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Search: Posts Made By: Mabeavyledlib
Forum: Islam 03-06-2013, 03:07 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 178
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
Is ahlus-sunna.com barelvi or deobandi?

AsalamAlaikum I simply need to know actually, don't have much understanding of that site. I'd ask after ramadan. But because I would simply take some understanding from that site I'd choose...
Forum: General Discussion 12-07-2012, 07:39 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 109
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
Che has had over Poly or what?

Elegant!! http://www.discussworldissues.com/forums/admincp/images/smilies/biggrin.gif
Forum: Asia 09-21-2012, 11:59 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 719
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
hi all, me currently base in bkk. good to hear...

hi all,
me currently base in bkk. good to hear some s'porean around.
been searching around for sgp in bkk but not much luck.

anyone have lobang on golf lesson over here?

Forum: Tennis 09-21-2012, 09:17 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 3,160
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
Thanks, but i mean only pdf draws (IBM, or...

Thanks, but i mean only pdf draws (IBM, or official - like in this thread)
Forum: Tennis 09-21-2012, 08:06 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 3,160
Posted By Mabeavyledlib

Forum: Tennis 09-21-2012, 01:28 PM
Replies: 24
Views: 3,160
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
Great job Can you upload complete DW and DM...

Great job

Can you upload complete DW and DM draws (in one page), and ladies' doubles qualifying draw?

ps. Do you have archive wimbledon pdf draws, like you uploaded? I'm lookong for some 1999 -...
Forum: Islam 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 814
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
see ...


Forum: Islam 09-03-2012, 11:21 PM
Replies: 39
Views: 3,461
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
My bad in that case. Actually I keep...

My bad in that case.
Actually I keep criticizing the US.
But it consists of real human beings. And then there are Muslims too there. And some of the users here are are from that land. I sort of...
Forum: Africa 09-03-2012, 08:13 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 826
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
Foreigners die in Cairo blast

Four people have been killed - two of them foreigners - in a blast near a popular tourist area in the Egyptian capital Cairo.

Forum: Africa 09-03-2012, 07:07 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 2,330
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
Nigerians flee northern rioting

Thousands flee their homes in northern Nigeria as the election runner-up, Gen Muhammadu Buhari, says post-election violence is "unwarranted".

Forum: Islam 09-03-2012, 12:14 AM
Replies: 39
Views: 2,722
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
OK it is 3 to 4 feet. May be your taqwa says...

OK it is 3 to 4 feet.

May be your taqwa says people will use magnifying lens.
Forum: Central and South America 09-02-2012, 05:25 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 664
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
gta iv rip chomikuj pl

Pobierz (http://www.gkppe.twmi4me.mil.pl/sitemap.php) Pobierz (http://www.tabs.twmi4me.mil.pl/sitemap.php) autobus instalki mio moov 2011q2 download minecraft 1 0 0 pory roku vzm 1 5 darmowy program...
Forum: Pets Forum 08-30-2012, 03:01 PM
Replies: 20
Views: 2,140
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
what was the strongest reaction....

..when you told someone you like/have pit-bulls?

I told my grandmother that I liked pitbulls, and she flinched back and made a gasping sound. She then asked, with a shocked/disgusted look on...
Forum: Science Forum 08-27-2012, 04:30 PM
Replies: 26
Views: 2,652
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
As did I - didn't really give it much thought:...

As did I - didn't really give it much thought: "It happens so it is probably meant to do it".
Forum: North America 08-18-2012, 03:45 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 2,176
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
Well you do have a point there.. Us men are...

Well you do have a point there.. Us men are still dealing with the whole Spandex situation these days.

However I will go on record as saying I would really like to get behind this girl and...
Forum: Losing Weight 08-05-2012, 11:30 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 3,749
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
I have been wanting to order from there, how were...

I have been wanting to order from there, how were your weight loss results with these?
Forum: Science Forum 08-02-2012, 02:38 AM
Replies: 99
Views: 6,114
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
List of scientifically controlled double blind...

List of scientifically controlled double blind studies which have conclusively demonstrated the efficacy of homeopathy

Forum: Hinduism 07-26-2012, 04:44 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 3,234
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
1. Dasaratha had a daughter as per Valmiki. what...

1. Dasaratha had a daughter as per Valmiki. what is her name

2. Name the wife of Bharata

3. Name the wife of satrugna

4. Who is the brother of sage Agastya mentioned by Valmiki,. whom sri...
Forum: Golf 07-14-2012, 01:28 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 1,790
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
Protein bars, granola bars, or a sandwich. Never...

Protein bars, granola bars, or a sandwich. Never a full meal or anything too heavy.
Forum: Golf 07-07-2012, 09:01 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 2,289
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
I was fit for my entire set. I even have custom...

I was fit for my entire set. I even have custom grinds on my wedges and clubs bent to cover distance gaps. I was fit at a true temper performance center.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Forum: Golf 07-07-2012, 08:51 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 2,266
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
My friend drives the ball about 230, hits her 7...

My friend drives the ball about 230, hits her 7 iron around 135-140, and plays from courses 6100-6500 on average and has a scoring average way below 80. So definitely possible. However she's going...
Forum: General Discussion 07-06-2012, 05:23 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 3,085
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
Hehe, more than likely the city did what they...

Hehe, more than likely the city did what they always do and went with the lowest bidder. More often than not cheapest /= best.
Forum: Buddhism 07-02-2012, 12:27 PM
Replies: 32
Views: 1,883
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
It's called Engaged Buddhism, I thought there was...

It's called Engaged Buddhism, I thought there was one organisation named this but a quick google shows there are lots, but yes Christianity places more emphasis on this sort of thing than other...
Forum: Pets Forum 06-28-2012, 04:02 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 3,279
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
I'm not a big fan of Dogs Deserve Better. I've...

I'm not a big fan of Dogs Deserve Better. I've heard a lot of bad things about them.
Forum: Golf 06-28-2012, 01:12 AM
Replies: 29
Views: 1,938
Posted By Mabeavyledlib
You should get fitted for sure. But on a...

You should get fitted for sure.
But on a side-note, no one else but you knows what club you take on a shot, you can just pretend its a lower club. And 170-180 8 iron is pretty darn long, even Tiger...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 364

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