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Old 11-03-2011, 05:30 PM   #1

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Default Oakland is starting to burn because of Occupiers.
Who would ignore the order to enforce marshal law in Oakland if Obama called in the national guard?

Who would fight with the Oakland mob who is destroying private property and fighting the cops?

Who would obey the order from Obama, even if it goes against the constitution?

Who would stand with another politician who offers a better sollution to restore order abiding by the constitution?

Alexunda is offline

Old 11-03-2011, 09:23 PM   #2

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I say ring the city where the riots are going on. Use beanbag guns and tranqs.. Then charge all those in it with destruction of property, arson, vandalizm etc.
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:35 PM   #3

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Just leave the stadium alone. I have yet to make it to a Raiders home game!
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:45 PM   #4

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If they are destroying private/public property and presenting a danger to people not involved then you're damn right I'd stand up and say send my ass if they were looking or volunteers.

The have a right to assemble and freedom of speech. Not to assault people and break thier stuff.
MondayBlues is offline

Old 11-03-2011, 10:38 PM   #5
Kinds Of Pain Meds

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Typical WJ5 rant. An angry picture with no story or evidence to back it up... I'm surprised there's no wads of cash or scheming Atheist Muslims involved.

Incidentally I LIVE there. No need for alarm, the city is NOT burning... or at least, not burning anymore than it usually is.
Kinds Of Pain Meds is offline

Old 11-04-2011, 08:06 AM   #6

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or at least, not burning anymore than it usually is.
LOL.. that is funny.

BUT seriously. I do find it interesting in the several pics i have seen, most of the 'demonstrators' are holding sticks (not plaques) and got their faces covered up... makes you wonder.
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Old 11-04-2011, 01:29 PM   #7

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Typical WJ5 rant. An angry picture with no story or evidence to back it up... I'm surprised there's no wads of cash or scheming Atheist Muslims involved.

Incidentally I LIVE there. No need for alarm, the city is NOT burning... or at least, not burning anymore than it usually is.
I am sorry Joe, I kind of thought people would have been paying attention to the news as of late. I will find you the story of how Oakland protesters have shut down their port, and a group of the occupiers have started destroying things and breaking crap.

This link (being from the Blaze) will give you most of the strories that have happened in Oakland. BTW, Because the Mayor has told her police force to back off, I say NO FEDERAL FUNDS FOR OAKLAND!!!
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Old 11-05-2011, 11:56 PM   #8

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So Oakie people are burning trash heaps... so what else is new?

I have to compliment the Blaze photographers though. Good choice on filters, or they set up some studio lights (either that or some tweaking in photoshop afterwards). My pictures like that either look like shit because I didn't have the flash on, or lose all of their emotional appeal because I had the flash on and it looks like broad daylight.

In a nutshell... those were staged.
HoniSoniproca is offline

Old 11-06-2011, 11:40 AM   #9

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"Police in riot gear arrested more than 80 protesters in downtown Oakland, where masked protesters took over a vacant building, erected roadblocks, and threw chunks of concrete and firebombs. Five people and several officers were injured."

from the Philidelphia Inquirer who just happens to have a different picture but the same lighting effects NOAH BERGER / Associated Press)

Maybe apeture size, iso settings, or whatever had something to do with it....and maybe just maybe the photo was not staged cause this one has the same lighting effects

Maybe there are some bad apples in the OWS crowd and not all of them are pure as the driven snow. Maybe those few are giving the OWS crowd a bad name. And we wouldnt want that....Its ok the call the tea party racist and everything else, but lets be gentle with the OWS crowd and not given them any nicknames with sexual connotations...they deserve our sympathy. So what if there a few (maybe alot) rapes and riots...its all for a good cause.
Kk21pwa9 is offline

Old 11-07-2011, 04:28 AM   #10

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I think you're confused as to what "staged" means...

"Line up over here and look badass for the camera".

Maybe there are some bad apples in the OWS crowd and not all of them are pure as the driven snow. Maybe those few are giving the OWS crowd a bad name. And we wouldnt want that....Its ok the call the tea party racist and everything else, but lets be gentle with the OWS crowd and not given them any nicknames with sexual connotations...they deserve our sympathy. So what if there a few (maybe alot) rapes and riots...its all for a good cause. Sure buddy.
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Old 11-07-2011, 01:36 PM   #11

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I think you're confused as to what "staged" means...

"Line up over here and look badass for the camera".
Is THAT what happened?

Sure buddy.
So, he doesn't have a point?
vSzsgifP is offline

Old 11-08-2011, 03:04 AM   #12

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Is THAT what happened?
Well sure. Why not? Everybody loves to mug for the camera.

So, he doesn't have a point? Maybe. But an awfully convenient one. Its just amusing to see tea partyers screaming about a movement that is virtually identical to their own. Why the religious right is so deathly afraid of the WSO protests is a bit of a mystery.
vekiuytyh is offline

Old 11-08-2011, 01:36 PM   #13

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Well sure. Why not? Everybody loves to mug for the camera.

Maybe. But an awfully convenient one. Its just amusing to see tea partyers screaming about a movement that is virtually identical to their own. Why the religious right is so deathly afraid of the WSO protests is a bit of a mystery.
You are still going to try that meme about the TEA party and OWS being identical?

It starts out with a couple of points on which almost every American can agree.






And then the groups begin to split


•Break The System vs. Fix The System

•We should be bailed out too! vs. Nobody should be bailed out!

•Get money out of politics. vs. Get politics out of money.

•We deserve other people’s money. vs. People deserve to keep what they earn.

•We need to keep spending money we don’t have. vs. We need to stop spending money we don’t have.

•The solution is to increase govt power. vs. The solution is to decrease govt power.

•Tax those evil rich fat cats into oblivion. vs. We’re taxed enough already.

•Replace the Constitution vs. Restore the Constitution Not one arrest of a TEA partier at a rally. Not one act of vandalism, rape, theft, or even littering at a rally. The TEA party even filled out all paperwork and paid all fees to hold their rallies. The OWS group just shows up and squats, tearing up the space they occupy, defecating and urinating anywhere they want, and causeing businesses to go out of business just due to their presents.

Sure, keep claiming they are the same, and keep throwing in your prejudice bigotry about the religious right.
Peabelilt is offline

Old 11-08-2011, 01:53 PM   #14

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Well sure. Why not? Everybody loves to mug for the camera.
So you really have no evidence, empirical or anecdotal that the photos were staged? I suppose it is safe to say that your remark was off-hand and unsupported?

Maybe. But an awfully convenient one. Its just amusing to see tea partyers screaming about a movement that is virtually identical to their own. Why the religious right is so deathly afraid of the WSO protests is a bit of a mystery.
Did you really miss the hypocrisy? What has the religious right have to do with anything? Why does the religious right enter into almost all of your arguments? Are they the new Bush? Come one, stay on point. The premise was simple. The left has been attempting to paint the Tea Party as racist, claiming that there have been racist incidents at Tea Party events. Assuming this is true they have obviously been isolated and small in number, otherwise we would have seen more evidence of these acts and the Tea Party events would resemble Klan rallies. Obviously they don’t so it is equally obvious that the attempt is to vilify the party, painting them all with the same brush and thus minimalizing them.

Now comes the OWS where there have been confirmed reports of sexual assaults (among other illegal and otherwise antisocial behavior) so the anti-OWS (call them the right) want to use the same tactics and paint the entire OWS movement with that same brush. Based on what appear to be, taken as a whole, isolated incidents. Then people like you rush to the defense of OWS and cry foul because this is unfair.

Tell me exactly how it is that you are any different than WJ5? Other than being somewhat more articulate, tell me how your tactics differ in any way?
Dwencejed is offline

Old 11-08-2011, 03:39 PM   #15

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Tell me exactly how it is that you are any different than WJ5? Other than being somewhat more articulate, tell me how your tactics differ in any way?
Am I painting them ALL as rapists? Pubic deficators or urinators? Vandals, or lawless punks? The only thing they ALL have incommon is that they ALL don't have a permit to do what they are doing. Those that are participating in the events that have taken place in Oakland have been lawless. Rushing the police, shutting down a union port that already has finacial strains. Keeping hundreds from working, this is all the passive protests that are harmful to small businesses more than corporations. It is like the LA riots after Rondney King, all they are doing is hurting themselves.
Cheaperisdeeper is offline

Old 11-08-2011, 04:13 PM   #16

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Am I painting them ALL as rapists? Pubic deficators or urinators? Vandals, or lawless punks? The only thing they ALL have incommon is that they ALL don't have a permit to do what they are doing. Those that are participating in the events that have taken place in Oakland have been lawless. Rushing the police, shutting down a union port that already has finacial strains. Keeping hundreds from working, this is all the passive protests that are harmful to small businesses more than corporations. It is like the LA riots after Rondney King, all they are doing is hurting themselves.
Joe has consistently called you on the same things I see present in his posts, thus I mentioned you. I did not quote any accusations you have made or didn't make.
dolaBeetCeage is offline

Old 11-08-2011, 09:16 PM   #17

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You are still going to try that meme about the TEA party and OWS being identical?
Looks like you've trotted out a list of mostly imaginary or grossly simplified positions. But nonetheless...


•Break The System vs. Fix The System Silly. No one is suggesting that we "break" the system. Everybody wants the system fixed. They just disagree on how exactly we should do that.

•We should be bailed out too! vs. Nobody should be bailed out! Wrong. Many Tea Party members are (rightly) worried about their Social Security and Medicare entitlements.

•Get money out of politics. vs. Get politics out of money. Meaningless.

•We deserve other people’s money. vs. People deserve to keep what they earn. -The Banks and the Rich shouldn't get our money. vs. the banks should get most or all of our money.


•We need to keep spending money we don’t have. vs. We need to stop spending money we don’t have. Stupid.

•The solution is to increase govt power. vs. The solution is to decrease govt power. Depends how you define "government power".

•Tax those evil rich fat cats into oblivion. vs. We’re taxed enough already. The way the Christian right identifies with the rich is interesting.

Even when Herman Cain suggests we cut taxes for the rich and increase YOUR taxes, you still support it.

•Replace the Constitution vs. Restore the Constitution The Constitution is a piece of paper written over 200 years ago. If replacing it is the solution to our economic problems then so be it.

Not one arrest of a TEA partier at a rally. Not one act of vandalism, rape, theft, or even littering at a rally. The TEA party even filled out all paperwork and paid all fees to hold their rallies. The OWS group just shows up and squats, tearing up the space they occupy, defecating and urinating anywhere they want, and causeing businesses to go out of business just due to their presents. Oh no that's not a wild generalization at all.

Sure, keep claiming they are the same, and keep throwing in your prejudice bigotry about the religious right. When you stop shoving your ideology down our throats, I'll start taking you guys seriously. Actually no, I do take you seriously, I take you as a serious threat to my civil liberties.
MinisuipGaicai is offline

Old 11-08-2011, 09:26 PM   #18

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So you really have no evidence, empirical or anecdotal that the photos were staged? I suppose it is safe to say that your remark was off-hand and unsupported?
I bet you think all of those newspaper images of Marines menacingly sighting their weapons into the camera are all real combat photos too.

Or perhaps one of the most famous staged photographs of all time:

Did you really miss the hypocrisy? What has the religious right have to do with anything? Why does the religious right enter into almost all of your arguments? Are they the new Bush? Come one, stay on point. The premise was simple. The left has been attempting to paint the Tea Party as racist, claiming that there have been racist incidents at Tea Party events. Assuming this is true they have obviously been isolated and small in number, otherwise we would have seen more evidence of these acts and the Tea Party events would resemble Klan rallies. Obviously they don’t so it is equally obvious that the attempt is to vilify the party, painting them all with the same brush and thus minimalizing them.

Now comes the OWS where there have been confirmed reports of sexual assaults (among other illegal and otherwise antisocial behavior) so the anti-OWS (call them the right) want to use the same tactics and paint the entire OWS movement with that same brush. Based on what appear to be, taken as a whole, isolated incidents. Then people like you rush to the defense of OWS and cry foul because this is unfair. All true. The key difference is, for the most part, you don't see us demanding that the Tea Party be suppressed by the police, locked up, or in WJ5's words... beheaded.

And I will agree with you that there is quite a bit of silliness and tom-foolery in the protests, or any large demonstration for that matter. But no matter how silly or appalling I find a movement, you will never see me demanding that Big Brother put them down.

Tell me exactly how it is that you are any different than WJ5? Other than being somewhat more articulate, tell me how your tactics differ in any way? To put it simply, I would like everyone to mind their own business - he wants the Government to be in everyone's business, at least as far as his moral ideaology is concerned.
Bugamerka is offline

Old 11-08-2011, 10:49 PM   #19

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I bet you think all of those newspaper images of Marines menacingly sighting their weapons into the camera are all real combat photos too.

I guess because some photos are staged we can pick and choose to declare which other photos are as well. Particularly if it supports our agenda. I for one have no earthly idea if they were staged.

All true. The key difference is, for the most part, you don't see us demanding that the Tea Party be suppressed by the police, locked up, or in WJ5's words... beheaded.

And I will agree with you that there is quite a bit of silliness and tom-foolery in the protests, or any large demonstration for that matter. But no matter how silly or appalling I find a movement, you will never see me demanding that Big Brother put them down.

To put it simply, I would like everyone to mind their own business - he wants the Government to be in everyone's business, at least as far as his moral ideaology is concerned.
So it is really a matter of degree of rhetoric that is important? Some is ok, a lot isn't?

BTW: I condemn both sides of the argument when presented with rhetoric and hyperbole.
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Old 11-09-2011, 12:38 AM   #20

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Looks like you've trotted out a list of mostly imaginary or grossly simplified positions. But nonetheless...

Silly. No one is suggesting that we "break" the system. Everybody wants the system fixed. They just disagree on how exactly we should do that.
Wow, are you ready to be schooled?

No one is suggesting we "break" the system huh?
Wrong. Many Tea Party members are (rightly) worried about their Social Security and Medicare entitlements. SS is not a bailout like what the OWS people are looking for. They are looking for free healthcare, free college, etc. Do you not see the difference? SS is something everyone that has worked has paid into, free college to people that haven't done anything to deserve it is pointless.

Meaningless. Yes, it is pointless to say having a smaller government that can't pass out billions to their friends is meaningless. But hey, you only want to shrink businesses, not government.

-The Banks and the Rich shouldn't get our money. vs. the banks should get most or all of our money.

Fixed. Really? The TEA party was out there protesting because Bush started the bailouts. Are you just trolling, or seriously that ignorant?

Stupid. Always is to a person who believes in the system of economics that has sank all nations that try it and produces some of the worse dictators is history. What is 60 million lives in exchange for "equality for some"?

Depends how you define "government power". There is only one definition. It is more like how much power do you want to give the government. It is the reason why our constitution is a government limiter, not a freedom limiter.

The way the Christian right identifies with the rich is interesting.

Even when Herman Cain suggests we cut taxes for the rich and increase YOUR taxes, you still support it. Interesting that you have to call in your ridiculous moniker for the right.

The TEA party isn't calling for a tax cut for the rich, they are saying EVERYONE is taxed enough already. If the poor want to complain that someone else isn't taxed enough, why don't they forgow their tax return check or their EIC that isn't even money they paid into the system. And certainly if they survived all year long without that money, getting it back and then some, won't make them starve. It is amazing that the left is always quick to tell others to give up what they have, but lack the personal responsibility to alter their lifestyle to fit their income.

As for Cain, I don't support him. He is a crony. But lowering the taxes on the corporations is lowering the taxes on the those that buy stuff. When was the last time the sales tax wasn't added on to the price YOU paid at the store. That is what happens with corporations taxes, they up the price of goods they produce to pay for that tax. Amazing that the poor always votes to raise their own taxes cause some democrat portrayed large corporations as being the evil one.

The Constitution is a piece of paper written over 200 years ago. If replacing it is the solution to our economic problems then so be it. Yes, cause replacing the one document that has kept the largest amount of people free with liberty for over 200 years is the problem. The constitution limits the government for a reason, and when American realize that the government over reaching its bounds is the reason for the economic problems, NOT the constitution, there will be a changing of the guard for sure.

Oh no that's not a wild generalization at all. You are right, that is not a generalization, it is the truth. The TEA party was labeled with everything under the sun, without a single shred of proof. Yet you turn your head to the pictures, videos, and accounts of actual OWS protesters.

When you stop shoving your ideology down our throats, I'll start taking you guys seriously. Actually no, I do take you seriously, I take you as a serious threat to my civil liberties. Right, like what civil liberties are those? The liberty to push old women down stairs. The liberties to put your kids in harms way of a rally you plan to get out of control? Your liberties to attack cops and spit on them, and then complain when they take you to jail? What on earth liberties do you think the right is taking away from you?
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