with the wall street protests. They weren't against the banks. They were against the government giving the banks a bailout for their failed policies. Maybe one day you can actually soak up facts, instead of throwing out liberal memes. No, and when you get progressive government out of all those things, we won't have a problem. Again, goes back to government, NOT private businesses. So private business bribing government doesn't bother you in the slightest? So when government gets out of bed with private companies is what you think is me saying I want government to be bribed? You are dense and this is my last response to you. There was something like that in the UK a while back. But Americans go on... oblivious, eating, praying, cheering on the troops. That's what we do. But the liberals refuse to discuss the price of colleges, or address it. And they refuse to see that it is because the government back loans is why the liberal universities are raising their rates faster than housing was, or faster than healthcare. Liberals and OWS only want to blame the banks for them deciding to get a $100k loan and not getting a job with a liberal arts, woman studies, "some dead language" studies, or under water basket weaving degrees. I mean how dumb do you have to be to think it is the banks fault for providing something you want. Should the banks have turned them down cause they went after these crap degrees? Should the banks become the guidance counselors, the academic advisors that should tell the kids, "like most things liberal, a liberal arts degree will only get you dependent on the government." Muslims are dumb too. But they're on another continent, so they're not a threat. Plenty of christians trying do batshit crazy things in my own country. Yes, like that Christian that wanted to set off the car bomb in NYC. Or the Christian that was planning to kill the Saudi Ambassador. Or the Christian that shot up an Army hospital...oh wait, those weren't Christians, and they didn't happen on another continent. But you go a head and keep lumping all religions into one mass mess of ideology. Not a damn thing. Except freedom, democracy, end to slavey, right to practice what ever religion you want. Yep, nothing. Yup. Thank God for the atheists keeping the Christians under control. Too bad Iran doesn't have more atheists. With the internet maybe that'll change. People gotta see how wasteful and stupid religion is eventually. No, actually that was all tenants of Christianity the founders had. I like how you bandy around "progressive" without the slightest clue what it means. What you think it means and what it has done are way different things. You've already shown you know nothing about what "socialist" means, and despite my best efforts to educate you, it seems to have had no effect. Your pseudo-intellegence might go over well when you are quoting the communist manifesto to other liberals, but it doesn't phase me a bit. I see the real world, not what you think is going on. Its gonna happen any second I'm sure. If you are with the liberals and socialist and the rest of the revolutionary radicles, you will end up on the losing side no matter what. When it comes to socialism, it is a form of economics only for the people, not the ruling class. Oh dear. Scared of the New World Order too? As for me, I look forward to a unified world government. You still don't see that most of the rules that are put in place by our federal government, doesn't work in every area of the country, but you want to expand that for the world too? You are just a glutton for punishment. Because that's how social progress works. If we never tried something new, we'd still be on our knees praying... oh wait, some of us still are on their knees praying. We aren't trying something new, we are trying the FAILED governments of socialism. You will ALWAYS run out of other peoples money with socialism. Progress is a scary thing, isn't it? It is when you lie about the usage of the word. It is not a progress for the people, but for the people in charge. The people's power hasn't increased, only the governments. You can't be serious... God in the classroom improves scores? I guess kids learning the earth was created in six days is easier than learning all that stupid science stuff. Nope, but made the kids respect their elders and pay attention to what the teacher was saying. But you libs wouldn't know anything about respecting your elders, remember to not trust anyone over 30 right? Nope. They were crushed and brought back under Catholic rule, and their economy was ground into the dirt. A real pity. But hopefully the next revolution will be more successful. Better communication, weapons more freely available - a modern revolution wouldn't be so badly hamstrung as theirs was. Glad you proved my point about how the founders Christianity which didn't enforce their beliefs upon the citizenry was the best method to conduct a Christian nation like ours. |
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#40 |
[QUOTE=WILDJOKER5;486185][QUOTE=Joe Bonham;485500]one has to wonder. Ok, left speculation of the right and dismissal of the left, gotchya. Nice to see your troll tendencies showing up. You deny the Mark Williams incident? Nice!
Do we need to go back to pics for comparisons? Don't even start that BS again. You're the one who refuses to acknowledge video that disagrees with your religion/ideology. Ok? Yet not even the young people that showed up to the TEA party committed any crime, or disturbances. But hey, even the old people at OWS are getting arrested too. No one is disputing that the Tea Party are good little slaves. Actually, the girl was with her male friends, and was still sexually assaulted. Okay. Those that have something to lose, guess you can say it is convenient to pay for protection from those who are looking to steal what you have to pass it on to those that don't work. They have their own cameras, and the only way they will not be prosecuted for their actions is to show FULL context of why they did it. You seriously thinking that the liberals that break the law, are going to show full context of their actions. Even atheist china? Considering how fast China is growing, yup. I know economics is confusing to Christians who still believe in shiny rocks, but your children will understand - because they'll be atheists! ![]() You were saying "without government" safety nets. You when you talk about financial safety nets that are private, that is called personal responsibility. Okay sure. That is EXACTLY what I said. /sarcasm No, I was actually thinking about Obama and his willingness to make a private army. But hey, he doesn't need to pay OWS, kind of, for their thuggish actions. As opposed to Fundamentalist Christians, who LITERALLY built private armies? Oh, boo hoo. My tears are just flowing for someone working for what they want. Maybe one day you will have a working job that provides for all your wants too. I'm doing quite fine, thank you. Remember all the liberal meme about how the TEA party hates cops and is trying to have them fired? If someone was really trying to get me and my brothers fired, I would have a problem with their message. Guess it is a good thing cops are smarter than the average liberal base. Cops ARE getting fired across the United States. But sure bro, whatever. They weren't against the banks. They were against the government giving the banks a bailout for their failed policies. Maybe one day you can actually soak up facts, instead of throwing out liberal memes. "Meme" seems to be your new favorite word. Read it on the blaze no doubt. Listen REAL carefully, because I know this is very complex and hard for you to understand - The OWS... Protests... are.... against... the... bank bailouts... too. There, that wasn't so hard, was it? So when government gets out of bed with private companies is what you think is me saying I want government to be bribed? You are dense and this is my last response to you. you only seem to get mad when it is "liberal" companies getting into bed with the goverment. When the Tea Party or JP Morgan bribes the police department, or Haliburton bribes the DOD to hire Christian mercenaries, you apparently have no objections. But the liberals refuse to discuss the price of colleges, or address it. And they refuse to see that it is because the government back loans is why the liberal universities are raising their rates faster than housing was, or faster than healthcare. Liberals and OWS only want to blame the banks for them deciding to get a $100k loan and not getting a job with a liberal arts, woman studies, "some dead language" studies, or under water basket weaving degrees. I mean how dumb do you have to be to think it is the banks fault for providing something you want. Should the banks have turned them down cause they went after these crap degrees? Should the banks become the guidance counselors, the academic advisors that should tell the kids, "like most things liberal, a liberal arts degree will only get you dependent on the government." You say liberals "refuse to discuss it"... yet here I am discussing it. Idiot. Yes, like that Christian that wanted to set off the car bomb in NYC. Or the Christian that was planning to kill the Saudi Ambassador. Or the Christian that shot up an Army hospital...oh wait, those weren't Christians, and they didn't happen on another continent. But you go a head and keep lumping all religions into one mass mess of ideology. Religions are a mass mess of ideology. And stupid ideology at that. How about the Christians who tried to legalize abortion clinic bombing in N Dakota, or the Christians who tried to force rape victims to raise their predator's child, or the Christians who condemn thousands of people to death by refusing to allow stem cell research to move forward? Except freedom, democracy, end to slavey, right to practice what ever religion you want. Yep, nothing. Deists actually. Thanks god we have a secular community to keep the Christian murderers and fanatics in line. No, actually that was all tenants of Christianity the founders had. If that helps you sleep at night, sure. But fortunately we are moving away from the radical and violent ideology of Christianity, and there are more atheists in America every day. What you think it means and what it has done are way different things. Yeah, it let all those bad blacks use the same water fountain as you. Horrible. Your pseudo-intellegence might go over well when you are quoting the communist manifesto to other liberals, but it doesn't phase me a bit. I see the real world, not what you think is going on. Interesting. So what do you think "socialism" is about? And please, actually TRY this time, and not just some nonsense about bullets in the back of the head. If you are with the liberals and socialist and the rest of the revolutionary radicles, you will end up on the losing side no matter what. When it comes to socialism, it is a form of economics only for the people, not the ruling class. EXACTLY. Because eventually, a ruling class will be unecessary. It is very revealing that a supposed Christian cannot imagine a world without a wealthy ruling class. You still don't see that most of the rules that are put in place by our federal government, doesn't work in every area of the country, but you want to expand that for the world too? You are just a glutton for punishment. Our Federal Government works alright, despite the hordes of undereducated Christians bringing their ideology to the polls. A world government presumably would just be another echelon overseeing the various national governments. We aren't trying something new, we are trying the FAILED governments of socialism. You will ALWAYS run out of other peoples money with socialism. Both capitalism and socialism will fail when taken to absurd extremes. The key to success is combining the positive traits from the two systems... and of course eliminating religion. It is when you lie about the usage of the word. It is not a progress for the people, but for the people in charge. The people's power hasn't increased, only the governments. You're an even bigger fool than I thought. You really think we haven't seen any progress since the 19th century? Where did you learn that? Sunday School? Nope, but made the kids respect their elders and pay attention to what the teacher was saying. But you libs wouldn't know anything about respecting your elders, remember to not trust anyone over 30 right? Respect your elders was not started by Christians. If you knew ANYTHING about world history you would know that. Glad you proved my point about how the founders Christianity which didn't enforce their beliefs upon the citizenry was the best method to conduct a Christian nation like ours. What are you rambling about? I'm TRYING to teach you world history... and apparently it isn't working. |
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